| Paradi |
Volume 3
Ch. 40 Trial
"Mmm, Yess how tasty"
I was ready for another bite when a random 5 meter Titan waddled its way to the two of us
"Haha, what is it?"
I lick my lips before punting the shit stain across the city
"HAHAHA WHOA, LOOK AT THAT SHIT!" I laugh as it splats against the southside of wall Rose
I hear the sound of flesh being ripped apart
I look back at the female Titan
The armored Titan had dug his fangs into her nape before it began sprinting off
Still alive huh?
"Hehe" I giggle
It jumps up on the wall before it began climbing to the top of inner wall Rose
I jump up digging my claws deeper and deeper into the wall as I climbed my way up
He pulls himself to the top just as I did but he had thrown himself to the ground as if he was ducking from something
"What is it?!" I huff before there was an explosion that sent me flying off the wall
The colossal Titan
"Gahhd fuck fuck fuck" I try turning around but I couldn't manage in mid air
| Kara's Past | Ch. 6 |
"F-fifteen" Asura sniffs
"Stop touching her" I huff
"I-I'm the one you want, not her. Remember?!" I squirm in my chair as he dug his knife into Asura
"Then say it, Kara"
"S-say what?! Just leave her alone!" I shout
"N-no I'm fine" Asura whimpers
He stops for a second
"Haven't you figured it out yet?" He sets his hands on mine "I want your soul, boy. I want you to give in to your temptations"
"Kara don't!" Asura shouts
But I couldn't bare to see her in so much pain
"Fine j-just let her go" I sigh
"No! Stop it, don't do it. Don't listen to him, Kara!" Asura squirms around
The nails in my hands disappear but I was way too weak to try to do anything
"One step closer to paradise" he giggles
He grabs a chain pushing it through the holes I had in my hands before raising me to the ceiling
"No no no no no, stop it!" Asura shouts as he unchains her "I'm not going anywhere, stop!" She charges at him
"Let him go. Let him go, you monster!" She kicks and punches his thighs even with all the blood running down her arms "Let him go, I won't let you do this!"
"Stop it! Get out of here, you idiot!" I growl
"No, I'm not going anywhere! We're leaving together. I'm not leaving you!"
"You wanna watch?" Lucifer asks "then sit over there!" He kicks her aside
Her head slams into the wall
"Stop it, don't hit her!" I growl
You idiot..
At least she'll finally get some sleep
I smile
"Thirty" I whisper "thirty three.. th-thirty six… th-thirty nine" I gasp
My whole body is on fire
It's as if I could still feel the pain
"Ah f-fuck" I groan
"Kara?" I hear
The pain suddenly stops
I shake my head
"You okay?" I hear again
I look up
"Yeah" she
"Nice tits" I smile widely
They grew just a bit since last we met
"Kara!" She shouts
"What?!" I stand up
"So, how yo-"
Before I got any close a chain that was placed around my neck yanks me back
"Ghk*" I choke
Where are my clothes?
I look up
I'm in a cell
They chained my wrists, ankles, and my throat
What happened?
"What happened to Trost?"
"Th-there are still troops making sure Titans don't get past wall Rose" she says
"Where am I?" I ask
"We're in Stohess District, many people reported seeing you turn into a Titan back in Trost
"Wh-what?" I sit back
N-no way right?
Now that I think about it..
I have the faintest memories of pummeling those Titans
"Th-they said you were eating a female Titan" Krista whispers
I wasn't myself
I was an animal back there
I acted no differently than them…
"Shit" I sigh
"They just got done with Eren's trial, they should be coming for you in a bit" she says
"Eren?" What happened to Eren "did Eren transform too?" I ask
"He did… only he seems to be able to control a Titan body so after he was done he left that Titan corpse behind… unlike…" she stops
What the hell is going on?
I turned into a Titan?
Is that what Frieda's power did to me?
"Akuma Amaterasu Kara" I hear a guard coming down
"I have to go now. I'll be in the scout section" she says as they get closer
"W-wait, what's gonna happen?"
"There you are you filthy creature" the two guards stop at my cell
"Shut up" I stand up
"I suggest you watch your tongue before this gets ugly"
"Yeah whatever" they come inside grabbing my chains before leading me out like a dog
I hate this
The disrespect
I should kill them where they stand
I lick my lips
What am I thinking?
That isn't me…
Is it?
Soon after walking many flights of stairs we finally made it to a courtroom
They chained me to a pole in the middle of the room before training their rifles on me
"H-hey, why so hostile?"
"Silence" Darius Zachely the man in charge of the the Garrison, Military Police, and the Survey corps demands
"Regarding Trost… many eye whiteness report you turning into a Titan… is that true Kara?"
