8. Costume Time

Aurora's POV

We went to church just as I had told Joshua Jr I would. And indeed his father Rev. Joshua Jones Sr. announced that they would have a great visitor on Friday. Then something odd happened the Rev. called up certain people and gave them a sealed envelope. Whatever is in that envelop has something to do with Gavin Goodie- Bowman coming I was just sure of it. We need to get one of those envalopes

After church Joshua Jr found me and looked so happy to see me, I was not happy to see him. I really couldn't be rude to him so I smiled and nodded and had boring polite conversation with him. Really I just wanted to leave, finally some girls from school came up and interrupted us I waved good-bye to Joshua Jr and gathered up Ella and Ethan. I couldn't find Lola again.

When we finally found Lola she was with that same boy again. I studied him more closely this time so I could keep an eye out for him at school. He was a solid 6'2" and Asian? I realized I must have not looked at him closely at all last time because in a town like this that stand out. I didn't see any Asian families I wonder is he a forian exange student, or something. He had a very sharp chin and really lovely lips. He was another absurdly attractive high school boy, what is up with this town? As I studied him our eyes met and I saw red clouds much like the white clouds I have seen in Peter's eyes before. Lola found a horseman at the Goodie Church, without even trying. Red I'm pretty sure red is war.

"Hi I'm Lola's sister Aurora." I said extending my hand Lola looked surprised that I would be so nice on my own to someone at the Goodie Church.

"I'm Ken Armstrong, Lola and I met in art class when you guys first got to town." He said, he was very nervous Lola probably told some story about us being unfriendly, it's kinda true.

"Sorry but we have to run, we still haven't gotten any costumes for Halloween," I stated, "It's on Friday you know." I added like I hadn't just been informed of this fact a few hours ago.

I ushered my family back to the car, I had brought my for emergencies only credit card with us. This was an emergency our duty rested with this, and step one was getting all four of us Halloween costumes.

We found a cool boutique shop down town. For being small this town had some really interesting shops. I usually don't even like shopping all that much, but I could see myself spending an afternoon walking around down town and shopping and having lunch and talking with Peter. Woah, that thought just slid right in there, I didn't have anything like that with Peter and he is my assignment, I can't get too attached we could be leaving at any time I reminded myself.

Soon Lola found herself an "appropriate" costume, well somewhat appropriate. It was a red ridding hood outfit that was a little short for my taste but it did look really good on Lola.I check the weather app on my phone for Friday, I do like  dressing  for the weather.

"You guys it going to be like in the 40's on Friday." I warned everyone as I looked at Lola in her short Red Ridding Hood dress, and glanced at Ella who was pulling a black fairy costume off the rack.

"What," Lola said raising her hands, "It has a cape, see, and it's velvet." She continued swirling the cape around.

I looked back to find Ella had already put on the black fairy costume. She loved it you could see it in her eyes. There was no way I could change her mind now. "It has long sleeves, see." Lola told me, and yes it did even if the long sleves were shear.

Now it was my turn to find a costume and I had no clue what to buy. Ethan had it easy he grabbed an alien mask, and was done, he said and I quote " I'll wear my green track suit with this." So not fair. Ethan found some chairs and was sitting waiting for most of this shopping trip, actually when I looked over at him he looked like he might be sleeping.

I just wandered around the store looking really unsure, Lola and Ella started pulling things off the hangers and ushering me to the dressing room. I tried on everything the girls handed me, most of which didn't fit. They often forgot I has way taller and just all around bigger than them. Lola handed me a sexy maid costume, big no, but she insisted I try it, even bigger no. If I hadn't been wearing shorts my whole butt would have been out. Ella handed me a beautiful light blue dress with a lovely jeweled mask. The mask was white with silver embellishments, when I stepped out of the dressing room.

"Wow, that looks great." Ella clapped very happy with her choice

"It's great, but I'll freeze in it." I did look good I agreed but with it having no sleeves ,it just wouldn't work for me

"Ok, ok, try this dress." Lola handed me a white dress, with long sleeves and a fur linned cuffs and neckine. I quickly changed into the white dress.

