Hunt or Be Hunted 2/2

Zach lowered the gun, the guy that was holding Jug hostage fell to the ground. “Nice aim…” Jug looked at the guy. “You’re welcome.” Zach looked around. “We might have alerted the others…” Zach suggested, glancing at him.

“Right, that means we gotta go. Now.” Jug motioned his head behind him. “Please.” He spoke, picking up the guy's gun.

Jug began to walk with Zach following closely, he looked around the forest for suspicious activity. “I don’t think we’re being followed right now.” Zach spoke. Jug looked at Zach. “Who knows…” Jug looked around.

Cody sat outside, Dani went over to him. “Sup.” She waved. “Hey.” Cody waved at her and looked in the distance. “I know you don’t usually talk about yourself and how you feel; but are you doing okay Cody?” Dani sat next to him.

“Yeah, I’m doing fine. I’m just worried about the missing people, including Alice.” Cody sighed. “It’s been 8 days and Hayden hasn’t given us a visit.”

Rose limped over to Ava and Joseph. “Hey love birds.” She chuckled. “Hey.” Ava yawned. “Are you guys doing okay?” She asked and they nodded.

Evelyn was outside with Ash. “Hey Ash.” Evelyn spoke, she moved a branch away from her face. “Yeah?” Ash looked at her with a smile on her face.

“How many squirrels do we have at the moment?” She asked. “About 12.” He showed the rope full of squirrels. “You always hit the jackpots and I don’t know how.” She sighed.

Ash looked around. “I’m just a lucky guy.” He chuckled.

Evelyn smiled. “Yeah, you are.” She grabbed another branch. “These branches are annoying as hell.”

Ash bursted out with laughter. “Yeah you’re right..”

Kronx handed Ted a gun. “I snuck it over here, we’re going outside. Not too far though, we will be checking the perimeter.” Ted grabbed it. “Yes Ted protects!” He smiled and Kronx nodded. “Ted does protect.” Kronx smiled and they went out through the back exit.

Stalker and Andrew watched Kronx and Ted from the other side of the building. “I’m not too sure about Kronx anymore, are you?” Andrew looked at Stalker and he shook his head. “Kronx has been giving him a gun all week, I don’t have the guts to get mad at Ted.” Stalker sighed and leaned against the wall.

Andrew looked at him. “Brother, Kronx is a bad influence on Ted. Ted will do something bad; I can just feel it. Can you?” He looked down. “Ted won’t harm any of us, don’t worry.” Stalker chuckled and went outside, looking at Cody and Dani.

“Are you two okay?” Stalker asked, Cody nodded. “We’re just chatting.” Dani smiled. Stalker looked back inside. “Well let’s head inside for a bit, Evelyn and Ash should be back soon with food.” He smiled.

Cody smiled and looked at Stalker, then at Dani. “Alright, let’s head in.” Cody stood up, Dani nodded. “Roger that.” Dani got up, dusting herself off as they went inside.

Jug looked at Zach. “So what did Hayden do to you that made you act up like that?” He spoke with a curious voice. “He locked me up in a room that was just… white. I can see you got worse treatment.” Zach sighed.

“Yeah, Hayden carved my eye out and continued to torture me till he got every bit of information out.” Jug sighed, Zach patted Jug’s shoulder. “I’m sorry for trying to kill you. I shouldn’t have tried, my mind wanted to do it… I’m sorry. Are we still friends?” Zach looked at him with a saddened expression on his face.

Jug smiled. “Of course we are! Friends for life!” He chuckled. Zach smiled. “You’re a good guy Jug, I hope you know that.”

“Cody is too, Hayden makes him seem like a horrible guy.” Zach sighed. Though Cody hasn’t looked for them yet according to Kronx’s reports that Hayden told him; he had hope that they would make it back.

Jug’s ears perked up once he heard a branch snap. “I think someone’s following us.” Another snap was heard. “Yeah definitely.” Zach aimed his rifle.

Elfie came out of nowhere and swung the MP4, hitting Jug across the head. Jug fell down, clenching his head as blood began to cover his vision. “Zach!” Jug grumbled, he knew he was losing his sight and hearing; was he about to pass out?

Zack’s rifle clicked, he was out of ammo. “Shit!”

Elfie turned around and tackled Zach to the ground, he dropped the rifle to the ground. Elfie began to choke Zach. “Your friend killed Cody! Therefore you should die!” Elfie gripped his neck as hard as she could. “DIE! DI!” A gunshot went off and blood splattered on Zach’s face and blood, Elfie’s body slumped down on top of him, he wiped blood off of his face and looked at who shot him.

His eyes widened, Hayden killed Elfie. “Looks like she failed the test.” Hayden chuckled and licked off Elfie’s body. “Well, we should get going now.” Hayden picked up the rifle, he used a pistol to kill Elfie; Hayden put the pistol in his holster. He aimed the butt of the rifle and collided it with Zach’s head, knocking him out.

Zach opened his eyes, it must have been a few hours now since it has been raining and it’s starting to become night time. The rain pitter padded on the roof, meaning it was pouring. Zach had a bag over his head. “They’re awake.” One spoke. “The Demi was the first to wake up even with a concussion.” He chuckled.

The cars and trucks halted and doors opened and were slammed shut, a few seconds later both side doors opened and Jug and Zach were pulled out by two men. Hayden watched them as Zach and Jug were set to their knees. They were now in front of the residents of where Cody and the group live. “OLD MCDONALDS HAD A FARM EYO EYO OOO!” Hayden screamed.

“That was incorrect.” One spoke. “It’s the apocalypse who cares.” Hayden looked around. “I SUGGEST YOU ALL GET OUT OF THE BUILDING BEFORE IT BLOWS UP! OR SHOULD I SAY I WILL BLOW IT UP!” Hayden had a malicious grin on his face.

Joseph went outside. “Don’t do this man.” Joseph raised his hands, Ava watched in horror, her heart racing. “You aren’t Cody, such a disappointment! I thought you were a man of honor Cody!” Hayden pulled out his gun and fired, killing Joseph.

Ava began to scream as she tried to run out, Cody grabbed her. “Don’t go outside, they will kill us all even if they get me in their grasp.” Cody looked at Stalker. “Did you evacuate everyone?”

Ava began to punch Cody’s chest. “It’s your fault! Your fault!”

Evelyn’s ears spiked up as she heard the gunshot, she turned around, Ash began to run back. “That isn’t good!” Ash spoke, Evelyn nodded and followed.

Hayden clenched his fists and banged on the truck. “YOU KILLED YOUR WHOLE GROUP NOW!” Hayden screamed as Kaden rolled out the missile launcher while another loaded it up.

“SUFFER!” Hayden screamed. Jug and Zach tried to move but the two men were holding them down. Kaden launched the missile into the building as it exploded and began to collapse.

Evelyn saw the fire. “NONO!” Her claws shot out and she ran even faster, using trees to launch herself further. She can’t lose everyone, not Cody, not her friends.

Cody coughed as the fire engulfed the building and the metal ceiling began to collapse. Stalker was carrying Ava, she had a metal chunk in her side. “We need to go! Cody!” Stalker screamed.

Cody looked at Stalker and nodded. “We gotta fight them as well, hold them back as much as possible.” Cody picked up his gun, the rain was battling the fire.

“Let’s kill this bastard.” Stalker took the safety off of his gun and Cody nodded. “Yeah..”