Drenched and Wet with the Handsome Kidnapper

With Leona's stomach rumbling, she couldn't find the strength to open the detergent packet. Even her nails couldn't pierce onto the plastic, and she mumbled in disappointment. Having no other choice, she pulled the edge of the packet with her teeth.

Being a person who does not give up easily, Leona did it repeatedly, hoping that her teeth would be stronger than her fingers.

But, when she moved the packet forward, the plastic broke, and the detergent powder scattered!

"Pwe! What the..." Leona tasted the bitter powder. The label said "Lemon", but it tasted like raw bitter gourd!

The ginger head turned her head towards the direction of the mafia boss. He simply stared at her as if she was a fish in a tank.

When a smirk escaped his lips, Leona avoided his gaze and tried scooping the soft powder particles with her hands instead. She knew it was a stupid thing to do but should she ask for a new packet of detergent?

Studying the handsome man again, Leona quickly changed her mind. She would be safer interacting less with such a dangerous person.

She wanted to take a shower and get herself some clean clothes, but it wasn’t up to her. If the walls were not made of clear glass, Leona might have taken a quick bath. She could only imagine herself bathing in the elegant-looking bathtub that she was made to clean, the type that she only saw in CEO movies!

Enough of the daydreaming! The handsome kidnapper could pass as a decent CEO male lead, the one that could make the female lead’s heart melt just by his gaze. Too bad he was a rotten criminal who enjoyed watching people clean toilets. If he wasn’t so perverted, her heart might really skip a beat!

Wait! What the heck was she thinking? A new plot for a novel?

Leona shook her head to remove the unnecessary thoughts. She had to pretend to clean if she didn’t want to be here forever. Besides, who knew when the man’s patience would run out? She didn’t want to be locked in a glass bathroom!

In a grumpy manner, she tried to turn the knob of the faucet, but it wouldn’t budge. Why couldn’t bad luck leave her alone?!

From the other side of the glass wall, Ignatius sat on the bed observing her. Why was the ginger-haired woman crouching for so long while gripping on the faucet? He frowned.

Wait a minute… He forgot that it was broken! The mafia boss had a bad feeling watching the interesting woman struggle with his faulty faucet and quickly got up.

Meanwhile, Leona never gave up on the stubborn faucet. She gripped it even tighter and tried to turn the knob with all her might. Although she was defeated with the escape route, she wouldn’t lose to a simple faucet!

Ignatius took long strides and entered the bathroom. The ginger head was so focused that she didn’t hear him calling her from outside. Just as he neared her, Leona turned the knob and the faucet broke, covering them in water.

Startled, Leona shrieked as water blasted her face! She stood up from crouching too quickly and suddenly, not prepared for the slippery floor that failed her.

Ignatius, who was just behind her, was wet from the spurting water. The mafia boss wasn’t fully prepared for Leona to suddenly stand and slip. His body reacted faster than his mind as he fell down with her to cushion her from the fall. In the scramble, his hand touched her back and the feeling made him freeze. She had no bra!

Everything’s wrong about that scene. A woman with no bra was on top of him, and she wasn’t even his lover!

Not in his nature to take advantage of such a situation, Ignatius pulled his hand away from her and turned his head to the side. Even if she was a hostage, he couldn’t treat her without basic respect. Men and women are from different worlds and he wasn’t human trash.

On the other hand, Leona thought about crazy things that could happen if she bumped her head. She might get amnesia or be admitted to the ICU if the mafia boss was kind enough to call an ambulance. Either of the two may not be so bad, but it meant she would not be able to finish her web novels. That was simply terrible news!

Praying that she wouldn’t hurt herself in any way due to her clumsiness, she closed her eyes and braced herself from the hard impact. Surprisingly, what her head and body rested on was something warm.

With her eyes still closed, she placed her hands on the body that caught her. She repeatedly explored with her left hand. How firm, she thought.

Realizing that she was caught by a man, she tilted her head up, and saw that it was her kidnapper!

“I’m sorry!!!” She shrieked in panic.

She already committed a grave sin of attempting to escape, and now she broke the kidnapper’s faucet! What was going to happen to her now? There was no need to think further. She would surely be punished!

