The three youngsters listened attentively to what a guard with friendly copper eyes was telling them. It was crazy for the three of them to accept the challenge; after all, they had nothing to lose; if they succeeded in getting out of Elliot Craig's domain, they would have the chance to live a decent life like normal people, but if they failed... well, it was certain that they would die and stop suffering for eternity.
“Did you understand?” asked the guard, looking at the kids who were trying to memorize the improvised map he had made.
The trio nodded: although they had many questions, none of them dared to speak without Emer's or any other guard's permission.
“Well, you must get to the Gold Star as soon as possible once you are outside. I will be waiting for you there before the first snowfall. I will take you to a safe place,” he explained again, wishing the three youths could understand him, “I left the gates half open and disabled the security cameras; remember to press the red button on the boat to get away from here as fast as possible.”
The brown-haired boy was feeling nervous. That was the tenth time Emer explained the plan in detail, and he was beginning to memorize it; he was not a brainless idiot as Mr. Craig insulted him daily, he understood quite well. The plan was simple, so to speak: they had to go through some corridors of the subway labyrinth until they find an arch of rocks where the waves crashed against, and the boats were waiting for them. Anxiety and fear of failure were eating him alive, Mr. Craig's devilish look paralyzed his muscles, and he began to rethink if it was a good idea to get out of that hole.
“Were you scared too, mom?
I don't remember seeing fear in your face
Nor tremors run through your body from nerves
I'm drowning in fear, and I don't know if I can do it without your help.”
“You already know what you have to do…I trust you.”
The guard gave them a tiny smile hiding his fear for the stupid idea he had had. He owed a debt to those kids, especially Collette's son, the woman he could not help. He had dedicated each of his days to researching the best way to get those kids out of the clutches of his crazy boss, and six years later, he had finally found and devised the perfect plan. He no longer cared if he died in the attempt if he kept his promise to Collette and Bibi to get their children out alive. That would be enough for Emer.
“Okay, it's time.”
The four left the cell and followed Emer through the labyrinth, half-lit by torches at a hurried and careful pace. The footsteps of the three youths were silent and light as the rest of their bodies, making only the heavy boots of the armed man, who had overseen keeping his other companions entertained so that they would not get in his way, what could be heard.
“Hey, Emer! I thought you were resting….” Greeted a guard from the opposite corner of the corridor. All of them stopped as soon the foreign voice was heard; their hearts began to race.
Emer, for his part, covered the boys behind him, taking advantage of his tall stature and broad back, slyly picking up his muffled gun.
“I want to get some air; being underneath for so long makes me nauseous,” answered loud and clear without moving from his place.
“I get you, man. This place is horrible. Let me join….”
“No, thanks! I rather walk alone.” They broke in the ashen blond-haired man quickly, trying to walk through the shadows so that the boys behind him would go unnoticed. Emer's companion laughed dryly, shaking his head, approaching them.
“C'mon, man, have fun for a while, you'll see what a good time you'll…”
The huge guard stopped advancing when he saw a small shadow behind his companion, which caused him to smile slyly.
“I see that you already have company.” His smile darkened, and he got a little closer noticing three heads behind Emer, three heads that certainly should not be there.
Emer didn't wait for him to come any closer and pulled out the pistol resting on the sides of his pants, pointing it at his head, and shooting. The body of the terrible guard slid down the sharp stone walls, and a pool of blood surrounded him.
“Hurry up,” exclaimed the cupper-eyed man, charging the gun.
The four escapists ran down the corridor turning to the right, trying to forget the lifeless body of the officer. The way to the dock was long and confusing, but fortunately, they had no other incident; however, that didn't mean that something bad couldn’t happen.
“Yes, Mr. Craig, I think more than half of the guards had too much to drink....”
A muffled scream came from Oliver's throat as he saw the demon that owned the place, calling everyone's attention. Elliot Craig wasn't supposed to be at the dock that night. Emer's plans were once again frustrated; why did Elliot have to be at the exact place and time every time he planned a move? Emer covered the brown boy's mouth with more force than necessary while with his free hand he pointed at Craig, who looked at him with surprise and then, as he rested his gaze on the young man changed to a choleric one.
“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!” the growl of the slender, golden-haired man managed to scare the three boys.
“What I should have done a long time ago,” Emer mumbled, releasing the dark-haired man, shooting at the button that would keep the gate open so they could escape, “Run, now!”
The three kids looked at the scene with terror, but they didn't wait for a second longer to run to the exit when they heard Emer's indications. They had memorized the map and had already run through those corridors: one turn to the right, another to the right, and a last one to the left.
The guards with Elliot began to shoot at Emer, the traitor, while others tried to repair the switch. Elliot let out a shuddering growl and ran off after those three vermin. He could not allow anyone to leave his house, least of all that brown-haired guy with detestable emerald eyes.
The triplet was a bunch of nerves; the sound of the waves crashing quietly against the rocks and the crisp, clean night air only made the adrenaline and stress increase twofold; they were so close. Oliver made it across in time for the bars to come back down, leaving Jack and Annette inside.
Oliver desperately tried to move the rusty bars without success, while Jack and Anette sought for a stone that could break them. Fear transpired from every one of them; Jack covered the girl with his body to protect her from Mr. Craig's shots, taking the only way out.
“Go away!” his friend shouted at him, hiding in a tiny corner without letting Anette go.
“I'm not leaving you!” yelled Oliver in desperation with tears in his green eyes, reaching for a large rock and smashing it against the bars.
“We'll be fine, I swear! If you don't leave, the three of us will die!” cried the honey-eyed girl, “Go away, Oliver!”
Anette had noticed as well as Jack that Mr. Craig was one floor above them and was looking for some way out to shoot Oliver. They were not in as much danger as it seemed, or at least that's what she tried to think. If Mr. Craig's attention was focused on killing Oliver, they could open the gate again.
Oliver closed his eyes for a few seconds, squeezing hard those bars wishing, for a second, he had enough strength to break them, remembering the words his mother told him years ago when they were trying to escape.
>> No matter what happens, you must get out of here, do you understand?
Don't look back and run away...<<
That memory was enough to make him run to the waiting boat, get on it and desperately search for the red button Emer had told them about. He crouched down when he heard bullets crashing against the boat, and there it was where he found the button. He pressed it multiple times to get it to start. The engine starting up startled Oliver, eliciting a small scream that he tried to pacify by covering his mouth; seconds later, the ship began to move so fast and lurching that Oliver had to hold on to anything. He pulled his head out a little to see that demon looking for another similar transport and chasing it. Fearfully, he lowered his head again and curled into a ball, unaware that the boat was leaving that dreary place at an unimaginable speed, hoping that Mr. Craig would not catch up with him and that Jackson and Anette had managed to escape.