
In a way I felt that Omeli was just seated outside contemplating the stars, that a fire was lit and burning in our hearth, that the mosquitoes were nowhere to be seen, and that the scent of nchaanwu filled the room, and as images formed in my head, bringing them all forth, my heart grew lighter, and my headache subsided, and my smile, it grew bigger, more innocent, more alive, more happy.

“Añuli open up, it’s me.”

I wasn’t sure if I knew whoever was at my door, but she sounded a lot like someone who’s life was filled with laughter, the kind of person who could laugh as 'she' had laughed. So even though I knew that I’d never met whoever was at the door, I still walked to the door, and I took my time opening it, so just in case she were to send my expectations to shambles, it wouldn’t come with such a shock.