
Trevor froze in place.

The monster moved!


The young man turned to run, but the moment his back turned to the colossal monster, all he could see in front of him was a golden-orange fur greeting him. Trevor's lungs constricted, causing his face to turn red as a pepper in the sequence from lack of oxygen.

'How is this so fast?!'

That creature was majestic beyond words could describe. The creature's fur was golden-orange like the sky and earth of this world. Its long black legs were the only contrast that disconnected this monster from the panorama behind him.

The light itself has strayed from its path and converged to magnify the beauty of this sacred creature.

The wind itself made efforts to keep its beautiful golden fur rippling like a sea of ​​wheat.

If there was rain, the waters would be ashamed to defile this immortal monarch and would do everything possible to stay out of its way.

The monster's eyes that were the size of ripe watermelons held deep intelligence and wisdom, what still drew attention in those eyes was the design that was embedded in them.

Around its pupils, above its black irises, dozens of pointed white swastikas similar to thorns glowed like neon fibers to create something that could be described as a crown of thorns. That crown of white thorns didn't hesitate to stare into Trevor's green eyes directly, making the latter's heart sink.

'How to get out of here alive?'

Trevor's internal question made him want to smile bitterly, but he didn't. In this situation, what could he do? Facing the abyss head on, what could Trevor Anirth do?

'This thing hasn't killed me so far because it wants to play with me to death.'

This thought triggered memories about the behavior of certain cats, who did their best to have fun with their victims, sometimes not even eating their bodies at the end of the endless torture.

The colossal creature's black muzzle approached Trevor.

The green eyes were now able to get a better look at the face of this immortal monarch.

'Is this… Is this really a guara?

Trevor had no words to say after making such a statement. No part of his memories had informed him that those iconic animals of the Central Plateau might be capable of reaching such magnitude.

However, contrary to all his expectations, the guara did not started the torture.

'Emotions are passengers of the moment, imprisoning their bearers in the winds of the present. Oh human who ascended from the sea of dark waters, you freed yourself from these currents and forged your own passage on this roadless path.'

Trevor's face went pale as he heard a male voice resonating inside his mind.

'Oh human who drowned in the murky waters of the dark world, I am the guardian of this magnificent world. Your search for the freedom of the present delighted me. I wonder if you would like to get my recognition?'

Trevor still hadn't said anything, he looked like a fearful jabuti¹ hiding inside his own shell. The green-eyed youth considered various conjectures during that brief instant that the voice had stopped entering his head.

'Have I gone crazy? This could also be a mere illusion being generated by something else.' Trevor remained impassive, the pallor in his face fading little by little. The truth was, being scared in this situation was as useful as asking a blind man to describe the colors of a painting.

'No, you didn't go crazy and what you're seeing is all real. For someone who has shown such determination, why do you insist on refusing to see what's in front of your very eyes?'

The male voice resounded again, but this time the lad smiled along during the last part of his speech.

The young man didn't move, just stared at the golden-orange quadruped with his cold eyes.

Suddenly, something changed in those green eyes that made the guara's pupils contract!

'Stop! Stop! What are you doing imagining these things! Nooo!' The voice was suddenly weepy and desperate as the giant lad moved its black paws and rubbed them against its muzzle as if burning pepper had just fallen into its eyes.

Trevor frowned.

'Oh human, oh human, I beg you, stop imagining these depraved things!' Tears began to form in the corners of that gigantic monster's eyes, making his holy image crumble like a house of cards.

The black-haired lad's lips parted, but no words came out.

Trevor then touched the tip of his chin with his right hand, as if the mystery before him was so dense that even his powerful mind had to lean on something to keep it from falling.

'Thank you! Thank you so much!' The guara's happy voice resonated in his mind as Trevor stopped imagining the things that made even a colossal monster like this cry with sadness and bitterness.

Tears of happiness accompanied the monster's thanks.

Trevor sighed, opening his mouth to speak for the first time with this strange lad.

'What are you? What is this place? What do you mean by recognition?'

'Oh human, you are wise! I am Aicanhir, the Golden Sun of Dawn! As for this place here, its name is obviously the House of the Golden Sun of the Dawn!' The guara wagged his tail like a puppy excited to receive its owner's attention.

'As for your last question, it's obvious! Once you receive my recognition, you will be able to gain my strength!' The guara's attempt to smile proudly ended up failing, since his face didn't have the necessary muscles to contract as he wanted and they ended up generating a scary smile in the end.

'So, you're telling me you're going to give me superpowers?' Trevor stopped stroking his own chin, making him look just as he was moments ago. Just the possibility of those catastrophic images to emerge again made the lad tremble in fear!

'Yes! Many powers! You will become extremely powerful!' The Golden Sun of Dawn said with readiness of ten thousand soldiers prepared to make love with death itself if necessary.

Trevor nodded, putting his arms around his waist as he stared at Aicanhir with suspicious eyes.

