Man's greatest nightmare. The bloodshed, the wailing of women, the screams of children, the hard sounds from the dropping of heroes to the ground- dead. The desperation to emerge victorious in the end of it, knowing the consequences if not and then if not, graves without numbers, remnants carried away into captivity and hell is brought upon them that they pray for death or answer their own prayers.
In the heat of the battle, he was as swift as the wind, and as strong as ten thousand men. He could change his form so easily from man to beast and beast to man that it confused his opponents. Bledig was determined to destroy him, and for Stace, the feeling was mutual . Everyone took for himself a partner in the death game, fighting with might and utmost bravery , but Titrus and Bledig fought against one man, for every turn Stace glanced at April ensuring she was safe and taking the fight closer to her hoping to shield her from the evil that surrounded .