Adobo Chicken

It wasn’t an easy acquisition. Despite all his ill-accumulated wealth, Ignatius had to report on papers spending a fortune to acquire more than half the shares in Wang Novels. Many of the more corrupted shareholders required more persuasive convincing that might have required more force than usual. Thankfully, Ignatius managed to secure his position as the immovable law at Wang Novel, which meant he could finally start a purge.

After living with Ignatius at his hideout for nearly half a year, Leona could discern whether he was dressed for official legal or night business, as she dubbed it. For the longest time, Ignatius only wore his night business suits and left after dinner. However, the mafia boss had been leaving during corporate hours and returning in the afternoon to join her for dinner. The shift in his schedule and dressing sense made Leona curious.

What was he up to?