Chapter 4: Are you sure?

TWO WEEKS LATER, the current date was OCTOBER 10; time 01:56 PM and as of late things had gone smoothly with few disturbances, that included; Drunks causing a ruckus or misinterpretation, however they were resolved swiftly

As for Thomas Lopez, he was further at ease, business had gone swell, more profoundly with their ‘Lucky star’ rechecking over the latest data for the past few weeks, he was impressed with the young man’s performance

But the history behind was to be expected, sitting himself right Thomas pondered on the possibilities of ‘Why?’ out of all the establishments or countries, ‘Why here?’ was all he could wonder, but who was he to question

After all, things were yet to become more and more hectic by the day

AS AARON was cleaning the bar glasses “Afternoon Roja.” He simply greeted knowing she was right behind him

“How do you do that?” Standing at his side, preparing a customer’s drink “I swear you have eyes at the back of your head.” An image popped in his head, and he was conflicted to where he should cringe or laugh at the thought

He commented back “Well if I have extra eyes, you must have extra ears--for all the gossip you get around town.”

“You know me so well….” lifting two glasses onto a tray “....And you’ve only been here for a few days, by the end of the month you’d probably memorised everyone’s names….” she pauses after the tray was in her hands “....or better yet, their names and habits.”

With a smirk upon his face “Is that a bet I hear?”

As she trailed off, “Don’t even try, I made the mistake to bet with you last time, I ain’t losing my next pay--I need that for rent.”

Was her last comment as she made way to deliver the drinks

Continuing with his routine, he was brought out of his thoughts when his name was called out

“Hey Aaron!”

Turning to the source he finds his two close friends, the renowned hot tempered Helio Meyers

And perusal he held a scowl narrowing his eyes with a glare fixated on a familiar brunet, in being none other, Noah Meza, a free spirited and sometimes oblivious individual

And together they became the renowned trio, becoming as thick as thieves, it was almost as if they were brothers, murmurs and whispered varied throughout the streets, but of course they paid little mind to the whispers

Glancing between the pair with a simple smile “Afternoon you two.”

Drying the last glass, he gently placed it in the glass cupboard with the other clean glass cups, as they seated themselves

Aaron enquired “So how have things been lately?” crossing his arms over his chest “…also the usual?”

“Yes.” The pair said in reply to the latter question, but Helio continued to glare at the muscle head

Basically answering the former question, that Noah did a ‘Meza’ which in their slang means trouble, at least in his case

“What did you do?”

From the blunt accusation Noah couldn’t help but feel highly offended “Oh. So the moment Helio glares at me, something up?” turns away dramatically “I’m highly offended.”

Receiving a narrowed eye expression, Aaron thought to himself “Typical.” But still had a smile on his face

Helio scowled “Stop playing the victim, and you know what you did.”

Aaron gives a look that translates “Which is?”

The one at fault queried “. . . Well. Do you want the long or short version?”


Sheepishly Noah summarised “We-” gaining an elbow to the rib “-I. . . May or may not have gotten us . . . Fired.”

With a raised brow, Aaron hands over their beverages “From the pawn shop?” Receiving a nod from the pair, Aaron requested “Long story?”

Noah shrinks away under Helio’s glare

Aaron calls out in a warning tone “Helio. Calm down.”

In knowing he couldn’t win a debate with Aaron, ceased his movements and slowly calmed down while taking steady breaths

Patiently Aaron asks ‘Are you calm? Well, calm enough to not punch Noah?’

“Not really,”

Aaron then places a plate full of mango slices, shifting Helio’s answer


For the final touch to switch that ‘Maybe’ to a ‘Yes’ a slice of chocotorta was displayed

But despite his favourite dessert appearing before him, he remained still

However, the look in his eyes betrayed him, as conflict swarmed in them, showing Aaron he was one step away to victory

So to add onto the bait, he gently lifts the plate, which catches Helio’s gaze, that stuck to the slice as if it were a rare treasure

With a taunting tone, Aaron saids “…Seeing that you don’t want this Helio. Noah? Do you want this …. Delicious. Creamy delicacy?”

