
| Othrys |

Volume 2

Ch. 17 Whis



I launch at Whis starting off with a left hook that he had managed to dodge completely

I make sure my left foot was stationary and with the same force of the punch twist my body

He sees the opening I left for him on my nape and I pivot my left foot doing a quick 180 as I bring my heel over for a round kick straight for his jaw

Only he backs up and I barely manage to scratch his cheek with my the tip of my foot

"W-wow you're pretty fast" Whis says

"Whoa!? he actually scratched you, Whis?" Vados asks as Whis wiped the blood from his cheek

"I am as surprised as you are, sister" Whis says

"Alright" I giggle, clenching my fist

I knew I could catch him off guard at the start of the battle

Only I thought I could've connected both blows

For some reason I'm way weaker than I was before I fell asleep

That's means, I can let loose without losing control

"I wasn't aware you were this fast even after the ritual Kara" Whis says

"Yeah, I wasn't aware I was this slow either" I say

Ritual ?


I must be right then, he probably sealed my power or something so I wouldn't hurt anyone anymore

"But don't think you'll land another lucky shot like that again, Kara" he holds his palm out

I smile

Knowing how tough it'll be to even land a punch excites me for some reason

"Yeah I know" I say getting into an offensive stance

"Ready when you are" Whis says in a straight tone

"Alright" I take a deep breath

"What is he doing?" I hear Rhea ask Hisoka

"Beats me" he replies before I open my eyes activating the sharingan I've been suppressing

"Is that the sharingan ?" Coeus asks

"I heard only gramps and big brother Ignia had it" Rhea says

"Iapetus.. my father has it as well" Hisoka says

"Make sure you pay close attention Hisoka" Whis smiles

The pent up excitement puts a smile on my face as well

The thought of fighting someone as strong as Whis was thrilling I couldn't believe he was only my age but still this powerful

"Are you not nervous?" Whis asks

"No," I get ready to attack "more like excited" I say before launching at him doing the same thing as I did before

"You really think that'll work on me twice ?" He asks as he dodged my foot this time

"No" I smile before blasting fire from the bottom of my foot

He covers his face receiving no damage from my attack

I secretly manipulate the smoke that gathered around him before slamming my fist together igniting the smoke and exploding him inside the smoke screen

"You're full of surprises, you know that?" I see as he had jumped above and safe from my attack

"Man" I mutter to myself

"I'm pretty strong too, you know that ?" He launches himself back at me

I clench my fist crystallizing my knuckles before our fists met

The force sends a little shockwave that shook the arena and blew some leaves of the trees around the platform

I read his body movements with my sharingan and I just barely manage to deflect his fists

I release my energy in an natant managing to get him off my back before his palm could touch my liver which would've put me out for sure

"You're still so fast, Whis" I huff, finally getting out of breath

"And your not half bad yourself Kara" Whis lands about a meter in front of me

"A-Alright, I think that's enough y-you two"

Kusu says nervously

"Whuaatt!?" Whis and I gasp

"It's just about to get fun" Whis says

She looks from us, to Ignias balcony back and forth over and over

Whis and I look over to see what she was looking at where we saw the Grand Minister glaring down at Whis

"Nghk*" Whis straightens up "y-yes, father" he bows respectfully

I sigh "Awe man, I was just about to get serious" I lie knowing I basically gave it my all

Even if I would've went all out I know I still wouldn't stand a chance against Whis, but it would've been real fun

"That was very awesome, Kara!" Rhea says as she handed me a towel

"Gee thanks" I giggle, wiping my face from how sweaty I got

"Yeah unlike Hisoka, you actually managed to touch him" Coeus teases Hisoka

"Shut up, that was only because he caught him off guard!" Hisoka shouts

"Yeah-yeah" Coeus giggles

"So what now?" I ask

"Hmm your right" Coeus sighs "what to do, what to do" he thinks

"Hey, I know" Whis raises a finger "let's take a peek at the cake for later today" he says

