Keeping her eye on Vince, seeing he meant every word he said, he didn't eat any breakfast or lunch. When everyone was having lunch, he continues bar-bar-queuing, not even accepting a mouthful when anyone offered him a piece of chicken.

A few times Chrystal went to him, but he just pushes her away. 'He must be doing that because I am here, even though he feels he can fool me Sidney felt guilty. Unable to bear the thought that she was responsible for him not eating, Sidney took a plate to him. When he said, "Sorry, I cannot leave now, and we are running late."

Feeding him as he continue busily over the grill, hearing a glass brake Sidney knew immediately Chrystal was eating up herself, 'I should use this tactic to defeat my enemy, but then your word said I should not provoke others to wrath. So how am I going to win when your word restrain me?'

Halfway through his meal Sidney feed him the juice, she had almost finished all the food from the plate when he asks, "Have you eaten your lunch already?" Thinking, 'I thought he was watching me, is this a trick to hear what I will say, or to even make me think he wasn't keeping his eyes on me?

"You don't need to bother about me, I will eat later after we finish up here."

Seeing him drop the tongue he was using to turn the chicken on the pit and hold her hand. "Now I want you to eat then go take your medication, it has others here who will help."2

Observing Charles taking over the grill and Vince dishing out for her. When Chrystal came near her, "Do you want him to feed you too?"

"I feed him so what if he feeds me, do you want him to feed you?"

Vanda stood up walking near Chrystal when Vince went to get her drink. "Chrystal comes on we need to start packing the containers."

"Look at this Vanda, this low-class bitch wants' Vince to feed her."

"Chrystal, shut your mouth and let us go please, that is between her and Vince, I hope you know because of your mouth we do get in trouble."

"You might be afraid of what Vince will tell you but I am not."

"Chrystal, shut your mouth and come along, Vince is coming let us go."

"God, when I see how skirmish she is, I feel sorry for Vince."

But before Vince reaches the table Vanda just notices Sidney slips her right foot out of her slippers and pulls her dress right above her knees as her foot just swerved behind Chrystal's back and she fell flat on her back.

Vanda bends her head not saying a word, thinking, 'That is one you buy cash for not shutting up and minding your business.'

Turning her back when she heard Sidney whisper, "That is for hitting Haley, and later on I will deal with you for always meddling in my life."

When Sidney cries out Vince rush to the table and rests the juice down, asking, "What's wrong?" Vanda smiled and said nothing doing as though she had seen nothing

"It's not me, it seems as though your friend has fainted.'

Hearing his calls Remmy, "You and Vanda take Chrystal inside." When he turned to me saying, "Now I want you to eat before you end up like her, fainting," getting the nodded, "Let us finish off then we can take a lie down."

Saying nothing Vanda helps Remmy think, 'Chrystal thinks she is good but Sidney is much too smart for her."

When Chrystal said, "Vanda, you have to tell Vince what happen?" Chrystal, I did not see anything, as you recall I was talking to you, then I was leaving next thing I hear Sidney scream when I turn around you were on the floor."

"Come on Vanda, she kicked me on my back that is how I fell."

"Well if she did you buy that cash for provoking her, there is only so much a person can tolerate. everybody is tired yet you have extra energy to keep talking. Don't you know silence is golden?"

Three o clock all the containers were packed and ready for GP and Charles to leave. Walking into the house seeing Chrystal sitting on the couch, "How are you feeling now?" Vince asks.

"I am alive thank God, but I am going to visit a doctor to make sure your wife did not give me any serious injury."

"Chrystal, my wife did not injure you, you fainted that's all."

"That's what she wants you and everyone to believe, she kicks me in my back, and that's how I fell.".

Seeing Sidney walking with a plate, placing it on a centre table in front of her, "Try and eat something, I am going to rest."

"Do you expect me to eat that garbage?"

Vince, observe her just shake her shoulders, she did not even turn back just continued walking up the stairs.

"Chrystal Sidney, is trying to be nice to you, why are you trying to make mischief."

"Look at that plate?"

"What is wrong with the plate Chrystal?"Vanda asks.

"Vanda, I can't believe you ask that, haven't you seen how it looks?"

"Yes, Chrystal, I dished it out, I just asked Sidney to bring it to you, because I was doing something, now quit your griping and eat or leave, we are tired and have to organize to go and help GP, Vince will you be going?"

"I don't know what Sidney's plans are, but I know she is tired and she needs to relax her hand a bit."

"You are right, I notice a few times she was blowing the injured area. Okay, then I should go and help out, you and Sidney already did your fair share and you cannot go in the water anyhow, so try and take some rest."

Hearing her call Chrystal, to hustle up and get organised, I went to my room.