"Emma, you have to let us explain and clarify ourselves." Prescott said as he shifted his gaze to Emma. Following Daniel's train of thoughts, he had discovered some bits of what had happened between the duo, and the only thing he could think was that his friend had messed up big time, and that had been the reason why he had actually pushed him away when he had tried to touch the redhead. He could understand what the redhead was feeling now. He had been there, once.

"There is no need for that, Prescott. I only need to speak with Zipfarah." Emma replied.

"Can we be going?" She asked, even as she turned aside to glance at Daniel who was trying to get up from the ground. She noticed that his face was smeared with a dark brown stuff.

Cow dung! She couldn't be happier.

Serves him right. She thought, looking at his decorated face in satisfaction.