We’d moved as far as the school gate, and amidst the panting, and faltering steps, Nneka had managed to speak. Not that her points were bad, but there would be consequences, there always were. Gasping, trying to force a calm upon me I felt my insides burn a bit, and whilst I panted, she stood like she’d just taken a leisurely walk, spotless. Nene never ever suffered the consequences, what would have brought a great reckoning upon me, got Nene a nod of acknowledgement. Her skirt was deemed as appropriate by her mother, my father deemed it sacrilegious, and whilst I longed to live as I wanted, to shake off nnanyi’s words, I simply could not. For although I despised his very being, his holier than thou words always followed me, resounding, echoing, reminding me of what a sinner I was, listing out my imperfections.
Sometimes I loved that voice, really really loved that voice, because It never failed to remind me of what a sin I was, and how easy it was to break away from God’s graces, especially for me.
And today, watching her mouth move, giving way for her perfect plan, his words made so much sense, much more sense than ever. For as I stood, supposedly processing all she said I saw myself, bruised, bent, and his words resounded in my ears,