"Ouu what's a cake ?" I ask

"It's… uhh…" Whis thinks "well I'm not sure but I've heard it's a wonderful delicacy" he says happily

"We can't do that dummy" Vados flicks his forehead "that'll have to wait after the coronation"

"Whoa, what's a coronation?" I ask

"Ignias coronation as the Omni King" Vados says

"And what's that ?" I ask

"Well he's the king or rather the ruler of all 18 Universes" Vados says

"Wow, is that really true?" Coeus asks

Vados nods

"Indeed, long ago there was one single universe" Whis raises a finger "but Kara split that universe in half. After that, he divided one half of his universe into 17 other universes and kept the other half for himself" he says

"That's a lot of universes-se-ses" I say to myself

"Whoa Kara, you actually did that ?" Coeus asks

"Oopp" Whis covers his mouth

"Idiot, you had to go ahead and open that big fat mouth of yours!" Vados growls

"Me?" I ask Coeus as Vados scolds Whis "well I don't remember doing so" I think back to when I lived alone

Hmm maybe I did it by accident?

"I'm sorry" Whis apologizes "I'm hungry that's all" he giggles nervously

"What kind of excuse is that, idiot!?" Vados pulls on Whis's hair

"Not you Kara, rather…" Kusu thinks "your father" she says

"M-my father ?" I ask

"Yeah" She giggles nervously

"Whoa, you mean like my papa Kara?" Rhea asks

Kusu nods "yes he was a very powerful being" she says

"So we have the same dad?" I ask Rhea

"And also Ignia" she smiles widely

"Whoa, does that mean Isis is also my mom?" I ask Kusu

"Hmm," she thinks "that I'm not sure of" she says

"Maybe you should ask Ignia yourself" Whis groans as Vados jumps on his back

"Hey, you're right" I start hurrying back into the castle

"Hey, I wanna come, I wanna come" Rhea shouts following close behind me

"Hehehe" I giggle "okay" I wait for her

I follow Rhea up the stairs

I guess it would've been a bad idea trying to navigate this place on my own so it was good she came along

"You're right, he is in here" I sniff the door getting Ignias scent along with someone's else

"God, holy fuck Igniahh!?" we hear Irene moan

"Whoa what was that?" I ask trying to peek under the door

"Oh my God that was so lewd" Rhea covers her ears

"c'mon" I say turning the knob before Rhea stopped me

"Wait dummy" she says "can't you see they're busy"

"Busy ?" I ask "doing what ?"

"I-I don't know" she blushes "b-but hearing Irene like that was so embarrassing" she says

"Stop being silly Rhea, c'mon" I open the door to find Ignia yank Irenes hair back as he slammed his hips against her behind

They were playing that one game I played with Zuri

"Ahha fuck!?" Irene curses painfully

"Gah!? Kara!?" Ignia pushes Irene aside after seeing me right beside the two

"Hehehe, hey Ignia" I giggle as he hides Irene behind himself

"Can I play?" I ask hopping in bed with the two

"S-sorry we just finished" Ignia says nervously

"Rhea, what are you doing here, mamas?" Irene asks

"Oh.." she blushes "Kara wanted to ask big brother Ignia something, s-so I came with him" she says

"Oh right" I look back at Ignia remembering what I came here for

"What is it Kara ?" Ignia asks

"Did you know my dad ?" I ask

"Who ?" he asks

"My dad Kara" I say

"Oh… yeah" he says

"Is he your dad too ?" I ask

"Actually, he is" he says

"Whoa awesome, that means your like my brother" I giggle

"Y-yeah" he smiles

"So does that mean Isis is also my mom?" I ask

"Well…" he thinks "not really, I'm not quite sure who your mother is" he says

"Aw man" I frown

Isis is really pretty so I was hoping she was also my mom

"Where is Isis ?" I ask, maybe she knows my mom

"W-well she should be down stairs with Kronos, I think"

"You should go ask her about your mom" Irene says as she lays back on her belly

Ignia giggles "yeah go find her" he says as he jumped behind her

"Okay" I go to the door where Rhea was waiting

"Lock the door, Kara baby" Irene says as Ignia pulls her hips back up to his crotch