'How are you going to make me powerful?'

'How could it not make you powerful? Don't you believe me?' The Golden Sun of Dawn had never encountered a situation like this before. But to his surprise, Trevor nodded.

Trevor wasn't lying from what he could see.

'Oh human, oh human, you should have more confidence in me. Since you don't believe me, I can just show it to you!' Aicanhir's body began to glow like hot metal as it suddenly melted and turned into a small thin stream of golden-orange color.

That chain flew through the air with speed before lashing at Trevor's heels. The young man felt as if he was in the atmosphere of a supermassive terrestrial planet, which was pressing him down by all the sides like a soda can under the deep sea.

The golden chains suddenly glowed, white smoke rose into the air as that heavy metal began to melt and fuse into Trevor's heels! The hot metal melted Trevor's flesh and evaporated his red blood.

'HHnnrrgg!' The black-haired lad fell to his knees.

The torture process was long and painful, making Trevor salivate and bite his lip until it bled. However, once the merger ended, the pain disappeared as if it were never real in the first place.

On his heels, a golden-orange tattoo appeared. The design of this tattoo was similar to the one on Aicanhir's pupils, it was several small pointed swastikas tangled together to form two twisted crowns that wrapped around his ankles.

Trevor was still on his knees, taking a deep breath. His expression was grim, as if he'd been forced to swallow his own shoes after losing a stupid bet with his school friends.

'See? Don't you feel stronger than ever?' The colorful animated voice of the Golden Sun of Dawn contrasted ridiculously with Trevor's expression.

'What power have you given me?'

'Good question! I do not know!'

There was no silver lining in this situation, there were only silver needles that pierced his ass as he sat on that damn iron throne. The Golden Sun of Dawn ignored his pain, and continued to speak.

'Alright, let's test our powers and train together!'

Trevor just nodded, at this point in his life he was getting used to fate playing with his life. His expression became calm as he stared at his heels.

'Aicanhir, you said this world is your home. However, where did you come from? No guara that I know could have your size.' His hands ran over the gold-orange tattoo, feeling its texture.

'It's like this is almost a birthmark, not a tattoo.' His green eyes turned to the Home of the Golden Sun of Dawn, surveying the surroundings. Since the sea of dark waters was broken by him, Trevor hasn't had time to envision this new place.

'I don't know, truth be told, when I woke up here, you was already trapped in the sea of ​​dark waters.' The Golden Sun of Dawn contracted his lids within the mini-dimension contained inside the golden chain tattoo, showing evident difficulty in remembering the past.

'Is that so?' Trevor continued with his impassive expression.

This little golden-orange world was as tedious as it could be, since the only conscious life form in this place was Aicanhir. In addition to the Golden Sun of Dawn, the vegetation present in this world had only two colors: either gold or orange.

'Yes. I don't remember how I was born, but I'm sure your presence here was crucial to that. Although I don't know how I was born, I'm sure this world is called Home of the Dawn Golden Sun and that I am its guardian!' The guara's head lifted towards the sky with pride, except that within that mini-dimension he was in there was no sky.

Trevor ignored the idiot and focused on something else, though.

'What do you mean, being the guardian of this place? Do you need to protect yourself against something here?'


The Golden Sun of Dawn blinked, his prideful expression growing weaker.

'So what is your purpose? Do you even have any use?'

Trevor touched the ground, feeling the grass on the ground. His fingers scraped against those golden leaves and Trevor felt how furry they were. Actually, it would be incorrect to say that leaves had hair, but for Trevor it was all basically the same thing.

'Of course I have! I am the guardian of the Home of the Golden Sun of Dawn!'

The Golden Sun of Dawn lifted his snout further towards the nonexistent sky, making his neck stand at an incredible 90 degree angle, perpendicular to the smooth ground of the mini-dimension.

'Let's not discuss this further. I'm curious about something else, why did you say those words when you found me? Considering you appeared a few hours ago, how did you acquire such reasoning ability?'

The guara stopped looking at the sky, starting to admire the vegetal beauty of his world. Unfortunately, whether the sky or the vegetation, both were nowhere to be seen since they didn't exist in the first place.

'I don't know, I said everything because it felt like the right thing to do. It was pretty cool, right? And even you was shocked when you heard my voice! Why are you being so annoying? Tsk Tsk. Let's test our powers soon!'

Trevor shook his head, careful not to think about anything specific.

'Tell me something else, how are you reading my thoughts?' The Golden Sun of Dawn didn't immediately respond to Trevor's words, he licked his own black paws like a cat.

'Isn't it obvious? I am the guardian of the Home of the Golden Sun of Dawn! I naturally control everything here.' The guara showed no dignity as a member of the canine community, the black fur on his paws was moistened with his saliva.

The Golden Sun of Dawn was a disgrace!

A complete shame for all the guaras in this world!