Chapter 9

Alia sit down at the sofa and dialed Gilbert's number and call it. And Gilbert immediately answer the phone call.

"Who is this?" Gilbert asked.

"Alia Hemlock." Alia said with a cold voice.

"Alia? How did you know my number?" Gilbert asked again.

"I asked father about your number so i can ask you some questions if i need to." Alia said with a cold voice.

"What you need?" Gilbert asked.

"Your daughter Julia is in my house." Alia said with cold voice.

"What?!" Gilbert was so shock.

"She said that you approved to her idea." Alia said.

"Thanks for taking care of her, please keep her as long as you wanted." Gilbert beg.

"What the hell! What do you think of me? A nanny? I'm not your daughter's servant Gilbert!" Alia seems angry.

"Please don't let her down." Gilbert said.

Alia sigh and show an annoyed expression.

"Fine, i just called you to make sure that you really approved to your daughter's stupid idea of getting into university." Alia said with an annoyed voice.

"Okay." Gilbert said.

Alia hang up the phone and sigh. Marco sit down in the sofa and show a smile at Alia.

"Feel stress Alia." Marco smiled.

"Marco, if you don't mind. We will be thirty minutes late to get in Yasmin's house." Alia said.

"That's fine. But why?" Marco asked.

"I have to buy uniforms for Julia and keep her paper up. Luckily i know how to organize little matters in the human world." Alia said with a sigh.

"Okay, it's fine for me Alia." Marco just keep on smiling.

"You seems very happy today?" Alia was curious.

"What should i do? I'll die after months. So i should be smiling instead of crying." Marco said.

"Marco, do you want to be a vampire?" Alia asked.

"No, Alia. I already lived my life. And I'm just waiting my death. Living too long like vampires will make it more painful." Marco is still smiling.

Alia just show a frown expression. She stand up and sit beside Marco and hold his hands.

"Marco, thanks for coming to my life even if it's just a short time. But if i really can't change your mind, then i will not force you." Alia said with a soft voice.

"Promise me that if the day comes, you have to take care of my daughter." Marco said with a smile while a tears is falling from his eyes.

Alia nod and smile at him.

"I promised. I will protect her." Alia said with a warm smile.

And then, Julia get out of the bathroom and completely wearing a beautiful brown dress.

Marco immediately wipe his tears and look at Julia and smile.

"Ms. Julia look beautiful in that dress." Marco smile.

"Really, thank you." Julia said.

Alia stand up and walk towards Julia.

"Julia, he's Marco. My dad's loyal employee who handled our company for 78 years." Alia said with a soft voice.

"Oh, hello Mr Marco." Julia said with a warm expression.

"In the human world, to protect you, you have to use the surname of Armstrong." Alia said with a normal voice.

"Why would i change names?" Julia asked.

"Because the name Gilbert Grey doesn't exist in human world." Alia said with a normal expression.

"Fine, my father's name doesn't exist in the world." Julia was kinda disappointed.

"Okay, let's go." Alia said.