Inviting Amy home

They ate their meal in a comfortable silence because no one was willing to talk, Rick had his head in his phone while Rachel just kept going at the waffles. Few hours after they both freshened up, Rick left saying something about going to lie in his boyfriend's arms till he felt better and Amy was headed to the gym, so Rachel decided it was time to finally go home.

When she reached outside, It was already an early evening and the sun had started to set, she decided to take a little walk before finding a cab, she knew it was going to take some time to remember she wasn't just Rachel Johnson but a Billionaire Heiress.

The atmosphere was a little chilled from the approaching winter but she was dressed and prepared, still having the hoodie that Amy had given her last night.

She opened her phone for the first time in almost a whole day and saw a bunch of business emails as usual but one text caught her attention, it was Baldwin's, Asking her if she wanted to hang, the text came in since 1pm at noon and now it was almost 7pm and she needed to head home.

Sorry some other time, still recovering from a hangover.

Sent back as reply to his text.

She connected her phone to her airpods and played Selena Gomez's new album which was like her free therapy, well not per say free because it was a prepaid album. She thought about taking a cab but the whole environment and the song she was playing felt like a whole mood, it felt right. While enjoying the whole scenario, a notification bell came through her airpods signaling someone just sent a message to her. Now she wished she had put her phone on Do Not Disturb but after seeing who it was, maybe she was a little glad she didn't.


Is that a no hear from you?

You know I have never been turned down by a woman before, but this, this will only make me chase more.



Is that a treat or a promise, Mr baldwin??


Why don't we just see it as a proposal and a part promise, how about that?


Part promises aren't real Baldwin, you all in or out? pick a stance.


Does being inside you count as a stance??


Smooth one bastard, but isn't that a move you make after a few dates?


How about a date then? tomorrow evening, just the two of us.


It's still no bro.

Now I know what you are thinking, he is everything, the perfect rebound, tall, handsome, successful, funny, almost everything a ready to settle down girl is looking for, but guess what, this sicko (Me of course) hasn't still gotten over that cheating ass of a bastard, plus getting pleasure mixed with business was the number one rule not to be broken by any successful CEO.

She learnt that in her internship where the marketing sales manager got involved with his secretary and after He later got married to someone else, she exposed his videos and got him fired.

That's enough lessons for her to follow, besides she was sure Araceli's parents also told her the same thing. After over thirty minutes of talking with Yandel and two iced coffees later, she decided she had had enough of the scenery and wanted her bed and a warm hug from her blankets.

She boarded a cab to the estate gate and walked all the way home even though there white golf carts available for transportation within the estate.

On opening the door, she realized no one was home except the maids in charge of evening duty, she headed up the stairs after taking an apple and headed straight to take a hot bath and shampoo her hair, after the long night in the club and the back aching one at Amy's place, she felt her hair carried a lot of lice and dirt.

She decided to spend a little longer in the bathtub to refresh herself more but Also partly because she was lazy and didn't want to get involved with any stress just yet.

Wait, the fact that she installed a wine cabinet close to the tub didn't make her a troubling alcoholic right? Either way, it felt right and she felt tipsy. She washed off the soap and went to change into her night wear. She had to go to the office tomorrow which meant waking up at 9 for her and having to deal with meetings and waiting, did she mention she was having lunch with Xander and that was something she wasn't looking forward to in any way.

" Wait a second," Rachel said out loud.

"Wait a fucking second, I have the video!"

"I have the motherfucking video!" Rachel shouted out loud dancing around, she totally forgot about the video for a second, she got lost thinking of how to use the video and not just spring it out of nowhere, that will be totally suspicious and people may start to think she set it all up, but after the 3 days wait, It wouldn't look planned.

She needed to call him now, to act all friendly and shit just so it doesn't look like she hasn't seen him for days and the first thing she does is dish him the most sour of all dishes she could serve via attitude, she dialed his number and took a deep breath.

"Alright Rachel, get your act right—" Rachel was saying to herself before the call clicked indicating had picked up.

"Hey babe!" Rachel cried in a higher pitch than normal with excess sweetness and little nerve latched on her vocal cords due to being caught unaware while preparing for the conversion.

"Hey love," Xander's voice came in neutral and bland, it really didn't sound forced nor did he sound like he wanted this conversation either.

"Busy day?" Rachel asked.

"Oh yeah, working on Sunday's is no fun," Xander complained, chuckling a bit, but she bet Alice was there beside him eavesdropping on their conversation so she decided to serve them the fool they thought she was.

"Alright babe, rest well, just missed you so much and can't wait to see you tomorrow," Rachel said in a sickening sweet voice after which she took the phone away from her ears to gag.

"Tomorrow babe," She heard through the speaker.

"Yeah tomorrow, goodnight babe," Rachel said.

"Ni—" Rachel cut the call mid sentence as she had reached her limit of tolerating Xander's shit for a day.

"Now all she needed was the perfect—" Rachel groaned after seeing her phone lit up from her side desk ringing

Her phone started ringing, she checked the name of the caller ID and realized that it was Amy and the frown that initially creased her slowly slipped away, she picked the phone and dropped her wine glass from where she picked up the phone.

"Hey Amy, what's up?"

No reply came through, instead she heard some sniffing in the background, she became alarmed immediately.

"Amy, are you okay?" Rachel asked with a worry filled voice.

"Oh no, everything is fine Araceli, I just called you by 9—" All Rachel heard was silence and her sniffing in the background.

"—58 pm to sniff and cry a little into your ears," Amy laughed bitterly with sarcasm dripping through Rachel's speaker, Rachel felt stupid, of course she was not fine, she mentally face palmed herself.

"What's wrong baby?" Rachel asked her.

"My landlord just evicted me with no warning and I only have half of the rent, I have been outside since seven, I tried to call Ricky but he's two hours away from town and everyone else is somewhat busy doing something more important and you are the last person I said I will call, I don't want you to think I'm friends with you just for the money—" Amy s broke down in tears.

"Hey Amy, it's okay, don't cry please, I will have my driver come pick you up soon," Rachel said, feeling her heart go heavy for Amy.

"Thank you," she said in between her sobs.

"It's okay, it's totally fine, Amy," Rachel replied.

In the next 40 40minutes, Amy walked through their door, and Araceli went in to give her a hug and let her cry on her shoulders.

"You will be fine, girl," Rachel whispered into her ears.

"I swear I'll pay you back, Araceli," Amy swore in between tears, shivering a little from sitting in the cold night for several hours.

"I will transfer you the rent money, alright?"

"No no, you don't have to do that, I just need to get up on my feet, I will be able to pay him in no time." Amy said, not wanting Araceli to think she was friends with her for her money.

"I insist, and besides, you did me a solid, I'm just paying back the favor," Rachel said.

"What did I do for you? I did it for you, and not because I wanted anything from you," Amy assured Rachel.

"I'm doing this because I want to do it and not because I'm paying back the favor you did for me,'' Rachel said, using her words against her, making her laugh a little.

"How about I ask them to make you some hot chocolate and get you to the guest bedroom?" Rachel asked.

"Yes please."

After she was done drinking it and she was shown to the guest bedroom, Rachel went back to check up on her but she had already passed out, lying down at the end of the bed without any pillow or blankets. Rachel covered with some blankets and put a pillow below her head.

She doesn't know what kind of past Amy had but it was definitely a rough one that had a lot of abuse in it.