Rachel, Amy, Ricky and Yandel exited the bowling alley which led to the parking lot, it was thirty five minutes past five and the twins were not yet back from the ice cream shop they claimed was just a ten minutes drive from here.
"Are you sure your siblings didn't kidnap my brother?"
Rachel asked, getting worried as she looked at the time again and looked into the parking lot, Yandel's car was still absent from the space it initially occupied and people had already started to leave the arcade as the drive back into the city was another fifteen minutes journey, making the total journey almost a thirty minute plus journey for her.
The sun was already setting, casting a dark orange tint on the car roofs in the parking lot.
Would Araceli take a satisfying selfie out here or was she expected to?
Rachel battled with herself internally, she was yet to check her instagram again even though she wasn't in charge of it.