

"Geez, I thought the sea was closer."

Chrystal and Oliver walked through the grass that was beginning to freeze, noticing how as they moved further toward the Golden Sea, the ground changed from grass to dirt and from dirt to sand. Oliver felt his stomach churning as he got closer to his destination and friends; it thrilled and terrified him simultaneously. He longed for his friends to make it.

On the other side of the beach, Jack and Annette walked hand in hand, sinking their shoes into the unfamiliar sand. It was cold, and the water had surprised them by getting them wet from walking so close to the shore. They both looked around for Oliver's messy hair, shivering with nerves as they tried to stay positive. Oliver was the strongest of the three; if he had arrived earlier, he would not leave until they were reunited.

"Oliver!" shouted the black-haired girl, unable to remain silent any longer, wandering.
