"Good job guys," I said and checked my watch which read 6:30 pm. The workers had done well. I could see progress and I was planning on giving Cal feedback. My phone vibrated in my pocket. Speak of the devil.
"Good afternoon sir"
"I prefer to be called Cal not sir"
"I know just felt like pulling your leg," I said with a smile
"So how's your holiday?" he asked
"No, I meant how's Paris?"
"Why did you call my assignment here a holiday?"
"Nothing just a slip of tongue besides it could be a holiday if you want it to be," he said
"Not buying it Cal"
"Not buying what?" he asked feigning ignorance
"Spil the bean Cal"
"I'm not hiding anything from you" he lied
"I don't believe you," I told him
"I know you won't let the matter die down so here it is" he sighed
"Lila begged me to give you a break and I didn't want to but you know how convincing Lila can be so I had to give in and used the whole construction thing as a cover-up"
"Seriously Cal?"
"She knew you would have told her your famous statement"
"Which is?" I asked
"Maybe next time"
I chuckled a bit. It is true though I never had time to myself I was either at work working or home working either way I would still be working. Thinking about it maybe I needed to find out what else there was apart from the bubble I had created for myself. I had created the bubble for a reason but maybe it was time to step out of it. An inch wouldn't hurt at all.
"Are you still there?" he asked
I had forgotten the phone was still pressed to my ear.
"Sorry, I zoned out"
"I figured"
"I'm at the site" I informed him
"You don't have to supervise," he told me
"I do, its the only thing keeping me mobile at the moment"
"Who am I to say no?"He laughed
"So how's progress?" he asked
"They are doing great, if there aren't any interruptions they should be able to finish within a month or two"
"So you're staying in Paris for a month or two?"
"Of course not, I'll be back soon"
I heard him sigh at the other end.
"My job will be waiting for me right?" I asked
"Of course" he replied
"Bye," I said and went off the line.
"I'll be leaving," I told them
Bye and see you later were heard from the workers
"Krystabel do remember to tell your boss what we discussed"
Look at me forgetting things
"See you next time then"
I headed home and I was hoping to eat something sweet for dinner. I was so happy that I wasn't lactose intolerant because I couldn't imagine life without sweets. I texted Lila
Are you free
No, do you need anything
No just asking
Are you sure
I was typing back a reply when I bumped into someone and a pink substance flew all over my jeans. Being an expert in sweet things it was probably strawberry milkshake. I looked up.
"I'm sorry cupcake"
You know there are times when you want to strangle someone to death because they did something you didn't like but instead of feeling remorseful he/she is busy grinning from ear to ear like an idiot. Well, that's how I feel right now.
"I said sorry cupcake"
Was everyone bent on giving me nicknames?
"I said------"
"I heard you, "I said getting irritated.
"Don't get so angry at me Cupcake" he grinned
"My name isn't cupcake"
"Then what is it?" he asked
It would be better if I left or else I might end up killing him after all. I attempted to leave but he held my hand.
"You can't leave without telling me your name" he had a playful glint in his eyes
"You want to know my name?" I asked
"I'll leave you if you tell me"
I wasn't going to meet him again so what was the worst that could happen.
"See you in the later future"
What a frustrating being. I got home in a jiffy, frustrated that my favorite jeans had strawberry flavored milkshake on them, and Lila, I couldn't even call her because she was busy but what if I tricked her to come. I called her
"Lila--" I said fake panting
"---I need you to come over now"
"What happened?" she sounded worried
"I can't tell you over the phone"
I went off the line. Mission accomplished. I changed into new clothes.
"In the kitchen"
"Krystabel?---" She looked confused
"What happened, you called me and you sounded scared"
"Let me go straight to the point, it was a prank"
"Yes," I said putting a spoon of ice cream in my mouth
"So you prank called for what?"
"You said you were busy, and I needed someone to complain to"
"Krystabel, I was supposed to lay out blueprints in a meeting, I canceled a very important meeting just for you"
"You're my friend" I argued
"Krystabel ---"
"I'm sorry" I apologized
She frowned
"Please forgive me" I pleaded
No answer.
"I forgive you, now pass the ice cream"
"Okay" I smiled
I gave her a share of the ice cream
"So what did you want to complain about"
"You know I went to the site right?"
"Yes, so?"
"I was coming home when I bumped into someone and-------"
I took a scoop of my ice cream
"---------and he splashed strawberry milkshake all over my jeans"
She gasped as if surprised, I raised an eyebrow at her and she laughed.
"Did he say sorry?" She asked
"He did but he got me frustrated when he called me a cupcake, then he asked me for what my name was and I decided to leave before I killed him--"
"And ended up in jail," Lila said
"Right, but he held my hand and told me I'm not leaving until I tell him my name"
"And what did you tell him?" she asked
"I ended up telling him my name was cupcake since we weren't going to meet him again"
"Why did he call me cupcake, is there anything cupcakey about me, why is it that everyone I meet is either giving me a nickname or trying to frustrate the sanity out of me"
"One question at a time"
I launched scoops of ice cream into my mouth.
"Cool down girl, you might get a brain freeze"
"No, I won't"
"I think that guy thought you were sweet that's why he called you cupcake besides I don't think he was trying to frustrate you maybe it was the other way around"
"Are you trying to insinuate that I was the one frustrating him?"
"Whose side are you on?" I asked with a frown
She stuffed her mouth with ice cream and I rolled my eyes at her actions.
"Lila I found something out today"
"Tell me," she said
"I called Cal"I informed her
"My boss" I answered
"Ohh that Cal"
"Which other Cal do you know?" I asked
She shrugged
"Someone convinced him to give me a holiday"
"That person did the right thing," she said smiling
"Do you have any idea who it might have been?" I asked
"Not a clue" she answered immediately
"Does the name Lila blackwood ring a bell?"
"Not really"
"Stop playing dumb it's your name," I told her
"I don't think so"
I shot her an inquisitive look
"Fine, but I don't think it's a crime wanting to spend time with my best friend"
"But you could have told me," I said softly
"And let you advise me against it"
"Exactly, but since you're my friend you're forgiven"
"I never apologized" she rolled her eyes as she got no answer from me.
"So what are you eating for dinner?"
"Can you make some sandwiches for me"
"It been a long time since I tasted your sandwiches and it still baffles me how you can't cook but you make the best sandwiches I've ever tasted"
I simply shrugged
"It's a gift"
I finished up my ice cream and made her sandwiches.
"See you next time," I said seeing her off.