Rod Reiss

| Paradi |

Volume 4

Ch. 52 Rod Reiss



"What?!" Rod growls

"Why didn't she transform?" Eren asks

"What's going on?!" Rod tosses the empty needle aside

"Historia…" I whisper

"Kara? What's… happening?" Historia slowly drifts off

"No-no-no!" Rod shouts as her head rolls aside

"Back off, you pig!" I tug on the chains

"Shut up!" Rod snares as he pulls out an identical box with another needle

"Don't touch her!" I growl

"There's no other way. She has to take back what is ours!" he digs the second needle into her nape

"I'll kill you!"

My thumbs snap

His eyes widen. My knees buckled as I used the little strength I had in my legs to push myself forth

"Agh*" he gasps as I slam my head onto his chest knocking him over the edge

"Haha whoa, what a wonderful turn of events!" Kenny laughs

I check Historias nape for the needle

But he had ripped it out on his way down

I manage to break free Eren so he could help me with Historia

"C'mon. You're okay. Everything's fine now."

"M-my baby" she mumbles, still half asleep "wh-where's my baby?"

"I-I'm sorry I couldn't do anything" Eren apologizes as we sit back against the wall

I close my eyes

Why me?

Why's this happening to me?

What does this world have against me?

"Kara!" I hear Sasha

"Calm down, try to control yourself." Levi pats my shoulder

"Wh-what?" I huff

"You were hyperventilating. Are you okay?" Sasha rubs my back

"Yeah… y-yeah, I'm fine"

"Alright. We need to get out of here." Levi stands up before an explosion erupts from over the ledge

"What the hell was that?!" Connie shouts

"Dammit I think Rod took the serum" Eren shouts over the raging winds

"The roof's going to collapse, can you get up Kara?" Levi asks

I shake my head

"So what now?" Jean asks as the massive Titan breaks through the roof

"I think that thing is even bigger than the colossal!" Sasha shouts

"Kara, if we don't do something now we're dead" Levi says

"Dead?" I ask

That doesn't sound too bad

"K-Kara" I hear Eren

I turn my head

"What you said back then.. is it true? You really believe in me? Do you think I can ever be like you?"

"Sure, kid. You just have to know it yourself" I smile

He closes his eyes "thanks" he whispers before running directly towards the Titan

"Eren!" Mikasa shouts

But I manage to grab her wrist before she went after him

"Kara?" She whispers

There was second explosion as Eren took on his Titan form

"Grahhhhh!!" he roars before shoving his fists into the ground

After a few seconds pillars of hardening shot out of the ground and smashed into the ceiling

"He's doing it!" Armin shouts

"Haha. That's right, blockhead!" Jean shouts

"Oh.. my.. God… We're not going to die!" Sasha bursts into tears

After the rumbling finally stopped Mikasa and Levi managed to pull Eren out of his hardened Titan

"Eren. Hey, you did it!" Armin slaps him awake

"Wh-what?" He looks around

"C'mon we have to stop Rod before he gets to the wall" Levi says

After we find a way out we meet up with commander Erwin

I made sure Historia was safely inside a wagon

"That's Rod Reiss" Levi explains everything to Erwin

"Understood. Armin, come. We need to discuss a plan to stop this Titan" Erwin says

"Y-yes, Sir" Armin hurries over

By the time the sun began rising we arrived at Orvud district where Rod was heading directly for

We set up on top of the wall and I managed to get the districts best doctor to check up on Historia

"Send someone to fetch me when she wakes up" I tell the doctor

"Yes, Sir." he nods

"Also…" I take three shots of adrenaline "I'm going to need these" I tell him

"B-but Sir, you must rest." He steps infront of me "If you use that you'll only trick your body into thinking it's fine, when in reality it's-"

"It's going to be me who kills that thing.. now move"

He steps aside

"He's right you should rest" I hear Levi after stepping outside

"You know I can't do that" I head over to pick up my gear

"Listen Kara I know you're mad but-"

"Mad?!" I stop "You're out of your damn mind if you think I'm just going to sit back."

"We already told you, Kara. By this time next week you'll be the one leading this Kingdom. Don't risk throwing this nation into ruin because you want re-"

He stops after finding the tip of my blade at his throat the moment he set a hand on my shoulder

"Nothing you say is keeping me from going out there. So stand down, soldier."

