Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Stella's POV.

As promised, The next day, Steva treated me to Lunch of Sausages and a stack of pancakes dripping with sticky sweet golden syrup and a cup of coffee.

The lunch was very delicious and I enjoyed it, this wasn't my first time eating it but I don't know why but perhaps it's because the lunch wasn't bought with my own money.

As they say, Free food tastes better.


[ I am currently listening to Before you go by Lewis Capaldi. ]

Our Two monthly long holidays started the very next day.

I still can't believe that in just two months, I'll be a final year student! It just feels so surreal!

So far everything has been going well for Me and Steva and I wish it would remain the same but well, who knows.

Life is never straight, it is always Rocky.

That's why we just have to always be prepared for the worst.


Steva's POV.

Stella and I were discussing at my home one day during our holiday.

We were seating on my bed.

As always we were seating very close to each other with Stella's head on my lap.

" What's your plan for after School, Steva? " She asked me.

" After school, are you serious, really, Stella? We are just being promoted to final year and yet you are already thinking of after school? " I asked completely Bemused.

" I know alright but we should always have a plan for the future ahead Because who knows... "

" Okay, I get it, I am planning to learn Corel drawing and graphic designing. " I replied.

" Oh wow! But I thought you had already started learning Corel draw? " She asked.

" I have but I want to learn it on a more professional level. " I replied.

" Oh, that's good. "

" Yeah, What about you? " I inquired.

" Nothing much, I just want to improve my writing skills and that's why I am planning to attend an online Writing course. "

" Oh wow, if you'd ask me then I'll say that Your writing skills are already Top-notch but you can still go ahead with the course, I'll support you no matter what. "

" Yes, I am sure that you will, by the way, my Dad told me that I can publish my books as a hard copy. "

" Oh wow, I remember that I once told you that but you didn't believe me as you claimed that only Adults can do that and not teenagers like us. "

" I know and I am sorry about that, but you can't blame me really why because almost all the books we read in literature class are written by old men and women so you can't possibly blame me for thinking that way you know. "

" I know, Nowadays the ones who write most are youngsters, while some do it for money some also do it for Passion. "

" That's true, do you remember the Korean boy I told you about? "

" Is it Yun Woo? The Youngest Writer in the World? "

" Yes he is, he's the writer of a book titled The Great Storyteller, I read that book and I was very impressed, it almost seemed like he was writing a biography of someone. "

[ The great story Teller by Yun Woo

is available on Webnovel. ]

" Yes, I still can't believe that the guy is just Twelve years old! It's still so unbelievable. "

" True but I am not that Suprised anymore since some children were born geniuses, Remember Little Red bean and Little Pudding the daughters of Huo Mian and Qin Chu from The Chinese novel, My youth began with him? "

" Of course I do, I can never forget those two, Little Red bean is such a foodie and a charmer while little Pudding Is more of a listener than a talker. "

" Yes, I think that's probably the longest novel I have read with approximately 4909 chapters. "

" Hm, same here, the writer is a genius I must say but still my best book remains as Trial marriage husband by Passion Honey. "

[ I am listening to Only Love by Jordan Smith. ]

" I know that and my remains as The Ceo's Woman by The Blips. "

" Hm, I hope that we too can become famous and popular for our Talents one day. "

" Of course we will! After all, we are hard-working and devoted to what we are doing, or have you forgotten about the Quote which says that each of us in this world is meant to leave our Marks on history. "

" Yes, I remember that but I don't think everyone does, remember the young fifteen-year-old girl who died from Sickle cell in the Novel, The Better Place? "

" I do, that was one of the most emotional novels I have read, I can't imagine losing someone so dearest to me at a very young age. "

" Same here. "

" By the way, which University are you planning on attending? "

" Well, I Haven't thought of it yet but I have three choices on my mind now. "

" Hm, what are they? "

" I am thinking of, Standford University, Cambridge University, and Yale University. "

" Oh, I am thinking of the University of Reading and Cambridge. "

" Okay, though I hope we attend the same college, that way we wouldn't separate. "

" Same here's. "

" Anyways, Don't you have any plan for today? " I asked her.

" I do but I am feeling too lazy to. "

" I guess the feeling is mutual, Why don't we watch a movie? "

" That's a good idea, Which movie did you recommend? "

" Well, I have two movies in mind, Last Minute Romance and The Whirlwind girl. "

" Oh, so which one do you suggest we watch first? " I asked.

" Let's start with Last Minute Romance then we'll watch Whirlwind girl when we have time next time since it has a lot of Episodes. "

" Okay, let's head to the sitting room now. "

" Alright, by the way, did you have some snacks? "

" No, but I have already ordered some. " I replied.

" When did you do that? " She asked Suprised.

" Just now when you weren't looking. "

" Oh, so efficient, I hope you ordered some spring rolls and popcorns too? "

" Of course I do, I even ordered lots of refreshments " I replied.

" That's good! Let's head to the living room then, We'll just watch it on Your Computer there. "

" Why my computer? Can't we make use of your laptop? " I asked.

" Well, I ran out of data earlier and I haven't subscribed yet. "

" Oh, that's why I told you to Use WiFi instead, it's more reliable and cheaper to use. " I said.

" Alright, alright, I'll talk to my Dad about that. "

" You better do. " I authoritatively.

We moved to the Sitting room where we watched the movie though we only wanted to watch last-minute romance we ended up watching Five episodes of Whirlwind girl along with it.

In a nutshell, I'll say that we spent our whole day watching movies.

Lazy us!