Men ain't it


"I should have seen the red flags…" My own voice echoed in my head.

I was so used to getting hurt that at this point a sense of relief attacked my emotional weak state. It was a redo or rather a replay from my past. It has always happened like this. Men who I started to fall for just ended up being assholes.

But Azariah was different, So was Peter, so was the rest of the shitty guys I attracted. It was almost as if I was nothing but a game, some little grandma favorite son trophy to take home to satisfy their childish ego. But Azariah caught me off guard.

He was goofy, eccentric, and weird. These weren't qualities that were associated with assholes.

It was a different kind of aback this time, this time I learnt and today I have been taught, nothing genuine existed. Maybe I should be more into girls, Lara seemed happy with her life, she seemed so much more mentally stable and emotionally collected.