"Sure thing" I giggle before doing as they said

"So where's Isis ?" I ask Rhea

"Saw her downstairs with Daddy" she giggles

"Daddy ?" I ask

She nods "big brother Kronos is super duper nice, he takes care of me a lot so I like calling him papa" she says as we hurry down stairs

"Awesome" I giggle excited to meet Kronos

"Shut up, you old fart!" We hear Coeus

"Who do you think you're talking to, kid!?" We hear someone shout

"Daddy !!" Rhea jumps on his back

"R-Rhea?" Kronos says a bit surprised to see her

"It's ridiculous how attached she got to you" Isis sighs

"Shut up, I'm the nicest one here!" Kronos shouts

"Yeah, whatever" Coeus mutters as he stormed out

"So this Kara, huh?" Kronos crouches down, poking at my chest

"Yes it is" Isis says

"What a beast" he says in disgust

"Watch your tongue, Kronos" Isis puts her foot down

"It's okay" I smile

I've gotten more than used to be calling those names

Back at my old home the towns people would run me out of their town when I went searching for food

"Shut up, he'll never be one of us!" Kronos growls at Isis

"S-stop being so mean, p-papa" Rhea says as he sets her down

"Yes, that is no way to speak to your mother" Kusu says beside Isis

"Whatever" Kronos stomps away

"Whatt-ever" Coeus mocks him just loud enough for us to hear as he came back inside after seeing Kronos leave "he always says that" he sighs

"And you don't?" Isis asks

"Sh-shut up ma!?" Coeus shouts

"What!?" Isis growls

"Oopp," he covers his mouth "s-sorry" he apologizes

"Hey Kara" he smiles after seeing me

"Hey" I smile

"Where'd you go ?" He asks

"We had to talk to Ignia" Rhea says

"Oh okay" Coeus says "the festivals preparations almost ready

"Festival ?" I ask

"Yeah, for Ignias coronation" he says

"Ohh…" I act like I know what he's talking about "is it like a party ?" I ask

"Gosh you're really dumb, aren't you?" he sighs "yeah, it's like a party. For Ignia since he's the Omni King now, remember?" he explains

"Ohhh rightt" I remember someone explaining that to me before

"C'mon let's go look at the rides" he says

"Alright" I giggle already forgetting what I came down here to do in the first place

"Geez c'mon Laylaa" Igneel begs Layla who was busy sweeping the floor

"No no no no noo !!" She shouts "I already told you!!"

"C'mon just one more" he begs

"Shut up !! You already lost Kari once today" she shouts before she stops sweeping

"Say, where's Mia ? I thought you were taking care of her" Layla asks

"Oh" Igneel smiles widely "I traded her for Kari" he holds his daughter up in front of Layla's face

"You did WHUAATTT!?" She raises the broom

"Gahh!?" Igneel steps back "I traded her for Kari, I thought you wanted her backk!?" Igneel trembles nervously

"Yeah, but what the hell are you trading around these children for!?" She chases him with her broom

"S-sorry I'll trade her backk if you want" Igneel says running for his life

"She's a baby you're not supposed to be trading her in the first place!" Layla shouts behind him

"Gahh!? help!?" Igneel shouts

"Wow that's scary" Coeus says

"Yeah we should probably go" Rhea says

"Fight mee !!" Hisoka demands

"No I already told you my father won't allow it" Whis says

"Hey guys" Vados says still holding Mia in her arms

"Hi Miaa" Rhea pinches the child's cheek

"What are you guys doing here ?" Coeus asks

"We're waiting for Lord Anubis" Vados says

"Who's that ?" I ask

"He is the God of Destruction of this universe" Kusu says

"Whoa you mean like the actual one ?" Coeus asks excitedly

"Mhmm" Kusu nods "my mother is bringing them as we speak" she says before a bright light shun right outside the gates

"Greetings" a dark figure with pointy ears says as the dust slowly settled

-to be continued