Emma couldn't contain her happiness when Annabel revealed that she knew the location the coordinates pointed to. It felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, knowing that she had finally solved her mother's puzzle. She couldn't help but grin from ear to ear as she exchanged "I told you so" glances with Prescott and Amelia.

Seeing Annabel's understanding filled Emma with a sense of accomplishment. Left for her alone, she would have spent countless hours deciphering the clue left behind by her mother, determined to unravel the mystery that would have haunted her for so long. And now, her effort in trusting Annabel has finally paid off.

But amidst her happiness, Emma couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. She could sense Prescott's lingering suspicion, his eyes darting between Annabel and the coordinates. Despite Annabel's assurances, he still harbored doubts, and Emma knew that she would have to tread carefully around him.