
The smell of Egusi intensified, and all around, all in a neat order, were spices. Expensive spices which my family couldn’t dream of affording. At that moment, I felt the obvious difference in our statuses wealth wise, and it quite surprised me.

“Sit. Do you want some food?”

To that, I shook my head in the negative.

“Okay then, suit yourself. So, you want to talk?”

To that, I raised my head to meet her eyes, puzzled as to why she would ask.

“Someone was with you when I saw you just now. And, I’m sure you know who.”

To that, I kept mute. And when the realization hit, so did my fear. He followed me, he could be beside me now. He could be close.

“Don’t worry, he can’t enter. But I need you to be totally honest with me. Where did you see him? Where did you meet him? Because, for him to have been able to follow you, you invited him. What happened?”

To that, my heart hurt, and I felt a smile blossom on my face, yet, I felt nothing in my heart, absolutely nothing. Yet my facial muscles moved, all in response to that which I knew I ought to feel, yet didn’t feel.

“I met him in my sleep. I’ve been meeting him for years. We’ve been friends for years. And he’s never left my dreams for the real world till now.”

To that, she nodded her head. Then getting to me, hugged me again,

“You’ll be alright. Don’t worry. I’ll do my best to keep him at bay. But remember, you have to tell your father if you can, to come answer to his summons. At this point, it’s no longer optional. I’ll visit. For now, let’s get you home.”