

When Mika turned 13 years old, her mother passed away. She died because of an accident, a drunken driver.

Again she was in pain, it was a fact she never showed her emotions. However, she could never hide the pain she felt when her last parent died too.

She was left all alone, it was then she found out about her uncle from her mother's side. Her mother was not aware of this, otherwise, she would have shared this with her.

Him, being a cop and everything meant he had access to her information. He found out about the accident, so he made a decision. He contacted the social services in Philadelphia and adopted his niece.

Mika had to leave Philadelphia and go to New York City, where her uncle currently resides. It was a relief for her, she placed the house for rentals. She did not want to sell it, she cherished it so much.

Also, you never know when there is a time you need to get away from everything and be by yourself. Just to reflect on your life, from the past to the present, to move on for a better future.

She was young but was mature, and wise for her age. Her father left money for her, she invested it. She made sure she chose the right businesses to invest in and made a profit, she had millions within five years.

She paid all her father's hospital bills and maintenance, she hid this from her mother. Lucia was a very proud woman, she would have not allowed her daughter to pay those bills, even though she had the right to. After all, these were her parents, she saw no problem paying them and she had the money to do so.

Lucia was so mad at her daughter when she found out she went behind her back and made those payments. So, she confronted her.

"Mika, I am the parent here. It is my responsibility to make sure the bills are paid out. Also, to make ensure you are safe and secure not the other way around." she was crying when she said this.

Mika simple said to her mother without emotions, "I am not going to apologize for doing what is right, mom. I had the money to make those payments, so I made them. You are the parent and I am the child, but that is no excuse to ignore things when I can see you are struggling. I will not be that type of a daughter, mother. You best get used to it," she left her mother there standing in shock. She did want to carry on with the argument.

What was her mother's problem? She has a stupid notion and needed to learn pride never helped anyone.

Who said she was to lose herself if she admitted she needed help?

Mika's behaviour was drastically changing since the day her father passed, and her turning into that beautiful creature made it worse. She was never an emotional person before, but now it just got worse.

She hardly smiles these days and it was scaring Lucia. What if her daughter gives control to her animal side?

Lucia was scared if something were to happen to her, her daughter would become so emotionless and the darkness will consume her beautiful heart.

What will she become?....

Sadly she will never see her daughter sore into something, she never imagined.

Mika has been practising and training herself, they discovered with her being a golden wolf comes with powers. Powers that were beyond measures. She could do impossible things, she could do things that you could never imagine being possible.


Mika was happy she was not going to the foster home, she knew she wouldn't do well there. She found herself relieved when she was told a man called Damien August, called for her and informed the state that Lucia Mary-Anne was his long lost sister. He had been searching for her, for years. He was just sorry she already passed away when he found out about her.

He was on sick leave due to some serious influenza, during his scout for some dangerous criminals he got attacked by one of them. The man left him with a bite wound, and a sickness he will never wish on his worst enemy.

Damien was distraught when he learned his sister was no more. He discovered she had a daughter, and he immediately contacted the social services to inform them of his existence.

He was informed they had to do the necessary checks to make sure he was not lying to them, even though they were not sure what will he gain by claiming this girl as his niece. It took a month to do all the checkups and Mika was set on her quest to meet the uncle she never knew existed.

She reached her destination at sundown and her uncle was waiting for her at the airport. She knew who he was in the mass of people, his scent was like her mothers but it also was rotten. She found him busy speaking with someone.

She cleared her throat to announce her presence.

With her right eyebrow raised, she presented them with a stare and a glare. Soulless eyes looked at the two men with displeasure and annoyance. This shocked both of them, the hostility and blank face made them wonder.

What must have happened to her to make her this empty?

She could hear their thoughts. She just scoffed in her head, thinking humans 'well not so human in this case and their overbearing analysis.'

"Can I help you, darling?" The other man with her uncle asked too nicely for her liking, but she could tell the man was no paedophilia.

"I am Mika," that was all she said.

Shocked again with how little emotion was there, yet her voice was melodic. It was husky and quiet, she was still looking at them with that raised eyebrow.

She realized the man was not human. He was a caster, something she cherished. She looked at him challengingly and this made the man uneasy, he did not like the scrutiny the kid was giving him. It was like she knew his soul, he knew a few of those who knew how to connect to that type of aura.

He felt uneasy.

She smirked.

"I like you, you are not a bad person. Hopefully, you don't get influenced easily," both men were surprised at her statement and the girl seemed to be amused by their reactions.

Her uncle, on the other hand, was bitten. He reeked rotten as a rouge, she wanted to find those who had made him a target. She is sure that he was investigating something that involved wolves and their punishment for him was to turn him to what they were. Whatever he might have stumbled on must have been big.

She tilted her head looking at him with that blank face of hers.

"Well, you do resemble mom in your odd way. Pity, she never mentioned you," again there was no emotion when she spoke.

It was like she was saying it for the sake of saying it. It sounded like she felt she was obligated to say it, but didn't mean any of it.

What was wrong with this kid?

"I am famished, is there someplace nearby where we can go and eat?" she cocked her eyebrow in question.

"A diner maybe?" The men chuckled.

"Yes, there is one about a mile from here" answered her uncle.

"Come this way," he turned left walking to their ride.

They all walked together to a range rover with dark tinted windows, they got in and they were on their way to the diner.

"I am Damien, your uncle. Meet John my partner and husband." he winked.

Mika tilted her head again, she stared at them. Well, that makes sense since they reeked of each other's scents.

"Never would have guessed you guys were gay," she teased with sarcasm.

John looked at her with a frown.

"What do you mean? Do gay people get recognized easily?" he was a bit offended.

"Oh! we have a softy here. Don't tell me that broke your heart?" She carelessly said.

The man glared at her showing his dissatisfaction. Geez, he is a party popper. She was not sure if she needed another hero in her life, that would be boring.

"It was just a comment." Again she said with no emotion.

"Anyway, you know that other gay guys can be very submissive and flamboyant," she said with finality in her voice.

John did not see a reason to answer. The girl was cold and unapproachable. She was making him uncomfortable and intimidated.

Mika looked at her uncle and finally said confidently.

"Those rouges did a number on you. You smell like them." her uncle stepped on the breaks in shock.

The car tires squealed loudly with sudden force and the car stopped as both husbands stared at the girl in shock.

"What?" she asked with a bored expression.

They were looking at her as if she is some ghost or something. Did they think everyone in the world was gullible?

"Did I say something wrong?" She sassily asked.

"No, but..." Ha, Mika snicked, fools.

"You're both stupid."