He removes his hand

I sheath my blade

I head into the shed where I was going to replace my three dimensional gear

"Captain Amaterasu, never would I think you'd stop by here, hehe." Some chick chuckles awkwardly

Her uniform was sloppy and she had an outdated badge too low on her jacket. So it's clear she snuck in here

"What do you want?" I cross my arms

"Right… I was actually hoping I'd run into you today" she opens up a large suitcase

"What's this?"

"We've been tinkering around with the gear for a while now and made this just for you" she pats the gear "we installed two tanks and a whole new lightweight motor to produce more power than the former three dimensional gear" she takes a deep breath "plus these totally awesome new anchors with the strength to reel you in twic-"

"Alright." I cut her off

"Here, just see for yourself." she hands me the little motor

I examine every inch of the motor


"Yes, Sir." She nods

I could really use this…

"Alright, I'll take it."

"Perfect, I'll just send it into the final stages of testing and-"

"What's wrong with it?"

"Wh-what? Nothing it's just-"

"Perfect." I close the suitcase

"Okay, w-well make sure you tell everyone where you got it!" She shouts as I head out

After I get ready I ride Odin to the other side of the city

This has to work

I stand up on a rooftop listening to the things footsteps get louder and louder

I bring the three needles to my neck, administering the adrenaline directly into an artery

I take a deep breath

I lean over the edge and I fall straight for the ground

The explosive power of the new ODM gear launches me forward and it takes me a second to get used to the speed

But once I did..

I didn't stop

I kept going faster and faster, speeding right past the massive crowd of people that had gathered in the middle of town like lightning

At around 30 meters before I reach the wall I launch myself into the air making sure I wouldn't slam into the wall like a bug

I make my way up at full throttle as the wall began trembling

"GROOAAAAHHH!" a deep roar dawns over the city before I finally reach the end of the wall

With the speed I was going at I manage to launch myself over a hundred meters into the air right above the faceless insect that Rod Reiss had become

I raise my arms above my head

"Now.." I gather everything I had inside me to create a massive boulder of my hardening

I could see everyone evacuating the wall as the boulder got larger and larger till it became three times the size of Rod Reiss's head

"DIE!" I throw my arms in front of me

By the time Rod had looked up at me the boulder slammed into his face before crushing it against the wall

The boulder rolled over the edge smashing his nape as it did before it fell onto the other side

"Kgh*" I cough

"Shit" I growl before my arms explode

"Ahh fuck" I gasp as I began falling out of the sky

I put every ounce of strength in my arms to create that thing so it's no wonder

I could feel my arms growing back

"Hehe" I chuckle "I did it"

I'd love to just die here and now

But I can't

We've gotten so far. We're so close to the end

"So I can't join you just yet, kid" I smile

Papas still got some work to do…

I open my eyes

I manage to gain control of my gear and with to the power behind the new motor it slows me down enough to anchor myself onto the buildings and swing me forward

I land on my side and I crash into building after building till I come to a halt

-days later-

I finally woke up after 4 days and I was sitting inside a large room, alone.

Looks like I'm inside the castle

Maybe I should just leave I'm sure as hell not ready for this

"Mgh" I groan slowly and painfully pulling myself over the edge

I could already tell I had very little strength in my arms so Historia will probably have to feed me again

Before I could get out of bed the doors fling open

"Kara!" Historia gasps

Her eyes were open wide, as if she'd seen a ghost or something

"Wh-what is it?" I ask painfully

"I-I'm still.. our baby.. it's still.," she tears up

"What?" I ask not ready for what she said next

"Alive.. our baby is still alive, Kara." She finally says

"It's… wh-what?"

She throws herself into my arms

"Alive. I-it's alive!" she sobs

"B-but how? Why?"

"The doctor said her womb is protected by a very thin layer of hardened skin that was more than enough to protect the child inside after the deadly beating Rod gave her" I hear Levi at the door

"I… thank god" I hug her tightly

"Not only that but the sole reason she hadn't turned into a Titan back then was because she had a strand of your DNA inside her."


Don't know how that makes any sense but..

"I was so scared" Historia whispers

"Yeah.. So was I" I give her a gentle kiss on her forehead

I got my baby back…

That's all that matters

"Alright, General Zachly and the rest of us want to get this wedding and coronation over with as soon as possible" Levi says

"Wedding, huh?"

"Something wrong with that?" Historia frowns

"What? No. No, of course not" I hug her tight

The time has come

I never thought I'd ever be able to bear a responsibility like this.

But it was..

A bit odd

I had this strange feeling deep inside me. That the throne..

Is where I belong

-to be continued