05 Green tea b*tch Fu Yandong

~14 July~

Today was Luo Jingli's 20th birthday. When Luo Jingli woke up, he received a text message from a number he doesn’t recognise.

‘Hello, this is Fu Yandong, we met before at Lizheng’s mansion that day. Can you come out and chat with me for a while? See you at 2 pm at the Dimension Café in Rising Mall.’

"Mr. Fu? Why does he want to see me? Forget it, let's go and have a look. Anyway, I have already asked for leave to see my mother in the afternoon." Luo Jingli muttered to himself after reading the text message.

At half past one, Luo Jingli changed into casual clothes and boarded the bus, ready to meet Fu Yandong. When he arrived at the cafe, he heard Fu Yandong calling him as soon as he entered the door. Taking a look around, Luo Jingli found Fu Yandong beside the floor-to-ceiling window. Luo Jingli walked over with a smile on his face, and ordered a cup of hot water from the waiter before sitting down.

After Luo Jingli sat down, Fu Yandong was straightforward and said to Luo Jingli: "Do you think you are worthy of being beside Li Zheng?"

Luo Jingli was startled and lowered his head.

When Fu Yandong saw this and continued: "Lizheng’s family is one of the best in City A. Who are you? Lizheng has had countless lovers, and there will be more in the future. You are just a toy that interested him for a while."

In Luo Jingli’s mind, he shouted with tears streaming down his face, "I know! I know..."

Li Zheng and I are people of two worlds. When the people around mentioned him, everyone would praise his outstanding talents. He had graduated with top results from prestigious universities and thrived on his family business. Twenty years ago, people remembered Li Zheng’s father, because he was the Chairman of the Commerce Union, and people addressed him as the chairman Li or Mr. Li. Now they all know, the younger Mr. Li was also quite remarkable.

At this moment, Fu Yandong saw out of the corner of his eyes that Li Zheng was about to pass this window to the door of the cafe not far away.

"Sure enough, he still cares about me." Fu Yandong thought.

Suddenly Luo Jingli, who was in a trance, jumped up, his clothes had a dark water stain, and it was even steaming in the air-conditioned room. Fu Yandong quickly stood up apologetically, picked up the napkin on the table, and walked around the table, making a gesture to help Luo Jingli wipe his clothes. Luo Jingli irritably stretched out his hand to block the hand that was about to reach himself, frowning while pulling his clothes away from his body.

"Never mind. Thank you."

What Fu Yandong said just now has made him feel a little upset, the incident now was making him feel even more irritable.

The hand that was pushed away stiffened, and stretched out to him again stubbornly. Although knowing that the other party seemed to have a good intention, Luo Jingli still stretched out his hand to push the person away. Somehow, this light push actually knocked Fu Yandong to the ground. Luo Jingli quickly raised his head, trying to grab the hand that he pushed away, but he only caught the air.

"Hiss..." An inhalation sound made Luo Jingli, who was just standing there, come back to his senses. He squatted down hastily, and was about to help Fu Yandong get up, when someone else had taken a step first and helped the person on the ground up carefully.

That tall figure was Li Zheng.

Li Zheng saw Luo Jingli push Fu Yandong to the ground outside the window, and he even stood up, as if he wanted to do something more aggressive! He quickly stepped into the cafe and helped Fu Yandong off the ground. He didn't notice the hand in the air that stretched and shrunk back, which then dropped to the side, let alone the gleam flashing in the eyes of the person being lifted up.

After confirming that the person in his arms was not injured, Li Zheng raised his head and looked at the frozen person with sharp eyes. Without waiting for Luo Jingli's open mouth to say anything, he questioned: "Yan Dong kindly wanted to help you clean your clothes. Not only did you not thank him, you even pushed him to the ground!"

"It's not... I..." Luo Jing squirmed his lips, and stopped talking, not knowing how to explain it. He himself did not know why the water placed on the table would spill onto him, nor did he know why a light push could push a 1.8-metre man to the ground, and he did not know why his crush suddenly appeared here, and his crush even defended the person who spoke rudely to him before.

Without waiting for him to say anything, Li Zheng rudely pulled Luo Jingli's hand and stormed out of the cafe.

What Li Zheng didn't know was that he had subconsciously regarded Luo Jingli as his own person, and that what burned in his heart was not anger but jealousy. The jealousy that Luo Jingli was on a date with Fu Yandong alone and did not tell him. In his heart, he just wanted to take his person home and teach him a lesson. As for what to teach and why, his fevered head does not allow him to think too much, and can only react instinctively.

In the parking lot, Luo Jingli tried to break free from Li Zheng's claws, but Li Zheng's strength was much greater than him, and after several attempts, Luo Jingli still could not make Li Zheng let go. When they arrived at the car, Li Zheng slammed Luo Jingli into the back seat of the car, closing the door roughly. He then drove them to his mansion. On the way, silence filled the car, but no one took the lead to break the silence.

When they arrived at the mansion, Li Zheng pulled Luo Jingli upstairs without saying a word, took him to his room, and said to him: "I know you like me, but you can't target the people around me because of your selfishness. Don’t think I didn’t know that you poured water on him deliberately last time. He is kind to not care about what you did but that does not mean that you can do whatever you want!"

"I...I...I didn’t, I...It’s not me that found him..."

"You stay in this room and reflect. I will come to open the door tomorrow, if I find you troubling him again, don't blame me for making your life miserable!" Li Zheng walked out of the room before Luo Jingli could explain, slamming the door on the way. Then, there was the sound of the door being locked.

"Make sure he does not leave his room. Without my permission, he is not allowed to leave the room for half a step!" Li Zheng went downstairs and instructed the private bodyguard, leaving Luo Jingli sobbing silently in the room.

After some time, Luo Jingli’s eyes were red and swollen due to crying. Looking out of the window, he found that the blue sky and white clouds had already turned bloody red, making the ambience of the room bright red. Luo Jingli then looked at the bedding on the bed, his eyes lit up.

"Stop there!"

"Quick! Catch him! Mr Li said that he can't leave!"

The personal bodyguard chased behind Luo Jingli. In the back garden yard, Luo Jingli hid in a small corner and successfully avoided the bodyguard. When he climbed in and out, his calf and palm were scratched. Then, Luo Jingli, who just wanted to escape from this cage, ignored his injuries, and ran out of the mansion with all of his energy. He ran to the main road, got into the crowd, and successfully threw off the body guards.


Authors’ notes:

J: when I was writing this chap, I was shipping Luo Jingli x fu Yandong

L: Fu Yandong so annoying, don’t like him

J: he was originally meant to be the gentle type ahhhhhhhhhhh, but L made him bitchy… (Grievances)

L: but if he’s not bitchy then it’s not gonna be interesting

Note: sorry for the title, coz we could not find another word for replacement

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