Emma hummed , an extra bounce to her feet which were tapping on the floor of the cab to the song she was tuning, as the cab turned into her street. She was home.

She couldn't wait to embrace her sister, Amelia, and tell her all that had happened in her life in the past few months. She smiled at the imagery of the shouts and screams and comical faces that Amelia would make as she would recount her adventurelike-tales, but frowned when her mind train zoomed past the betrayal that she had experienced at the hands of a man whom she had thought loved her, and his family.

She would make them pay. She thought, not knowing how she was going to do it, but knowing that she would.

"We are here, madam." She heard the driver mention, and heaved out a sigh of relief before grasping one of her bags, the smallest, and stepping out of the car.