Number 1 Champion 2/2

"This is the end." Axel thought to himself, he shut his eyes. He was calm, knowing he was about to die.

Suddenly his heart started to race, he opened his eyes and swiftly turned around, kicking Arlo away and then Jackie.

Axel looked at Hazel. "Why do this?" He looked at her. "Impressive, well. Because it's fun." She smiled, licking the blood from the machete.

Axel's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it. A deer demi licking blood. As you know deers don't like meat, or so you think. But she just licked blood from the machete.

Axel wondered why he's so hesitant right now. Is it because she's a demi? Or is it because she licked blood. Whatever, right now his primary focus is getting out of here.

Casimir watched in the stands. "Hmm, interesting. The fox seems to have no abilities from what I can tell." He looked at a guy, he was standing there. He didn't move at all. "Felix, another serving please." Casimir looked at Felix, he had black hair and orange eyes.

Felix looked at Casimir and just nodded, pouring another glass of wine. "Thank you very much." He spoke and Felix just watched the fight, though Felix was crazy. He didn't like Casimir's actions towards demis. To slavery, soldiers or entertainment to everyone watching. If you were a soldier forced to go into whatever battle Casimir gets involved in, your survival rate is extremely low, no demi has survived the battles he was in.

Partially because they were used as sacrifices, Felix looked away as soon as Hazel got a punch on Axel.

Bad news for Felix, Casimir noticed how he moved his head away. "Why are you looking away? Are you not liking this Felix?" He asked

Felix looked back at the fight. "I do, I just wasn't expecting a punch like that. An uppercut, wow!" He laughed, of course he wasn't liking it. Greed took over him and he wanted to survive, that's why he joined Casimir.

Axel spat out blood and looked at Hazel. "God you are so boring, fight back. You haven't fought yet!" Hazel yelled.

Hazel ran at him, raising her machete.

"Because… I thought we were going to escape together, as friends." Axel looked at Hazel, causing her to stop.

Hazel looked at Axel. "As friends?" She spoke, lowering her machete. Her left eye was twitching, she was crazy.

"God this is boring!" Someone yelled. Axel whispered. "We can use the walkers for cover and book it." He looked at her. "Hand me the machete." He spoke.

Hazel hesitated, but she still gave it to him. He grabbed it, turning around he slashed both Jackie's and Arlo's head with one swing, causing them to fall to the ground.

"What the— why did she give him the machete?!" Casimir yelled in a disappointed voice.

Axel looked at Hazel. "I can't trust you, I'm sorry." He spoke, Hazel's eyes widened. "Wha-" before she could finish Axel slashed her leg. "I'm not going to kill you, but I can't have you following me!"

He began to run, Hazel clenched her leg and watched the audience grab their weapons and chase after Axel.

Casimir walked over to Hazel. "You disappointed me." He sighed and kneeled down, staring at her. "And we don't have room for disappointments!"

He pulled out a gun and fired.

Axel shut his eyes, listening to the gunshot. Did he just kill Hazel? The so-called number one champion?

He didn't have time to think about anyone, he was getting chased by the audience.

A guy grabbed Axel and he squirmed and kicked, he covered his mouth and backed up behind a tree. The audience ran past them.

He let go of Axel, he looked at him and there was Felix. "I'm not like them, I have to get you and the other demis out of here. Did Casimir ever mention escapees?" He asked and Axel nodded. "I helped them escape, though only 2 survived…" he sighed and looked at the cages in the distance and began to count the demis.

"4 demis, 4 cages. We have to get the keys from Casimir…" he mumbled and Axel nodded. "Where are they?" Axel asked. "He didn't have them on him so maybe the office." Felix glanced at Axel.

"Alright, let's go." Axel spoke, they went across the campsite. Felix had his gun out, he saw two guards. "THE DEMI!" One screamed.

Felix aimed his gun at them and fired, they hid behind a building. The building was made out of wood and just wood only, so it was obviously built in the apocalypse.

"The demi got into the artillery!" A guy yelled and they ran towards the artillery.

Felix motioned his hands and started to walk to the office, he opened the door as Axel followed him. Looking around, Axel was horrified by what he saw. You know the fish head plats that hang on the wall… well, instead of fish there were demis.

"Don't look kiddo." Felix grabbed the keys. "Now let's get them out of here." He ran, Axel followed, looking around. He had to make sure no one was following them.

Felix fumbled through the keys and tried every single key, but it was no use. "Looking for this?"

Felix paused, the keys swung into each other; making light tapping noises, there was silence.

Axel turned around and his eyes widened, his heart pumped in and out of his chest; or it felt like it.

There stood Casimir, he held a singular key. "I thought better of you Felix. Why help these disgusting creatures?" Casimir's eyes were bulging and had veins all around, like he was about to explode.

"Creatures? They're equal, just like us. I only joined just so I can survive." Felix glared at him. Casimir began to laugh, he rubbed his face. "My, my. You don't listen, do you?"

Casimir pulled out his gun. "Die." He pulled the trigger. Felix tackled Axel as the bullet zipped past them, killing a demi that was in the cage. "Help us!" One of the demis yelled.

Felix looked at Axel. "We need to go." Axel looked at him and nodded, they started to run into the forest. Bullets zipped past them.

Felix slid and shoved Axel out of the way, Axel was confused till he looked at him. Walkers flooded the area, Felix aimed his gun and fired. "Go!" He yelled and fired another shot.

Axel got up and ran.

Axel looked at Alice. "And yeah, it's my fault that they died…" he sighed. "How long ago was this?" She asked in a saddened tone. "Half a year… so 6 months." Axel looked down.

"Well, I'll be the next person to protect you!" Alice smiled, Axel looked at her and smiled a bit. "Okay."

Tabi went over to John. "Is she alright?" He looked at Tabi. "Yeah she'll live another day, another minute out there and she would have died for sure." She leaned against the wall, looking at John. "How's Yuki and Daniel, I heard they're dating." Tabi chuckled.

"Yeah they are." John smiled and drank from a bottle of water.

Cody went inside with Evelyn and the others, Rose looked at Cody. "Thank god you're okay, guess who's awake!" She smiled.

Cody went over and saw Dani, he was drinking water. "Dani you asshole." He went over and hugged her. "They told me everything, are you okay?" Dani asked.

"Not really, Jug and Zach got taken by Hayden." Cody clenched his fists. "Don't worry, we will find them." Dani spoke.

"No need, I know Hayden from the heart. He'll come to us." Cody spoke and patted Dani. "Glad you're awake."

Dani smiled. "Yeah, me too."

Evelyn went over to Ash. "Seems like the Shane guy was one of Hayden's henchmen." She spoke, Ash looked at her. "Oh really? That's sad. I thought he was good…" he sighed in disappointment and looked at Dani and Cody. "They seem to be good friends."

Evelyn looked at them and then looked away. "Yeah…" she looked at Ash and smiled.

Stalker went over to Ted. "Hey bud, look at what we have here!" He held a toy car, Ted was playing with a kid they have never seen before, but they seemed so much older. "What's your name?" Stalker asked.

He turned to look at Stalker, he has white hair and red eyes. "I'm Kronx." He spoke in a monotone voice, he had no emotion.

"Who welcomed you here?" He asked. "Ash did." He spoke and looked at Ted. "Want to go look at the flowers?" He asked.

Ted nodded. "Ted likes pretty things!!!" He smiled, Kronx stood up and grabbed a hold of Ted's hand and went outside.

They went inside the forest, Kronx looked at Ted. "Ever shot a gun before?" He spoke.