A vacation in another dimension (part 5)

YESSS, Full kaleidoscope let's go! 3 5-stars CE in one go... but why it's not 3 5-star servants?

Mental health counter: 4/100


{Still inside the human's base} (3rd POV)

Continue walking even further into the base, Shayla and her little family found human's corpses lying around the place, or rather human's skeletons.

Ignoring the horror scene in front of her, Shayla continues to advance further into the base to find the last project of humans that they talked about in the last chapter.

Now walking down a stair made of metal instead of ice, Shayla's Haki could tell that she is going deeper with every step she takes and this stair will lead her to the lowest part of the iceberg, where the ultimate weapon of humans lay.

After some minutes of walking, Shayla has reached the lowest part of the human's base, what stops her is a frail-looking metal gate with an entry board next to it. Shayla move closer to the entry board and enter the code from earlier and as expected, she got the code wrong.

What? Do you expect a blind child who doesn't even know how does a number look like could enter the code correctly?

"Um... Hebi-chan, could you enter the code for me, please? I can't see the numbers." The snake shook its head 'I can't mother, the board is too small for me to press the correct numbers I want.'

"Is that so... can you point at the number so I can press it?"

'Sure thing mom'

{Half an hour later...}

Shayla finally remember how a normal number board works and successfully enter the code, the metal gate slowly open, revealing a control room connected with the back of a robot.

"Another room, but why does my Haki sense something really, REALLY big inside this room?" Shayla wonders out loud and looks around, trying to find the big object she has sensed.

Walking around the place, she notices that most of the machines and devices here still work, including artificial intelligence.

[Scanning...] A robotic voice echo the room.

"Eh? Another scanning? Shayla asked the voice

[Scanning completed, 70% human bloodline, access allowed]

[Welcome aboard, it's has been 420 years since a human has entered this place, please let me know your name and update the situation outside]

"Um, I'm Shayla, 99% of the world outside is filled with water and there is only 1% land remain according to the system," Shayla answered with the knowledge System had given to her.

[So the ocean coverage has nearly reached 100%, the satellite has stopped working so I can't scan the earth surface anymore, the emergency mode has also been shut down permanently, most of the base's operation machine has been damaged. Please contact the remaining base for help.] The voice reported

Shayla didn't know how to reply because she simply didn't understand most of the sentence meaning. But lucky for her, the system jumped in and give her a hand.

[You don't need to answer the question of an incomplete AI, it will only give you a harder question after that. Shayla-chan, can you make contact with a device that connects to this AI so I can improve it.]

"Thank you System," Shayla thanked her system and put her hand on a nearby screen, her action has made the AI shut down for a few moments.

After a minute or more, the AI was turned on again by the system. [New information updated, all humanity has been wiped out, changing ownership] The AI said in the same robotic voice

[Welcome user Shayla, I'm the last AI that existed in this dimension and from now on I will assist using Shayla in terms of technology, please take care of me.] A drone flies out of the hole on the wall, it's an orb-type drone with a screen on the front and somehow able to float without any help.

"Is this your real body? You are so... small?"

[You can say that this is my temporary body, I have stored all of my chips and core inside this drone, with this I will be able to move around with you and help you around.]

"Thank you AI-san... but do you have a name? Calling you AI is a bit too inconvenient."

[I do not have a name, you can give me a name if you want]

Shayla cupped her chin and think about a suitable name. "Then how about Aqua because I have found you in this world of water."

[Name registered, now I shall be called Aqua, please take care of me user Shayla]

"I will take care of you... if I can, I don't know how to fix a drone-" Before she could finish her sentence, another notification pop up

[Hey! I've been with you from the start, why I didn't get a name like her?] The system is being jealous of a newly joined AI :)

"Eh?" Shayla was surprised by how the system changed its voice from a girly robot voice to a real woman's voice, "you can change your voice?"

[Always has been, I have been created to guide you as a mother so this is my real voice, I have used the previous robotic voice to talk with you until you give me a name. But I can't stand aside anymore! You have given a newly joined AI a name right away yet you only call me the system all of the time! I demand you to give me a name now!]

Shayla and her little family stand shocked - I mean Shayla is dazed a bit - at the system's rant, they didn't expect the normally calm and helpful system to suddenly have an outburst just because Aqua-san has a name before her.

"Please don't be mad, I didn't do that on purpose, I just... forgot." If Shayla have emotion right now then her face would be filled with shame or shy

[... I can't blame you for that, that God has cursed you with many things, after all, I really can not expect a perfect memory from a cursed child, even a normal human wouldn't be able to remember everything.]

"Thank you for understanding, about your name... can I call you Aria?"

[Hmm, a simple name indeed, as expected from you, I can't ask for more. From now on you will call me Aria] the system

[*SLAP*] I mean Aria answered with a joyful tone.

"so... Aqua-san, is there anything left down here to explore?" Shayla asked the drone.

[Yes there are, it's the last object of humans still left untouched throughout the years. Project OC-0001 or also known as Ocean controller model 0001, a robot that is capable of taking 2 to 3 mid-tier leviathan-class at once. It can be called the human's strongest weapon in this dimension.]

After hearing the explanation Shayla is excited to see the human's strongest weapon but she is a bit lost about the class system of this world so she asked the AI again.

[The class system from lowest to highest are:

Normal class: Various from normal shark to a whale

Elite class: mutant monster fish like iron eater

Titan class: their size is usually scaled from 100 to 200 meters, sometime they will have magic

Leviathan class: all of the creatures in this category have magic, their size is usually from 300 meters and above, making them the hardest monster to deal with.

Ancient class: only 1 monster has been listed in this class so far, this is the monster that have caused the legendary tsunami that has flooded a continent and turned the world upside down. Its egg has been captured by humans after its death by eating 5 nuclear bombs directly.]

"Woah, then the robot should be really strong to be able to take down someone strong as Kame-san"

[May I know who Kame-san is?] Aqua asked out of curiosity

"Oh, he is an island turtle, he is big as an island, he is big enough for people to live on his shell."

[Leviathan file no 017: Island turtle is a high-tier leviathan class sea creature, due to its peaceful nature and incredible defence, all units are prohibited from attacking it. also...] Aqua read out loud a file saved inside her memory

Shayla was amazed by the fact that Mr turtle is a high-class leviathan so she didn't pay attention to the rest of the file, after the drone finished reading the island turtle's file Shayla asked the AI an important question.

"Ehm so Aqua-san, where is the Robot at? And can I control it?" Shayla asked hopefully

[That machine can be piloted by you or anyone who have mana inside their body, with my help you will be able to pilot it a lot easier.]

"Then what are we waiting for? Show me the way to pilot it please."

*Cockpit open sound*

[This control room is linked directly to the cockpit of the mecha so you can enter it from that door.] Aqua said and use her non-existing arm to point in the direction and Shayla somehow understand it and follow.

The final gate open as the view of the ultimate weapon of humans reveal right in front of their eyes.