The world stopped for a few long, interminable seconds; deciding who was the most surprised was complicated. Donnell Dunn kept looking at the boy with dazzling, terrifying emerald eyes: a drop nose like his own and an elongated face. It was as if he was looking at a combination of his twenty-year-old self and was terrifying.
On the other hand, Elliot Craig had stopped putting much strength into his grip on Oliver's hair; the man in the hood had let his face show through the cold winds, and what he saw frightened him for a moment. It was Donnel Dunn... No, he must be going crazy for having that brat for so long. He had killed him, watched him stop breathing, and thrown him into a ravine.
Before either of the two adults could react, Chrystal grabbed Oliver's hand and pulled him tightly to her to free him from the demon and start running away.