Holy Scotland 9

…Wait, what was he thinking about originally again? Yarden rubbed his forehead, he really needed to get a hang on this a bit better. 'My mind really is unstable still.' he groaned. The fusion of two minds from two different realities wasn't very seamless in the end.

Though, he supposed he should just be glad the focus of his obsession right now was just on the fact that both people that made him up, were Scottish patriots and this little bout of insanity of his was focused on that.

Truly, even when focusing their insanity, the Scottish were the greatest of all!

'Yeah, sure let's go with that,' Vritra snorted, 'The reason why I'm not an ignorant fool like the devils or a meat head like most of my brethren, is because I was failure of a dragon, the weakest you could see, the very bottom of the totem pole. To reach the strength of my peak, I had to broaden my mind to all possibilities and studied magic religiously to make up for my pitifully weak body in comparison to others dragons, and overcame it in the end.'

Yarden nodded in understanding, 'That's impressive in of itself though, you weren't born a beast like Ddraig and shit, everything you have you earned.' he praised his dragon companion.

As expected of the newly crowned Scottish Dragon King, he wasn't a pitiful golden spoon fed little wimp.

Like that English loser Albion.

Before Vritra could reply, a clicking noise came from over at the door leading out onto the roof and the door swung open, and stepping out onto the roof was a buxom, white haired beauty.

And my did she wear that Kuoh uniform well. And he recognised her instantly, Momo Hakanai, one of Sona's bishops.

Granted, he only remember because she hit a lot of his buttons and was super hot, the clear outlier beauty of Sona's peerage.

She blinked when she noticed him leaning back against the railing, before frowning lightly and walking over, "Excuse me," Momo began politely, "What are you doing out here when classes are in session? And why are you not in uniform?"

"I don't go to this school," Yarden pointed out with a shrug, "I'm just here to keep an eye on things for your kings sister."

She blinked again, "I see," Momo bit her lip for a moment in thought before nodding, "That would make you Wallace-san I believe?" she mused, covering any surprise she felt expertly.

"That's me, yeah," Yarden smiled at her, "You can just call me Yarden though Hanakai-san, I'm from Scotland after all."

Her deep grey-blue eyes widened slightly, "You know me?" she asked, surprised.

"I know all the devils here, part of the reason I got the deal I did to be Serafall's queen," he shrugged casually once more, "I just remember you specifically because your beauty stood out to me." he turned on the charm, this type of girl needed a different approach than one such as Akeno Himejima.

The white haired beauties cheeks flushed red, "I…I see," Momo stuttered a bit, before giving a small embarrassed cough when he let his smile widen a bit at her, "…Very well, Yarden then, and you can call me Momo to make things fair."

"Great," he replied, before asking, "So what brings you up here good looking?"

"My, you're a terrible flirt aren't you?" she giggled lightly, cupping one cheek with her hand, "I have a free period, so I'm patrolling the school for truants as a member of the student council."

"Diligent aren't you?" he laughed a bit, "Back in Scotland when I had free periods, I used them to laze around."

"I can believe it," Momo's lips twitched up briefly, "How about you? Can I ask why you're up here?"

"Just playing around with this new devil magic," Yarden revealed without problem, lifting his hands clicking his fingers, conjuring another small image of the Scottish flag and letting it float up into the air, up and up until it was out of sight, "Honestly, I'm kind of bored, I've really not got anything to do, your company has completely lightened up my day at this point."

It was sad he couldn't be balls deep fucking Akeno right about now, but this wasn't a bad second place.

"That's impressive," Momo gasped lightly, "If I remember correctly, you only recently became a devil a day or two ago from what Kaichou said to us, and you've already got a handle to create illusions? It took me a few weeks of training to even conjure simple elements."

…Well, it wasn't actually an illusion. It was just pure magical energy. He thought it would be awesome to create his own signature energy beam attack in the shape of the Scotland flag.

"Well, I've got a bit of experience with magic before reincarnating, so I have a bit of an advantage." he reassured her.

"That's right, you're the descendant of a god and hero aren't you?" Momo tapped her chin and eyed you with interest, "That's really fascinating, what's it like?"

"Pretty awesome," Yarden replied immediately, "I'm way stronger and more powerful than most, even when I was a human alone, though I did have to train a lot to come into my abilities, so it wasn't easy."

Honestly, as amazed and proud as he was of his strength now, he couldn't deny that it wasn't a little grating to see how much his power had increased just from becoming Serafall's queen and sacrificing his lungs and heart to Vritra.

'Oh stop your whining you wimp, how un-Scottish of you,' Vritra huffed, 'Besides, the power increase you got from both of them would not have been anywhere near as substantial if you weren't already so impressive in the beginning.'

…Gasp, he was right. Imagine whining over something so little!? That was something only a pansy twink like Cao Cao would whine over!

"Hmm, I guess even having divinity in your veins can't make everything easy," Momo mused, "Still, now that I'm engaging my senses, you're incredibly powerful aren't you? The only person I've felt with stronger magic power than you is Serafall-sama."