Chapter Thirty-Nine

“It’s not your fault, Jaxsen. You don’t know the area, or the boundary lines.” She gently uncurled his fingers and smoothed out his tiny hands.

“So that’s why you’re mad at my daddy. You think he wasn’t paying attention, huh?” His tone was soft and just as accusatory as he lowered his eyelids. Rose took a deep breath before counting to ten as she exhaled. Her nerves on the whole matter were rather raw, and she’d made a few, but some personal realizations last night after Sebastian left. Sebastian was the boy’s hero and Rose didn’t want to tarnish that idolism with her own personal issues that are stuck in the past that mercilessly broke the surface the moment Sebastian came back into her life. Before she could say anything Sebastian came through the back door.

“Good morning, Daddy.” Rose met her son’s eyes briefly before looking away again.