In Ben's apartment
"Okay, Ricky...I'm beginning to feel really bad for you right now, I mean, three to one was pretty decent, it could be overlooked as a little slip up here and there but right now you are seven to—"
"Haa!— Eight, Eight to one, come on. I know you think I'm like a jackass or something but it's 2022, You shouldn't be pissed off when a girl beats your ass, are you sexist or something— or is it misogynist??" Amy drops the pad on the couch and stretched her lean pale white arm to the snack of chips that Ben generously provided for them when he found out they were going at it.
One thing was that Ben knew better than to come between them when they were all competitive when they were playing games, and as for the providing snacks part...well he knows his baby and he knows his weakness and his place of unluckiness, and that was Amy.