Crawling quickly away and kneeling down, Leona bent her waist until her forehead reached the wet floor. Hopefully, with this sincere form of apology, he might reconsider sinking her at the bottom of the ocean.

Ignatius sat up and saw Leona bowing like a Japanese in a gangster movie who committed a grave mistake against the clan boss. Yes, he was the boss of the clan, but Leona’s not part of his famiglia!

Actually, he did not know what to say to her. He looked around and saw how his previously squeaky clean bathroom became a terrible mess because of the water. Getting her to clean his bathroom led to this catastrophe. This hostage was really troublesome. Then again, he was partially to blame for this mess.

Leona remained on the floor for a long time, wondering why her kidnapper wasn’t saying anything. She peeked and caught him staring seriously at her.

Ignatius kept on staring at the panicking ginger head. He found her reactions quite cute and wanted her to be afraid of him more. What would she do if he pretended to be angry?

“I promise, it wasn’t intentional!" Leona squeaked in defence at the dark glare.

"It wasn't intentional?” Ignatius smiled dangerously with a sultry underlying tone. “You even touched my body."

Leona turned beet red when she remembered how his firm abs felt on her hands. She shook her head while she was still bowing.

'Get a grip, Leona! Why the hell are you thinking about that stuff?' the writer asked herself.

Ignatius wanted to tease Leona more. He stood and ordered her to follow him.

Without a choice, Leona obeyed. She was drenched and folded her arms over her chest as the shirt she wore was slightly translucent. It became more obvious that she had no bra on after the water accident.

As soon as Ignatius turned his back to her, Leona immediately followed. She did not want to get on his bad side. If she wanted to get out of that place in one piece, she needed to do everything he said!

She followed him towards a luxurious walk-in closet across the bathroom. As soon as Ignatius opened the door, the rectangular ceiling lights flickered on. Leona gaped in awe at the black-themed design of the room.

Like the bedroom, the closet had black walls and a gray carpet covering the floor. She almost walked in with her wet slippers but stopped just in time when Ignatius gave her a glare. Obediently, Leona waited near the door.

Uncomfortable with being drenched, Ignatius removed his wet long-sleeved shirt. Leona could finally see the mafia side of this devilish man. On his left arm was a colored tattoo with a design of a shark in Japanese-style ocean waves. He grabbed a dry towel from the drawer and dried himself off. His hair was ruffled into messy spikes and Leona found her eyes drawn to something lower.

While Ignatius busied away, Leona gulped at the sight of his defined six-pack abs. If anyone asked, she would reply that she was studying his interesting tattoo. However, Leona knew better. Those abs were just too drool-worthy and she couldn’t help herself! It was free eye candy. If she was going to die, at least she should be able to appreciate the scenery.

The walk-in closet was air-conditioned, and because of the hotness of the man in front of her, Leona immediately felt the heat. It did not last long, though. With her hair dripping wet, she hugged herself and crouched on the floor.

Ignatius took an XL brief on the drawer and one of the pants hung on the cabinet. He decided to dress up in his bedroom before walking in Leona’s direction.

“Uhh… May I borrow a towel?” Leona asked before the mafia boss could leave completely.

But Ignatius just smirked. Ever since Leona arrived in his place, nothing good ever happened to her. She failed to escape the premises, then she failed to do the simple cleaning task assigned to her. He wondered, would she be able to solve her next predicament?

“No way,” he replied coldly. “Why do you think I’d help you? You caused this problem.”

Then he snatched the remote control and set the air-conditioner to the coldest temperature.

Leona almost couldn’t believe it. The man was hot but he was cruel! She almost thought he might be a nice person by saving her from possible amnesia earlier but she took it back.

“This is your punishment. I want you to stay in that spot until I get back. If I catch you grabbing my towels or my clothes, I will lock you up in my bathroom.”

Leona widened her eyes as she heard about it. No way, she didn’t want to be watched like a fish again!

As Ignatius got out of the room, he wondered what Leona would do. It was the first time he ever met such an interesting woman. Even if he didn’t know her well, Leona wasn’t someone who would stay there obediently and not do anything.

He couldn’t wait to see what her brilliant mind would think of.