Scotsman and Leviathan 4

"Kaichou are you sure about this?" Tsubaki asked, biting her lip in worry, "This Yarden, his claims are incredibly wild. We have no reason to believe him."

"No, the information is too specific, especially what he hinted about Kokabiel," Sona shook her head as she formed a communication magic circle within an empty classroom, "And you may not know of it, but that holy sword can be no other than the Wallace Sword, you sensed it did you not? How it absolutely dwarfed the holy power of the two excalibur fragments those exorcist's were carrying?"

Tsubaki shivered as she remembered the absurd aura emanating from that guitar case over the boys shoulder. She had been unable to speak much because of her own instinctual terror of it. "Yes." she confirmed with a simple nod.

"A single slash of that would have little trouble in killing either of us," Sona shook her head, "I am quite well read on the sword, Rias after all was big on researching Sacred Gears in order to try and recruit the users to defeat Riser. It is said that it was a gift to William Wallace from his father the Sun God Belenus and he used it to kill a wielder of the Divine Dividing. Frankly, if it were not for the angels and church getting involved to help the English, he would have defeated them and most likely Scotland would have become the ruling power of the entire British Isles, history itself as we know it could have been entirely warped!"

It had such a history behind it?

Though Tsubaki could understand now why her king was so invested now. After all, without Britain going the way it did, many of the countries of the world may not have formed as they had now. the British played a massive role in the development of the current world.

"To have such a blade, with the bloodline of the Wallace family in his veins and two sacred gears of Vritra?" Sona snorted and looked at her queen, "Well, I can understand why he thought neither I or Rias would be able to reincarnate him. After all, it took me four pawns to reincarnate Saji, a normal base line human with only a single Vritra Sacred Gear, and the weakest of them all at that."

Yes, Tsubaki definitely understood. And for that strength to be in a boy a few years their junior? Well, it was no wonder he was so arrogant.

She had met Riser Phenex after all, and saw his arrogance in person. The Scottish teenager they had just met, going by her kings words, would have had no problem killing him should they have duelled.

"As much as I really don't want to deal with my sister, what he brings to the devils as a whole and the information he has, is just too much to let my annoyance with my sister get in the way." Sona admitted with a sigh as she finished forming the communication magic circle and let her magic flow into it.

The room they were in was cast in a purple glow and only a split moment later an excited perky voice echoed out from it, "So-tan!" The Leviathan cheered happily, "You're calling me? But you never call me! Has it finally happened, have you finally given in and accepted big sisters yuri yuri love for you!?"

Sona grit her teeth in annoyance. The things she sacrificed for the devil race!


Serafall frowned as she stood out the door where a certain guest had been left to wait by her little sister.

'As if things weren't complicated enough with Kokabiel.' she sighed. With the meeting with Azazel and Michael coming up for peace talks, Kokabiel acting out and stealing the Excaliburs and coming to Kuoh of all places was a cumbersome situation.

And now a literal hero descendant with one of the most powerful holy swords in the world and two Sacred Gears turned up on her sisters door step and dropped the bomb on her that Kokabiel may be connected to the Old Satan faction?

That, with the information he had on her sister and Rias, apparently from the same organisation. Well, It made for a worrying picture.

She could easily sense the massive holy power emanating from behind the door. Frankly, Serafall was quite impressed with her sister for having the sheer will to stand in front of it and converse with the holder of the sword, especially with how lax she was in regards to growing stronger.

Now if only Sona could apply that willpower to getting stronger, she may even surpass her one day!

She didn't have much of a measure of the wielder, beyond him apparently having two Sacred Gears and his bloodline. But she could sense his magic power. It was at the pinnacle of what she would class as High-Class, bordering on the Ultimate-class.

For a human, descendant of a god or not, that was an absurd amount of power.

How troublesome. She knew the moment her sister actually felt the need to call her that it wasn't going to be anything simple.

Ah damn she was tired. She'd been working non stop to get things set up for the peace talks and handling most of the preliminary talks. She was just about to head to bed when her precious little sister called her.

But this couldn't wait. 'What he wants in return isn't all that much.' she mused. He wanted either no king, or a king that would from her understanding of his personality, not get on his nerves and order him around too much.

He wanted to be a king from the get go as well from what she grasped from her little sisters explanation. Which told her, he wanted access to benefits that only kings had. The first that came to mind, was the right to have a peerage.

Honestly speaking. It truly wasn't all that much of a demand. He was bringing the bloodline of a god into their faction, alongside his own strength and sacred gears. She knew not long ago, that old man Gremory would have definitely tried to help push it through and try marry off Rias to him.

Ever since the Gremory bloodline had dried up, he'd wanted to bring more bloodlines into his family. And the holy flames of Belenus that the Wallace family had inherited, alongside their massive resistance to the holy element, would have definitely been something he coveted.

And he was not the only one.

That, on top of this seemingly vital information, in her opinion making him a king from the get go was a small price to pay. The only way for that to happen though, was for him to join one of the Satan's peerages.

Sirzechs already had a full peerage as did Falbium. That left only her and Ajuka. And Ajuka wouldn't care much at all about him beyond the information unless Sirzechs specifically asked him to take an interest. And leaving a gem like this to their complete own devices was plain silly.

But then they all had their weird quirks. 'That leaves only me.' she mused. Oh well. It wasn't like she had to give him her full undivided attention. And she didn't really mind using her queen piece to sweeten the pot for him.

Plus, having a second in command wouldn't be a bad thing.

Well, no point waiting around. Serafall let a beaming smile flow onto her face and kicked the door open before prancing into the near empty classroom, "Have no fear, Miracle Levi-tan is here!" she announced as she entered with a flounce, striking a pose a moment later, wand appearing in her grip and aimed at the sky, two fingers forming a v with her other hand and laying over one of her eyes as her.