She didn’t pause to soak it all in, within seconds she stood within our parlor watching as nnanyi nursed what he’d long insisted, was the devil’s curse. And as she gazed, irked, I watched her face contort into some inexplicable anger, hate basically boiling all over her, and it stunned me. But whilst her eyes burned, and she was only a little bit away from shaking, he was relaxed, unbothered, and in some way, absent.
“You know it’s come for her why haven’t you done anything about it?”
Still he said nothing, and each sip of palm wine taken angered Ada, and it showed. The tightening of her face, the obvious struggle to retain her little composure, and the absolute absence of her usually languid expression. And at that moment I felt that I’d never known her, that all I’d seen was a facade.
“You were here, you and Uncle Ugo had spoken about it here and you both knew it would eventually come. But you both did nothing, now we're all going to perish because of your stupid actions.”