I don't know, maybe eleven, twelve, I can't really, say."

"Okay, if what you say is true, then describe what she was wearing?" Vince knew his suspicion was right, Sidney was home before eleven, this is a plot to misguide us.

"Sir, I wasn't paying attention to her clothes, she seems busy and I was going to meet my parents."

don't want to hear any more of Chrystal's madness knowing it was all lies, "Okay, I have heard enough, I am going to get a breath of fresh air, then I am going to call Jeff and Georgia and they will handle this matter from hereon."

"You know Jeffery and Georgia?"

Noticing the way Mr. Montgomery was looking at him, "Yes officer, Sidney is their sister, and another thing Officer Gregory, do you know my wife's brother and sister?"

"You meant to tell me; all this time Sidney Montrose is also Sidney Montgomery? Is Sidney your wife?"

"Yes, do you know her?" Noticed the way Chrystal furrowed her brow. She seems lost for words hearing Officer Gregory speaking about Her brother and sister and now Sidney

"Yes, she does our taxes return, don't worry I will handle this matter immediately and let Inspector Jeffrey know about his sister's disappearance?"

"Jeffrey, is an Inspector?"

"Didn't you know that?"

"No, I never ask." Looking at Mr. Montgomery, asking, "What is going on? You don't seem aware of her family occupation?"

"That is quite true Officer Gregory, I recently got married and no one give me a family report. I am still learning about my wife, much less her family."

"Are you aware that Georgia is an Estate Constable?"

"You see, that is news to me and we meet often?" Officer Gregory, see him smile wondering what he was thinking, 'He seems worried about his wife but why does this woman seem to be a part of this heartache?

His rage towards her gives me the impression of his dislike for her. Why is that? She is very beautiful, did they have an affair and now she is jealous?'

"What is so funny Mr. Montgomery?" Thinking he might reveal the rage he has towards her. But instead, he said, "I just recall an incident that occurred a few days ago and Georgia said to call the police."

"Okay, I believe I should leave, then we will start with a search and set up roadblocks while we do a more toral investigation."

Chrystal was about to slip away, when Officer Gregory said, "Hello young lady, we are taking you down at the Station."

"Are you crazy, my uncle will have a feel day with you for taking me in?" Ignoring her outburst he said Officer Jones take her to the jeep.

Seeing how she was angry wondering who her uncle was? "One minute Officer Jones, Ma'am, you said your uncle, who is your uncle, and what's his name?"

"It's Inspector Goddard."

"Oh, so that is your uncle, well for your information he can't touch us he is working in another station. But you will have to give us a report seeing that you were the last person to see Mrs. Montgomery."

Watched as they put her in the van and drive out but then they stop seeing another police vehicle driving into their entrance.

When Officer Gregory stop and step out of the vehicle, Vince look to see what was happening. Realizing that the Office was reporting to the incoming Officer. Vince call Jeff and explains what was happening.

Then he calls Georgia updating her. Thinking, 'Sidney family is so strange, when they meet you they don't reveal anything about themselves, but I know they love each other a lot.'

Walking to the front entrance where both vehicles had stopped when he heard the incoming vehicle officer's phone ring. Assuming it was Jeff calling, as the elderly officer was speaking hearing how angry the officer was.

Then he gave the other vehicle officer the phone, hearing him saying "Yes, Inspector, we will be there in about twenty minutes." Vince knew that it was Jeff immediately on the phone, satisfied that Chrystal will get exactly what she deserved.

Hearing the officer speaking to Chrystal, realizing he is her uncle, 'But who called him? I can't recall her using her phone at any given time.'

Wondering, 'If she had texted them a message before he came downstairs when GP said he was going to call the police.'

When her Uncle turns to me saying, "Do you know how foolish you will look when they released her?"

Becoming angry Vince adds to his defense, "Excuse me, they are just carrying her to verify the message she brought for me. She is not going to jail as yet? But if her family doesn't pay for my car which she wreck this morning, then I can assure you she will be going to jail. He snared at him.

And another thing if I find out she had anything to do with the accident of my previous vehicle which was crushed two and a half months ago, then she will be spending her reminding day behind bars.

So if I were you I will find out the truth before you make idle threats, because I am going to get to the root of this problem and kill it.

And Sir, I want you to know when your niece bounce my vehicle she thought my wife was in the vehicle, and she intended to crush her to death.

I am telling you what she had confessed to me this morning, so she is no saint so be careful how you thread because your career is on the line."

Walking away as the jeep with Chrystal drive off, then headed back to the house, straight through the back door.

It was already after six, checking to see if she was by the pool." Putting on the lights by the pool house then begins his search.

There was not a sign of her anywhere around. "Oh Lord, could it be what Chrystal said is true?