Emma watched Derek's eyes glaze over for a second, before re-focusing on her; and she concluded that it was exactly the same look she had seen on Melvina's face back at the cafeteria two days ago, including the faces of the people in the cafeteria.

She pondered on the issue, rubbing her fingers on her jaw intermittently. "We're they psychics or mind-readers?" She couldn't just understand the mystery behind the eye glazing. Perhaps, she would ask Derek later; they were dating now, so they shouldn't be hiding things from each other. She thought.

With this thought settled in her head, she walked over to Derek who seemed to be looking at her; but who she knew was also spaced out.

"Derek.." She called, touching him on the chest. This motion snapped his gaze to her immediately.

"Hey.." He muttered slowly. Emma thought he must be tired from all the cooking. 'But he was just playing with you.' Her mind whispered back.