"You will not defy me...Curtis." Alpha Arnold said, and Maya almost scoffed. She wished she could sink her fingers inside his eyes.

"Where is mother..." Her brother asked rather, obviously ignoring his order.

"In her room." He replied.

"And Maya.." Curtis asked.

"I don't know where that wimp is. You mustn't tell her of this." He mentioned, pointing his hand at him.

"Why?" Curtis inquired.

"Just don't. I don't know why she is getting all cozy with Derek. Of course, I had told her to get closer to him and find some answers, but she is deliberating avoiding me. She hasn't even found her mate yet. Useless! She mustn't hear of this. You hear me?" He said, his voice going a pitch higher.

"I think so." Curtis replied, with a shrug, which obviously irritated Alpha Arnold.

"Are you playing around with me?" He asked, unable to keep the irritation and annoyance out of his voice.