Tuesday, somewhere in Norway
5:05 pm, 20 years prior
Felix looks at the child in astonishment before he can find his voice.
"Where did you learn English?"
"I learned by listening to the others who have come through before you. I can also speak Russian and Arabic," she says without batting an eye.
"Very interesting... Can you translate for me?" he asks.
The girl nods and waits for him to speak.
"My name is Felix. Thank you for helping me through the forest."
He waits for her to translate his words to her mother. The woman watches him as her daughter speaks. She nods and speaks while the girl listens and nods along.
"Her name is Mey'lin and she thinks you were poisoned. By the looks of you, I'd have to agree, but you seem to be recovering so it mustn't have been very potent. Follow us, we'll make sure you get food and drink as well as clothes and remedies," the little girl says with a hand gesturing for him to follow.