
“A ray of light is enough to sustain any form of darkness”. Even I am in search of one to lead me into a better understanding of things.

Who could have conspired to lead me into a different world altogether?

What was the underlying purpose of such an act?

Was I having something special that was never known to me, but to others….?

Who was he, Devyansh?

These questions perplexed Samaira when she was having her lunch. My surroundings have changed drastically, saying so, Samaira looks outside her window. Is it the same vegetation that was present near my house in park street, Kolkata? Or, things are not what they seem. No, it doesn’t seem to be the same set of trees. They seem to form a pattern of some sort. Recollecting the reminiscences of the game, she could understand that something was not right. Something had changed in the surroundings or the whole surroundings have changed.