I don't wanna lose you

"Good morning, Araceli," Emily greeted cheerfully, smiling brightly at Rachel who just gave a tight lip smile and ruffled Ethan's hair who was mindlessly wolfing down pancakes.

"How was your night?" Araceli asked, going to kiss Ace on the head.

"It was good, I can't say the same about yours though," Emily said, looking at Araceli carefully. She could see red marks around her eyes and her face was a little bit swollen.

"Rough night?" Emily asked.

"Don't we all," Rachel joked casually, sighing for what seemed like quadrillion time over the past six hours, she started to feel the stress and weight of a bad night on her eyelids. She really needed a vacation after all of this dramatic saga was over.

"Blueberries or chocolate chip pancakes?" Emily asked.

"Can I have both?" Araceli asked politely, pleading with her eyes, She knew Emily was a smart girl and she understood things are not right with her. So she served her both and gave her a peck on the head.