For a minute after his sister's sudden question, Clem was mute. He didn't know what to say that would get him out of the impending doom that was about to happen. He knew his sister quite well, and knew that she would throw a no small fit if she ever sees what he had drawn.

"Clem..." Claire called tentatively, now getting curious about her brother's drawing. What had he drawn now, that was making him skeptical and recluctant to display it to her.

Did he draw Maya again? She thought.

She remembered that the first time he had drawn the Blondie which was Derek's cousin, she had gone berserk; and had torn the drawing into peices, not minding the horrid and hurt look which had appeared on his face. But he had still drawn it again, this time around in her absence, and had given it to her first enemy during her birthday. She had been mad with fury, but hadn't been able to do anything.