"That is it." The girls all said in unison. But as I looked in the mirror, what was I supposed to be. Lola noticed the confusion on my face.

"You're a princess." Lola exclaimed. Not exactly, I thought it looked more like a snow queen. But I was tired of trying things on.

"Ok then let's go." I said then turned and changed.

" Wait," Ethan said walking over and putting something on my head. I looked in the mirror once more. On my head was a beautiful white and silver crown. I smiled it looked perfect. " I know I rock, now let's go home." Ethan said. I quickly changed,then we paid, and headed home.

As we pulled up to the house Uncle Ryan was sitting on the porch waiting for us. "Where have you four been?" He asked "Wait before you answer and try to lie I already know you have been using the emergency credit card, so now explain."

I grabbed the bags of costumes and walked up Uncle Ryan took a deep breath and I explained everything, from our suspicions about the four horsemen being targeted to finding out Gavin Goodie- Bowmen was coming to town and that they suspected The Goodie Group planned to invade the Halloween party of Peter and Matt's.

Uncle Ryan sighed and took a long pause, then he finally said "Good job you know what needs to be done." Then he turned and went inside, right before closing the door he stuck his head out and said, "Now to training, you're gonna need it.

We spent the next two hours working our butts off training. And I was sure this is what we would be doing every day after school until the party, I wonder if I could convince Peter to join us. I guess now they needed to invite Ken too.

Some sparing, some knife throwing, some target practice with the guns and the bows, you never know what weapon you may need. Every training section ended the same with us girls collapsing on the couch and complaining, and Ethan feeling pumped.

"You girls should stop complaining, I could go for another hour or more." Ethan stated flexing around the living room

"We'll see when you have to start training with the horseman and not just "us girls". Ella snipped.

It was true I had been the only one so far to train with one, and I have not yet told everyone my thoughts on Lola's new friend Ken. Really it reminded me I should call Peter, he needed more training time. I got up and walked to mine and Lola's room. I could still hear Ethan and Ella bickering. I picked up my phone from my desk and saw I had 2 missed calls. My heart jumped sure they were from Peter, I mean no one else really had her number. I checked and I don't know this number so I listened to my two new voice mails.

The first one went, "Hi Aurora this is Joshua Jones Jr" really and truly his full name I couldn't help myself I just don't like him, " I wanted to see if you would go to the church Halloween event with me on Friday, ok I talk to you soon." And then the second message said "Hi Aurora never mind, I didn't realize you already had someone." He sounded terrified in that last message what was he talking about had someone, not that I wanted to go to a church thing for Halloween and I already had plans. But I was still concerned about his second call so I tried to call the number back. He had blocked my number, I didn't even know how he got it in the first place and now he blocked my number.

It took me a few min and a few more tries to Joshua's number to regain my train of thougt as to why I had really gotten my phone. I got into my contacts Peter I typed and after taking a deep breath I pressed send.


Peter's POV

My phone started ringing and I grabbed at it to silence it, Aroura would hear it. I was again sitting outside her house; I didn't know what made me come here, or what made me hide. I could just go up to the front door and ask to see her, I really did want to see her. That no good church boy Joshua Jones Jr. was trying to put the moves on Aroura I saw him, I took care of that. I looked down at my phone It's her Aroura was calling. I declined the call and just raced over to her window. I stared at her for a moment, she looked confused, then she called again. I was too close to her window and she heard the ringing. Aurora looked at her window to find me looking through it. This is so embarrassing. She pointed to her phone so I answered mine.


Aurora's POV

"Hi" I said and waved to Peter standing outside my window. We just stared at each other for a long time.

"Hi" he replied finally "I just came over to invite you to my Halloween party." His eyes already had white swirls starting to build up.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked I did find it strange he came to my window and not the front door, but I don't really get boys and I know now he's not just a boy.

"Sure, should I go to the front, will your uncle be mad." He said he didn't sound scared

"Go to the front door." I told him and hung up