Internally Helio was ripping his hair out, while making incomprehensible sentences, before they turned into curses in every language he knew. But despite his chaotic thoughts, he remained compose and unmoved, however to his misfortune he was breaking but by bit

Aaron inwardly grinned “One more step.”

Without hesitating Noah excitedly asked “Really?” Already forgetting he got fired

With a slow affirmative nod, which was the only indication Noah needed

As the plate was within his grasp, which Helio’s gaze tailed anxiously

Fork in hand, with the tip of the cake scooped, heading into the direction of Noah’s mouth

Attempting to take a bite of the delicacy

Estimated its taste as soon as he closed his jaw, however, the sweet and soft texture did not come to pass, slowly opened his eyes showing nothing but a confused daze

But it was cut short when heard small munching noises beside him

Turning to Helio’s direction he finds the culprit snacking happily

With a horrified gasp “Hey! That’s mine!” the brunet reaches to clutch the other’s shirt collar

But is intercepted by another who grabbed his collar hauling him back. Releasing a defeated groan knowing who the perpetrator was, holding his hands high in a mocking surrender “I give.”

Roja scolds. “You better,” releases Noah “..because if that plate broke, it comes out of someone’s salary.” Specifically ‘Her salary’ was left unsaid, since it was her turn, and that was something she could not afford to happen

Noah replies “Yeah, yeah, I hear ya Ma,”

“Good.” Was her final before she trailed off to her tables

With her gone Noah continued to glare at his partner, and mumbled “Totally unfair.”

To disperse his gloom, another slice of chocotorta was presented, which of course quickly turned his disgruntled demeanour to a child-happy like demeanour, together the clashing duo made peace with one another

But their lack of an occupation remained, however, that was a matter to discuss at a later date

It was then Paula announced her presence, with a simple smile. “Hey guys!”

The trio replied in sync with “Afternoon Paula.”

“Anything new?” She queried

The previous conversation was going to be brought back up, however Aaron cut in to not ruin the peaceful result “..These Tamariki had an early situation, till they came here and fought over some cake. So basically . . . the usual.” he exclaimed

His implication that emphasised on the word ‘Situation’ was all that she needed to remain quiet on the events before hand, knowing it would rekindle their previous argument, something the duo didn’t want to face when their so close to the end of their shift

However, his implication was regarded as an insult. “Did you just refer to us as Children?” Helio questioned, remembering that it was a term in Te Reo Māori referenced for kids

“Of course not,” as he takes a glance at his watch “Oh! Well if you look at time. I need to talk with the boss…soooo Ciao!” And ran off before another word could be spoken

“That slick bastard,” Helio commented

Paula could only shake her head with a small smile plastered on her face, she then sees the box of chocotorta, grasping it, she then offers. “Want some more cake?”

In sync she was answered. “Yes!” Without hesitation

And ate to their heart’s content

MEANWHILE in Thomas Lopez office, who was currently maintaining their establishment’s pay system, was near to the point of sleeping, afterall the poor bloke doesn’t even have any freetime for his family, much less himself

He reflected to himself. “I really need a break.”

Rubbing his temple, he takes a mere glance at his family’s portrait he angled on his desk, and within his eyes shone with longing, after all he made many promises but has yet to fulfil the promises he made to his family

The one he had repeatedly told. He would say ‘I promise, once I finish I’ll be there.’

But there was never anytime for him to be there for his family, their school events, games, and so forth, he was even late to supper, missing out on some family quality time, and that is one of his biggest regrets

Turning back to the papers in front of him, continuously working, he was again interrupted by a rhythmic knock

“Who is it?”

From the opposite side of the door. “It’s Aaron,”

Thomas simply sighs. “Come in,” continuing his paperwork

Once Aaron was present in his office, he questioned “Anything wrong kid?”