"Sure" I shrug
"It's yes, your honor" he corrects
"Sure whatever, but I beat the shit out them didn't I?" I smile widely at the thought of ripping them to pieces
"Yes it seems so" he checks the documents
"Your honor it is bad enough we are keeping Eren Yeagar but Kara as well?" Some guy from the Military Police (MP) says
"Despite that fact, Kara is an elite amongst elites. Before he transformed he took out forty six Titans and managed to bring both the female and the armored Titans to their knees. It was only when he got blind sided that he was presumed his Titan form" Hange argues
"The fact that he became a Titan remains!" The MP's argue
"Yeah, a Titan that still fought his own kind!" Mikasa growls
"Please, your honor. Think about it. It's good enough that Eren can transform but imagine that power in the hands of an elite soldier like Kara. From here on out we'll be invincible we'll be able to reclaim Trost and Shiganshina with ease" Armin says
"Even more of a reason to put him down, what if he goes rogue?! With his skill set there's no telling what'll happen!"
"Please, your honor" Armin begs "don't you see what he accomplished?!"
"And what was that?" Zakely asks
"Up until now all we knew was that there was a colossal and the Armored Titan we never counted on there being a third intelligent Titan on their side"
"The boy is right" Erwin agrees "Kara managed to force them to use a card they were hoping to keep hidden… the female Titan"
"And what makes you think there isn't more out there?!" An MP shouts
"They were forced to retreat" Armin says
"Their plan was to completely wipe out the district of Trost with the way they trapped us inside. It was clear they were planning on annihilating every single soul inside that district" Erwin adds
"Which they did! Not one citizen survived!!"
"Kara's pup, Odin saved 43 children from those beasts!" Hange shouts
"So what?! There could've been more if Erwin didn't put himself before them!"
"Even if we did manage to save the lot it would've been no different than sending them right back to their deaths in order to preserve our food supply" Armin shouts
"Y-you, how dare you make such accusations!"
"Shut up, you pig! So many other innocent people would still be here if that weren't true!" Armin growls
I smile
I'm glad he finally grew some balls
"A-Armin" Mikasa sets a hand on his shoulder
"Please let's stay profesional" Zachely gets everyone's attention
"A-anyways if our enemy had another card up their sleeve they would've played it but instead they were forced to retreat" Armin says with a level head this time
No one had anything else to say cause they all knew he had a point
"We know you're afraid. We all are, but realistically having two Titans on our side will change the course of humanity, We'll be free at last" he adds
We wait for a response
"Y-your honor.."
"I want to see what captain Levi has to say about this" Zachely says
"Well" Levi sighs as he made his way over to me
"To be honest I'm not sure I can stand toe to toe with Kara" he admits "if he turns into a Titan I'd probably be dead along with everyone else " he pulls out a handgun from his belt
"Heh probably?" I ask
"Except" he points the barrel at my abdomen
"I know Kara" he pulls the trigger
"Haha what the fuck?!" I laugh before I fall on my ass
"No matter how crazy he might look out to be he'll never lose control" he pulls the trigger again shooting my right arm "I garentee it"
"Haha God that burns" I giggle before he stomps down on my face
"Stop it!" Krista shouts
"But I guess you can do as you'd like" Levi turns around as I forced myself back to my feet
"Though with the amount of adrenaline that pumps through this man's veins, I doubt those bullets and the two you're about to put in him are going to stop him from trying to escape" he looks at the two MPs that had their guns trained on me "so I suggest you don't miss" he smiles
"Hahaha, yeah baby. God, this shit stings" I giggle
"Enough" Zachely orders "that was quite the show Levi"
"So what will it be your honor?" An MP asks
"Akuma Amaterasu Kara, will be under strict supervision of commander Erwin and Captain Levi, the only times he will presume Titan form will be when he is underground until we are completely certain he will be conscious in this state" he says
I hear people on the scout side sigh in relief before Zachely ended the session
"Kara" Krista crouches down in front of me
"H-hey" I smile
"Kghkk" I grit my teeth as blood began spewing out my mouth
"We need to get those things out before you die" Levi says
They drag me out and into the infirmary where they took out the two bullets Levi put inside me
"So, how have you been?" I ask Krista as she wrapped the new bandages around my waist
"Fine… besides the attack. Everything felt normal… we were all celebrating, excited that we were finally gonna choose what regiment we'd be joining" she rubs her head on my arm "I was excited I'd finally get to see you" she smiles
"Right.." I sigh
"So what about you?"
"Just… I don't know.. waiting patiently for my, woman"
"Waiting patiently, huh?"
"Yeah.." I nod
"I.. I never got to return the favor for last time" she slides a hand into my pants
I smile
"It was nothing, really" I shrug it off as she slowly pulled it out
Just as she did the door opens
"Hey commander Erw-"
"Ymir!" Krista pulls a sheet over my lap
"Err uh Krista haha" she chuckles nervously
"H-hey this is Kara, remember the guy I told you about?" Krista asks
"Oh… right" she walks in "here's your clothes, umm.. Kara" she sets them on the bedside
"Anyways, commander Erwin wants to see you"
"Okay, bye" Krista waves as Ymir closes the door behind herself
"Heh that wasn't awkward" I chuckle "let's make this wait" I peck her forehead
"Aww" she frowns
-to be continued