Holy Scotland 6

With him busy trying not to blow his load out of his nose like the Japanese virgin he was, Akeno turned back to look Yarden in the eye and nodded, "Very well, I don't see why I can't give you a little help while Serafall-sama is busy," she agreed, "It will have to wait until I help Issei with his own problem though."

"Great, cheers babe," he flashed her a thumbs up before humming in thought, "Though, if you want a bit of advice. I'd say just let Issei's arm dragonify and just cover it up."

Issei was once again shaken from his stupor at the Scottish teens words, "Dude, what? I can't do that, have you seen how funky it looks?" he cried.

Akeno's eyes narrowed at him, "And what benefit would that provide?" she asked.

There was a dangerous tone in her voice.

Yarden rolled his eyes, he wasn't at all threatened. She was strong yes, but he was stronger than her by a wide margin without his balance breaker before he became Serafall's queen or sacrificed his heart and lungs to Vritra, "It's obvious isn't it, his magical power is absolutely pitiful, I've seen human toddlers with more magic power," Yarden jabbed his thumb at Issei, "Even if he multiplied his power over a thousand fold it still wouldn't be as powerful as your own, never mind the kind of power the current White Dragon Emperor has."

And that was not taking into account she was basically only using half of her power. This girl would be a solid Ultimate-Class if she actively used her Fallen Angel side.

"You've met the White Dragon Emperor?" Akeno's eyes flew wide open.

"The White guy Ddraig always brings up?" Issei muttered, confused.

"That I have, he was in the same group as me more or less before I decided I wanted to become a devil," Yarden shrugged, "And let me tell you? That guy is a freak of nature. Albion himself calls him the strongest White Dragon Emperor in history, and well..." the teen trailed off giving a side glance at Issei.

Akeno grimaced, "..So you're suggesting we leave the dragon energy to build up and enhance his magic power?" she asked.

"That's right," Yarden nodded, "As things are now, even if he had access to his Balance Breaker, Issei doesn't stand a chance in hell against him."

"Ah...crap." Issei whined, shoulders slumping.

"And he won't leave you alone," Yarden felt the need to add, turning to look Issei in the eye, "He's one of those fight junkies. He lives for fighting and he's looking forward to fighting you the most as his destined rival. So if you don't want to die, you need to get stronger quickly."

Issei fell silent while Akeno bit her lip and nodded, "...Issei-kun, let's put this off for now, okay?" she said and smiled comfortingly at him, "Why don't you go get changed and go see Rias, she should be in the clubhouse right now and tell her all about this."

Issei gave a dazed nod, "Yeah...I should probably do that Akeno-san." he replied and stood up, a thoughtful frown on his face. Before he left though he looked at Yarden and flashed him a half grimace half smile, "Thanks for bringing this up all at least Yarden, you're a real pal." he thanked the younger teen before doing as Akeno said and leaving the room behind, leaving the two Queen peerage members alone together.

Akeno sighed and threw herself onto the couch opposite Yarden once Issei left, her huge breasts bounced lewdly on her chest and he had to strain his willpower not to stare, "He's really that strong?" she asked, and looking like she didn't want an answer at all to his eyes.

"How strong of a barrier can you make?" Yarden asked her instead. Giving her an example would be quicker and make her understand better, "I just need you to hold one to hide my power for a second."

Akeno bit her lip before nodding and spreading her arms wide, her power surging up to its current maximum and a wall of purple light forced outwards from around her body and spread out all over the room, "Will this do?" the older girl asked.

Yarden cocked his head to the side as he felt it out, "It'll do, for a bit at least." he nodded. And then he got right down to business and let go of the tight reign he had on his power and flared it out like her to its current maximum.

A huge aura of burning energy exploded out of his form and he saw Akeno cough, her beautiful eyes, so much like Serafall's flying wide open in complete and utter shock at what she obviously felt.

He let his power flare for a few moments before reigning it back in again and once it died down, Akeno was staring at him wide eyed, mouth gaping open, "Get a feel for that?" Yarden raised an eyebrow at her.

Akeno swallowed and nodded, "Well that's as high as I can go right now in my base form, but I have two Sacred Gears that I have my own Balance Breaker with and a special holy sword forged by my ancestor the Sun God Belenus and another god, they both raise my power even further," he revealed, his chest puffing out boastfully a bit, "And even with that, I'm pretty sure that guys power is still above mine even without using Divine Dividing."

Of course he kept mum on the fact that his Balance breaker was far superior to the Divine Dividing and his sword was specifically empowered now to kill the White Dragon Emperor and slay dragons.

If Vali didn't pull out his Juggernaut Drive, Yarden was sure he could kill him if it came down to it. And even then, he gave himself good odds on it. After all, back in the day his great ancestor William Wallace slayed the White Dragon Emperor in their own Juggernaut Drive, before Grian ever gained its dragon slaying properties.

Pure raw power wasn't everything. It helped a god damn awful lot, but even superior fire power couldn't stand against the might of a true blue Scottish lad and the power of Scotland!