09 Li Zheng has a competitor now?

~One fine day~

Luo Jingli was out to get some groceries and some new clothes for his mother when he saw an advertisement on the big screen of the shopping mall.

"Brew-the-Vibe cafe is now recruiting new baristas! Prior experience is strongly recommend, do come by to our billboard outside the cafe at L01-45!"

""Hmm? A cafe is recruiting baristas? I could perhaps give it a try since i know how to make some simple coffee and desserts from my previous jobs... I will go check it out after i finish buying my stuff." Luo Jingli said as he took out his mobile phone and snapped a picture of the advertisement.

(Author's Notes: In case you are wondering, yes, Luo Jingli bought a new mobile phone since he left his old one back in Li Zheng's mansion when he escaped)

~45 minutes later, outside Brew-the-Vibe cafe~