chapter five meeting

pov vic

he hung up the phone and I felt nervous for tomorrow because it will be the first time I will be meeting my father. my real father hades who so happens to be the Greek god of the underworld. who would have thought of me? I have so many questions for him like does he even feel bad for missing so many years of my life? or does he even care? he sounded like he did but who knows also I need to know about my older brother. I zone back into the present time to Nora looking at me and the army ghost yelling at me for my attention. he keeps saying something about his family. sighing I take a sip of my coffee and try to ignore him. I look back to Nora when she speaks"love are you ok? you were spacing off again."I rub my forehead to try to rid of my headache." it's just another ghost I am fine. we have to tell my sisters about my father when they get home that should be fun." she walks over to me looking worried." are you sure? is it the bad one from last night?" sighing for like the hundred time this morning, I seem to be doing that a lot lately. I put my coffee cup into the kitchen sink I go to turn around but before I can I feel arms pick me up and sit me on the kitchen island. I let a giggle out as I look at Nora who is standing in front of me." what are you doing?" she holds my hand while she says" I just wanted to look at you more closely. you are so short. it's hard to look down at you all day. you're beautiful


I blush hard and look away from her while she still holds my hand." you better not act like this in front of my father tomorrow he just might kill you before we can go on our date." I giggle again as she doesn't look so scared." I am not so worried about your father he knows he can't keep us apart." I look back at her and notice she has gotten closer to me. I blush more as she puts one of her hands on my cheek." oh what makes you think you will have me?" I smile as we still have our moment." oh I just know mainly from the sparks I feel when we touch."

I raise my brows as I look at her in shock." you feel those too? I thought I was going crazy. I mean I already see dead people so why not?" she laughs at me as I ramble on about how I was going crazy. she moves some of my red hair out of my face as she leans in. I feel her lips so close to mine but before she kisses me my sisters open the front door and come walking into the kitchen. to my sadness, she backs away from me a little bit to look at my sisters. Eva surprises me when she is the first to talk." sis we need to talk now." Eva is the more serious and quiet one out of the three of us. she is the second oldest so she hardly ever talks." what's wrong Eva?" I say as I try to calm my fast-beating heart. Nora gives me a knowing smirk and I roll my eyes as I look to Eva." you won't believe my day. I met someone today her name is Ellie. oh and I can control water now I am guessing it's because of the demi-god thing."

she goes to the sink and gets a glass of water and what she does shocks me. she looks at the glass of water with concentration and we watch as the water moves in the glass. Nora speaks before I can" I knew it your father is Poseidon. I just can't figure out who is mia father. maybe hades will tell us."

I watch Nora sits the glass of water in the sink and then lean against the sink." speaking of hades." as I say this mia walks into the kitchen and sits at the kitchen table." hades will be here tomorrow afternoon. want us to be here or?" I and Nora look at her in shock and mia just looks at us like it's nothing. I am the one to ask first" mia how did you know that?" mia looks back at me as she plays with her blonde braid"well sis I can tell the future now I guess. it's not fun either." Nora moves to the big kitchen window and seems to be looking for something while I talk to my sisters." well I need you guys to go to school tomorrow and not worry about me. I will be ok." before either of my sisters can say anything Nora sees something and calls for Mika." Mika stays here and keeps them safe while I go check this out. seems we have company."

i go to look out the window to but nora pushes me behind her before i can see anything."love listen to me. i need you to take your sisters to one of your rooms and whatever you do don't look out the window. please stay in the room."

she doesn't give me time to talk.she gives me a forehead kiss and push me and my sisters up the stairs.

nora pov

i walk to the living room towards mika who is waiting at the front door." mika lock the door after i lock after i walk out i don't have to tell you tp protect your luna." he bows to me and says"yes alpha".i go out the door and wait until i hear him lock it. i scene the man before i even saw him.

i use my wolf to track him down when i find him i run towards him. the first thing i notice is his red hair and sinnster smile. he speaks before me" oh i see my sister sent her wolf out. well to bad your not the one i want to talk to. i need to talk to her." i growl and i feel my eyes change color green to yellow."you wont be seeing her today. shes had enough of you messing with her last night. shes had nightmares all night." he lets a laugh out and takes a step forward to me and i let another growl out."oh no worries i will talk to her very soon. i hear dear old father will be in town. so i will see you again soon. oh and the names Samuel."he walks over to me and sets his hand on my shoulder and i feel a pain in my shoulder i bite my lip to not let a scream out.

i hold onto my shoulder in pain as i watch him walk away after i am sure he is gone i start back to the house.after a few minutes i get to the front door and i see victoria outside looking worried. i let a growl out as she runs to me."victoria i told you to stay inside no matter what and wheres mika? he was purpose to watch you." she doesn't anwser me her eyes just widen at me saying her name and at my shoulder."nora lets get you inside. we need to fix your shoulder." she just pushes me inside and igores me being mad at her.