Tori's Shock

Tori opened his eyes groggily, feeling as if his nap not only didn't help him regain energy but instead drained him of it.

He instantly noticed the peculiarity of his whereabouts.

He was in a small room that, although simple and cramped, was neatly cleaned and organized. He was currently laying in a bed under a thin blanket in the back corner of the room while a desk, a drawer, and a shelf occupied the rest of the room leaving minimal space for movement.

Tori sat up and studied his surroundings, confused and flustered. He had short red hair and a youthful face with bright red eyes, sharp brows, a straight nose, nicely-shaped lips, and a defined jaw.

He was, in simplest form, very handsome.

He wore a plain white cloth shirt and pants, slightly stained with dirt, but mostly kept in good condition.

When he was done adjusting himself to his new surroundings, a voice appeared in his head as a screen appeared, floating in front of him.

[Cultivation System activated! You have received a Beginner's Gift to start your path of cultivation!]

'Cultivation? System? Beginner's gift? Mommy?'

He was instantly bombarded with multiple questions, but the screen shrunk out of existence as another took its place and the voice spoke again.

[Please ask the Cultivation System any questions you may have!]

He forcibly calmed himself down as he organized his thoughts while still sitting in the bed. When he was more collected, he asked his first question.

'Cultivation System, where am I?'

As soon as he consciously asked the Cultivation System, a screen appeared.

[You are in a cultivation world! More specifically, you are on a planet called Tangia where Spiritual Qi and powerful beings are abundant! Although the world isn't extremely old, cultivation has been explored greatly, and many cultivators have already transcended!]

Tori silently digested the information before having another question.

'How do these beings typically cultivate?'

[Humans will mostly consciously absorb Spiritual Qi before refining it and tempering their body before advancing to the next stage of cultivation! On the other hand, beasts will automatically absorb Spiritual Qi as soon as they birth and will almost always only use it to temper their bodies!]

Every time Tori would receive an answer, more questions appeared!

'What are the stages of human cultivation?'

[Every stage has ten ranks, and the first stage is the Body Tempering Stage! After that is the Core Formation Stage, Qi Refinement Stage, and then the Preliminary Stage! Once you get powerful enough you will learn the rest of the stages!]

'Okay, thank you for the information... But... how do I cultivate?'

[Relax your body and sense the Spiritual Qi in the world. Once you have adjusted to the feeling, try to absorb the Spiritual Qi into your body! Your body will do the rest after that!]

Tori thought it would be more complicated, but he didn't complain. He crossed his legs on the bed before closing his eyes, trying to sense the Spiritual Qi. After a few minutes of nothing, he began to 'see' the Spiritual Qi, wisps of pure white energy softly floating around.

If others knew that it only took a few minutes before he could sense Spiritual Qi, they would puke blood and curse the heavens!

After familiarizing himself with the sense, he attempted to grab the Spiritual Qi with his hand. Nothing happened, and he wondered what would happen if someone saw him try such a dumb technique.

He then tried guiding the Spiritual Qi into his body with his will, and it worked! The Qi slowly began to seep into his body, spreading itself throughout. He could feel the Qi slightly improve his physical condition, but not by much.

[Congratulations Tori, you have successfully become a cultivator! You have received a Celebration Gift! And here is your new Status!]

Another screen appeared, but the voice didn't read this one in his mind.

{Status: Healthy}

{Name: Tori}

{Age: 11}

{Race: Human}

{Cultivation: Rank one of Body Refinement Stage}

{Cultivation Aptitude: Terrible}

{Cultivation Technique: None}

{Cultivation Manuals: None}

{Treasures: None}


He raised his brows when he saw that his aptitude was terrible, but didn't ask about it.

'Cultivation System, please open my inventory.'

A new screen appeared, but the voice didn't respond.

{Inventory: 2/100}

{Beginner's Gift}

{Celebration Gift}

'Cultivation System, please open my Beginner's Gift.'

[Congratulations! You opened a Beginner's Gift and received Immortal's Pain Physique! Would you like to see the info?]

'Yes please!'

He didn't know what a physique was, but "Immortal's Pain" sounded amazing!

[There was once an immortal who couldn't cultivate regularly very well. This immortal didn't give up though, and forced their body to gain strength through pain, becoming a terrifying being who grew stronger the more they fought!]

Tori's eyes lit up, but he was also doubtful.

'Does that mean I can't cultivate normally very well anymore?'

[Of course not! Do you think a good gift would make you have a weakness?]

'Cough cough, please open my Celebration Gift...'

He quickly changed the subject.

[Congratulations! You opened a Celebration Gift and received Immortal's Wisdom Technique! Would you like to see the info?]


[There was once an era of desolation and betrayal, where the Spiritual Qi was scarce. But one Immortal never gave up, and diligently cultivated for millenniums while keeping their emotions in check, before transcending with unparallel wisdom! Cultivating with this technique will guarantee you never waiver and your judgment clear, your wisdom unshakable!]

'So it's a cultivation technique, then? What about Immortal's Pain Physique?'

Tori looked at his Status and notcied the differences.

{Status: Healthy}

{Name: Tori}

{Age: 11}

{Race: Human}

{Cultivation: Rank one of Body Refinement Stage}

{Cultivation Aptitude: Immortal's Pain Physique}

{Cultivation Technique: Immortal's Wisdom Technique}

{Cultivation Manuals: None}

{Treasures: None}


He was glad his aptitude was no longer terrible but was slightly bummed that his aptitude towards regular cultivating wasn't improved as well. He wasn't greedy though and easily accepted it.

At that moment, the door to his room was kicked open, and a loud and angry voice yelled,

"You damn slave, you dare to oversleep!?"


And that's the end of the first chapter!

I want to state now that my knowledge regarding cultivation is crap, and everything I just wrote about came from the tunnels of my anus!