Ch.56 It's time to meet Daddy!

I was in my bed and I was sleeping and I was woken into the dream of the house. I guess my mother is here to visit me, so I went downstairs to see what was happening. I excitedly went down to see who was here to visit me and I saw that it was Klaus Hope's dad. He looked at me and he asked "Now, why the long face not happy to see me?"

I walked down the stairs and I chuckled and I asked "To what do I owe this visit?"

He put his hands backwards and started to walk towards me and he smiled and said "Well, you are dating my daughter so I thought that I should also meet you again as the father."

I walked to the kitchen and he followed and I said "If I remember correctly we have already met and you have already threatened me for trying to date your daughter if I remember correctly." I was looking for the scotch. I found it and got two glasses.

I poured it and he sat down and took the glass and he said "Well, this is for officially dating my daughter." he looked at me and raised his glass and said "Cheers." We took the shot.

I asked "So why are you here now telling me to break it up with your daughter?" I poured another.

He said "Now, now don't be so judy. You haven't been half bad. Although I did hope that you would have been killed in hell by those demons but look at you now here you are in the land of the living." He drank

I took the shot and said "Yay, me."

He chuckled and said "I honestly mean that when I said that you haven't been half bad. You are worthy… kid."

I chuckled and said "I am not sure who the kid is anymore… seeing that I am old as dirt and by that I mean you."

He poured a drink and he said "Lucas, right now Hope is about to do something that will change the whole supernatural world. I want you to make her see otherwise."

I looked at him and I said "She decided to become the tribrid?"

He nodded and I took the shot and I said "Look I know that you are concerned about her but I can't stop her from being what she is supposed to be."

He looked at me and he said "She will break Lucas."

I looked at him and said "I will be there for her Klaus, I will help her in any way I can, her fear to become the tribrid is because she thinks she will become like you. But I won't let that happen to her; she will still remain the Hope we know. Just trust that she is strong."

He sighed and said "And here I thought you would stop her." He took the glass and said "You better take care of my daughter or…"

I cut him off and said "Yeah, I know you will come back and hunt me down, blah, blah, blah. I get it and I promise to take care of her."

We both cheered and drank it.

Then I was woken up I got up and I said "What a great way to start my day, it's almost as if I didn't leave hell."

I then got to my daily routine of exercise and after that I went to have breakfast. I saw that the guys were there as well as Alyssa. I walked to the table and sat down and I said "Good morning guys."

They said "Good morning." I sat down and I asked "Where is Landon?"

Ralph said "he is hungover from last night, he says he needs rest."

Alyssa asked me "So I heard that Hope, Josie and Lizzie have gone camping or something?"

I said, "Yeah, they didn't tell me where they were going."

She then asked "Do you know why they went?"

I said "I do but I would rather them tell you all about it. I don't want to ruin it."

After the breakfast was done I went home and the others went to class. I walked to my home and entered and I sat on my couch and turned on TV and got the beer out of the fridge. I was getting ready to relax but then I got a message. I sighed and checked it. It was from Hope she had asked me to come to the principal's office.

I got up and turned off the TV. I then took the bottle and I opened a portal and I walked through and I saw Hope, Josie and Lizzie and the principal said "He is here, so what is that you wanted to say?"

Hope looked at me and took a deep breath and said "I am going to turn into a vampire and become the tribrid."

Caroline was surprised and Prof. Satlzman said "Are you sure?"

Hope said "Yeah, I was always scared of it but now I am not so scared anymore… I am sure I will be able to take it head on."

I smiled and walked over to her and I kissed her and said "I will help you with anything you ask."

She nodded and hugged me. I then asked "So you guys were not doing a pillow fight on the trip." She punched me in the back and Josie was not amused as well.

I took a sip and said "So when are we starting then?"

Hope said "I was thinking that we can do it today. Then we will be able to sweep up the remaining pieces."

I looked at her and said "Yeah, let's do it then." I asked "Should I do it now?"

She looked at me and said "Maybe after i have said goodbyes to all of them."

I nodded and I said "Cool, let's do it then." I looked at Lizzie and said "We would need something like My dinner with Andre vibe to it."

She said "Really, no big party?"

Hope said "I like his idea sorry."

She said "That's because he is your boyfriend."

I said "Irrelevant but still may have some merit."

Josie said "Can we just please stop bickering, Hope wants a small dinner with her friends and that is what she will have, okay?"

Lizzie sighed and said "Fine, but I am throwing a killer funeral."

Lizzie, Josei and I spent the rest of the day planning the party and we were at the pier and we were decorating it.


Hope's Pov

I was at Landon's door step, I was about to do something big, I needed to talk to him and clear out all this before I became the tribrid. I knocked on his door and I head "Go away."

I was confused because he sounded dead and I said "It's me Hope."

He groaned and said "What do you want?"

I said "I wanted to talk to you. It's kinda important."

Then I heard a thump and some footsteps, he opened the door and he said "Come on in."

I entered the room and it was messy, he removed some clothes from the chair and said "What do you want to talk about?"

I sighed and said "I know that there is no easy way of saying this, so I am just going straight to the point."

He said "Yeah."

I said "I have decided to become the tribrid to kill Malivore."

His opened wide and he jumped up and said "What?!"

I said "Please calm down, Landon."

He said "But you hated it, why are you doing this now, Lucas can take care of it."

I said "He can't fully take care of it and besides it is what I am supposed to do."

He said "What if something bad happens?"

I said "Well, there is Lucas, if in case something bad happens."

He sighed and said "Well, if you have decided then I don't think I have anything else to say."

I looked at him and said "There is a small gathering at the pier at 7. It's like a pseudo goodbye party… I would like it if you came." I got up from my chair and I got out of the room.


Lucas's Pov

I was asked to wear something casual by Hope, it's a dinner party but I guess I have to agree to it. So I wore a red chequered shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Hope and Josie were also getting ready Hope wore a Black sweater and jeans and she had open hair and Josie wore a red and white dress.

We reached the pier and Hope saw the decoration. The whole pier was lit up with candles and lights. There was a huge table laid with food. There were string lights above it and everyone was present already.

We all then sat down and we were talking and eating and then Lizzie stood up and tapped the glass with her knife and said "Now I would love it if everyone could go around and share their story with Hope."

Then everyone started to tell their stories the memories they shared with her and then came my turn and Hope looked at me and I cleared my throat and I said "There have been so many beautiful memories of Hope in my mind but the one that has the most value to me is when we when we went to Kansas, I was still upset with with my mother's death and I remember I was sitting outside the motel on a car and I was drinking and I saw Hope come out of the room.

She was a crying mess, I asked her if she was alright but she just took the bottle and started to drink. It was quite shocking to see her like this. But that night we both just sat and talked about the things that we were having problems with."

I then looked at her and I said "I just hope that after today we will still open up to each other and talk about stuff."

Hope smiled and then I saw that Landon was coming and Hope saw him and was happy to see him here he walked up and said "What did I miss?"

He also shared his story of the day he and Hope danced and I think he has kinda let go of her now.

After the dinner was done Hope, Josie and I went to our home, we entered our room and Hope said "So, this is it I guess."

I touched her face and I said "Don't worry. Hope everything will be fine and don't worry, you will be in good hands. I will wake you up in the morning." She nodded and I said to her for now just sleep.

She laid down and Josie smiled and said "See you on the other side, Hope." She smiled and nodded. She looked at me and said, "I love you." I smiled and said "I love you too." and I kissed her and then I killed her.

Josie asked, "She will be fine right?"

I got up and hugged her and said "Yeah and someone will be there for her." I then kissed her and said "We don't need to worry about that." She placed her head on my chest and nodded.