“Truthfully at first, to escape Helio’s glare, that’s for sure..” He remarked, causing a chuckle to escape from the older individual lips “..however, there is also another matter I wish to discuss with you.” That humour formed into a solemn expression

With no words expressing denial of his request, Aaron continues to explain the situation

“Recently both Noah and Helio got fired from their previous job,” crossing his arms over his chest “..and as you know prices are rising quickly, heck even bread costs more than it should. And if they don’t find new jobs soon, they’ll have to take in the loans that are being offered.”

It was no secret to what Aaron’s intentions were, and summarised Aaron’s statement

“You want me to offer them a job.”

Aaron simply nods

However, Thomas wasn’t swayed so easily. “Aaron…you have good intentions kid, but I can’t simply give them a job, when They are not the one’s conversing with me about it.” giving a stern look in his direction “Furthermore, I can’t do favours in this business downpoint, as much as I care for them Aaron, rules and obligations are there for a reason, and above all else they might not have the required skills.”

But despite the explanation Thomas saw no change in his worker’s eyes, or expression, meaning that he expected this. And was proven right when Aaron spoke again

“True as that may be, there is a way to conclude this matter, without hindering the establishment,”

Raising a brow at that statement. “How so?”

“Work experience.”

Intrigued by this answer, since he thought that working at a Pawn Shop had little to do, which reflect skills, he gestured for him to continue

He suggests. “How about we test them? Think of it more as an ‘Interview on the job’ scenario,”

Inwardly, Thomas says. “Oh boy. This is gonna be a show.”

After two weeks with Aaron, nothing was dull with him around, more profoundly when dealing with Guzman or his goons

“Let's say I did go along with it…where would they be stationed?”

A small grin appears on Aaron’s face

“We’ll sir,” crossing his arms over his chest “You have been looking for a delivery boy, and despite Noah being an airhead at times has great navigation skills,”

Of course there was no fault to his words, as it was a common fact that Noah Never got lost

Aaron proceeds with “..and for Helio, Customer service skills,” Thomas raises a brow, when he wasn’t in need of another waiter

However Aaron had only one word to summarise the reason


“Ah,” Thomas thought

Since only 3 employees, including Aaron, spoke foreign languages that list off: Polish, French, Italian, and Mandarin; two in which Aaron was fluent in, and Helio was fluent in Japanese

And on the plus side, he knew how to deal with difficult customers, as he was as stubborn as a mule, and always won every argument, well except for the ones with Aaron, however, despite these aspects, he required firm evidence through CV’s and cover letters, and so forth, but a trial with work experience, it was promising

Since this was a new approach, that not only saved him time, and debate whether they were capable employees, it was hitting two birds with one stone

Thoroughly after a decisive decision, Thomas acknowledged the idea. “Okay . . . I accept your proposal Aaron. However,” continuing with the paperwork that enlisted the wages “..I want them to ask me at their own will, if not, then the deal is off. Understood?”

“Crystal.” standing up “I’ll take my leave then.”

MEANWHILE BACK WITH Helio and Noah, who were contemplating their next course of action, since most available jobs were taken before they could be advertise, it was by dumb luck they could get a job at the Pawn Shop

Noah groans. “What are we gonna do?”

Helio lightly drops his head on the table, mumbling. “I don't know.”

Both release a sigh of defeat

“Oi why the doom and gloom?”

In a worn out tone, Helio replied. “Not now Aaron, we’re trying to make a plan.”

“Really? Looks more of lounging around than-” Cut off by Helio

“-We are trying. Keyword: Trying to make a plan.”

Slyly Aaron says. “Well I was gonna inform you about the deal I made with Mr. Lopez, but I guess I’ll leave you to it.” And slowly walks away, leaving the apathetic pair to their antics, however Noah then realised what he said

“Did he say deal?”

Helio springs back to life “He did,” his eyes widening, almost to the point they might pop out “Aaarroonnn!!” He screeched as he went to hunt down the man, people who passed by could hear the question “What did you mean!?!” In a hysterical tone

With the following of “Aaron! Aaron where are you- Hey I saw you! Don’t walk away from me!”

