2.9. Unfamiliar

And so forth, for another week I was MIA. To be honest, nobody even bothered to contact me this time.

I would sniff, smoke, inhale the hell out of my stash of pills and weed. The high of the drug would make me feel better for a while like it always does in the beginning.

But sooner it's effect deflates, coming back with twice the pain and the hunger for more. You can't help but keep consuming it until it consumes you.

Luckily for me, I had been through a dozen of these phases and came out of them, not stable but stable enough to know when I need to stop.

To say, it's not easy would be an understatement. Every time it's twice harder than the last time and had I been my younger self, I wouldn't have been able to get out of it without someone's help.

Thankfully, I'm not that person anymore. I'm a changed man. My self control has exceeded in the past few years and to say I'm proud would not do me justice.