Only after 10 whole minutes did Aaron give in, feeling pity, however that washed away quickly when he was held in headlock

And despite only being able to see the bottom of Helio’s rectangle chin, he didn’t need eyes to hear him gritting his teeth together, or sensing the menacing demeanour, Helio says. “How dare you…how dare you drop a bomb like that on us, and run off without an explanation.”

Aaron was sweating bullets at this point

But calmly he explains, “..Well you were moping, so I doubted you would have heard me anyway, however, now I can explain the situation better. Don’t you think so?”

Noah sides with Aaron. “He’s got a point, also you gotta admit we were moping like a couple of drunks who got cheated at poker.”

Slowly Helio inhales and exhales, to calm his nerves, once calm, he gritted out of his mouth. “Please, explain what you meant by deal?”

“Well . . . to sum it up, if you were to ask him yourself..” he glances at his watch “..preferably in four minutes before he dives into paperwork, you might get the details on how you're getting interviewed,” Inwardly. “Though it’s not really much of an interview.”

However, his vague reply only escalated more questions, and of course he had to recite the previous events

A FEW HOURS LATER, Aaron was nearing the end of his shift, precisely in 5 minutes, and he’d be off without a care in the world, with the only thought in mind was to reach home, rest, and possibly might continue to brainstorm on what kind of song he wanted to compose

But before he could ponder on the future, he was brought back to the present when he was called out by Paula “Penny for your thoughts?”

Aaron chuckles softly. “Oh just wondering what to have for dinner is all,”

But with the ‘Knowing look’ that she used, he simply releases a sigh and adds “..and possibly, quite possibly list out what else could be used in a song,” Inwardly he added “One that is themeless.”

This piqued a show of interest. “You compose songs?”

Rubbing the back of his neck “Sorta, I’m mostly doing it, to keep up my creativity.” He answered.

“Do you have any lyrics yet?”

“No. I’m still trying to pick a theme.” He embarrassingly admitted

Cheerfully she reminded him, “Well if it makes you feel better you could probably sing better than me.”

“Ha! I doubt that,” It was then he realised Paula was holding something in her hands “Woah hey…what’s with the plant?” Leaning in to touch the bud, but quickly snapped his hand away, as if the plant was toxic

She replies. “Oh just a side project for me,” She then proceeds to place it on the counter, before she reaches into her leather satchel with a yellow and blue bandana wrapped around the strap “..and a hobby for me to enjoy, while obtaining . . . patience.”

She clarified with a demeanour of clarity

“Hmmm,” he then strokes his chin “ you have another plant I could get Helio?”

Clasping a hand over her mouth she replies after taking a few calm breaths *Ahem* “Of course . . . you can even give it to him on his birthday.” She suggested

“Really? Okay two questions, one, when’s his birthday? And two, what kind of plant would he like?”

Easily she answered, “First answer, his birthdays on November twenty-fifth, and second answer, I would say to get him either a daisy or a lavender.”

“A daisy? Like lawn weeds?”

“No, not that daisy, a gerbera daisy. A yellow one preferably.” She explained

“Why yellow?”

“Symbolic reasons, and for his birthday, it’s quite accurate.”

He guesses. “Let me guess, hyper energy, positivity and serenity.” From the listed adjective and nouns, they were ones that their friend possibly needed, instead of being a grump sometimes, something he himself couldn’t deny

“Basically, but-”

“Oi! You two!” Turning to their left, finding the Supervisor standing with an annoyed expression and posture from across the room “Just because your shift nearly ends, doesn’t mean you slack. Now come on, we got to prep for the bar!”

Without a moment of hesitation the pair got back into their assigned tasks, becoming a blur as they swept from one task to another

However, what no one noticed was the strange anomaly that occurred around the small tulip bud, as a small wisp of green swirled and twirled intertwined with the bud, before the flower began to dimly glow, and disappeared without a trace

As the plant appeared mundane on the outside, something abnormal had occurred, something science couldn’t explain