Declaration of War

Book Two

Volume 5

Ch. 70 Declaration of War



I took my time heading over to the gates that separated Liberio from Marley

By then it had become dark out

"Evening sir, may we see your paperwork?" A Marleyan soldier asks

"Hgk" they choke before dropping dead the moment they looked into my eyes

I continue down the empty streets

Levi and his squad did a beautiful job taking care of the scouts up on the roof tops

I manage to head towards the courtyard where the ceremony was supposed to be held without a problem

When I got closer I had to put down at least a dozen more soldiers that tried standing in my way, but after that the streets were barren

"H-hello?! Why the hell isn't this thing working?! C'mon where the hell is my back up!" I hear someone around the corner where the back entrance to the ceremony is supposed to be

After I reach the corner, I was immediately welcomed with a fist

But I of course managed to easily catch the pitiful thing

"Ghk wh-what the?!" He grunts, trying to pull his hand back before I snap his wrist

"Agh!" The pain forces him on his knees "p-please have mercy. I-I have a family."

"A family?"

"Y-yeah two little girls.. please I love them so much d-don't take me away from them so soon." he begs

"Really? You have a daughter, yet you dare treat my children and that of my people like dirt?"

"I-I'm sorry, okay? J-just please." he tears up "I won't do it ever again"

"Yes.. I'm sure you won't" I smile before I shove my finger into the gap between his eyebrows

"Agk*" he gasps for a second before his eyes roll back

I pull my finger out of his head, letting his lifeless body fall to the ground

"A family?" I set my foot on his head

"Don't worry. You will not drag them down with you." I kick his corpse aside

I slowly made my way over to the gates where it was now unguarded

I look up at the speaker

Willy Tybur, that Eldian I've so much wanted to pierce my blade through

One of the Tybur has the power of the War Hammer Titan one of the three I'm seeking

And he was right beside


Yes, he looks just as he did back then

When he got away with Reiner

"We were forced to live in constant fear, despite signing that peace treaty. We know that their true nature will one day come forth and they'll seize our women! Our children! They'll take our homes, our land, our crops, our cattle, by this time next year we'll have absolutely nothing. If we stand idly by and watch their technology advance we will fall into great ruin!" He encourages the hate everyone felt for us Eldians of Paradis

There was an uproar after he finished what he had to say

Even the gathered crowds at the side entrances went crazy

Willy continued on for a bit before his eyes met mine and crowd became as silent as he stood

Its when I began emitting heat from my body with the power of the colossal Titan, just enough to melt the metal gate that stood before me as I walk through it as if it were nothing

The only voice that was heard was… Gabi

"Please Udo, Zophia, you have to trust me, something big is going to happen!"

I guess Falco really did end up telling her

That little..

No matter, there's no point now

"Magath, please why won't you guys.." she stops, just realizing the look of terror in their eyes as the best candidate to throne the title of Overlord walk down the aisle

"M-mister Grice?" Gabi says under her breath

She smelled an awful lot like Falco today

I bet that little virgin finally blew her back out


"Who are you devil?!" A Marleyan shouts

"Easy now," I finally said "Gabi, where is Falco?"

Knowing him I thought he'd try to keep Gabi away from all this

"Last I saw, he was at his house" she says though I can tell she was lying "what's happening?"

"That's quite the show you put on for us.. Mr. Grice was it?" Willy asks

"Yes, it's been a while since I've had my fun"

"Cut the crap" Zeke growls "how'd you get in here?! Tell me how long have you been living amongst us, Kara?"

"Kara?" I hear Gabi under her breath as everyone else began murmuring their doubts

I give her a little smile

"Calm down," I sigh. "13 years ago I decided I'd travel the world. I wanted to find a better place, one where I could raise my children. What's so wrong with that? Tell me. What makes us so different from you?"

"Don't you dare compare us to you vermin!" Willy growls

"Tell me, what makes us so different?" I ask again

"Your very existence, every one of you island spawn are devils!"

"Our existence? Last I checked we eat the same as you, we drink, play, fight, laugh just like the rest of you, we are all one in the same whole"

"Shut up, you know damn straight what we're talking about, you monster!" A Marleyan general shouts

"Monster… now aren't we all," I smile "tell me what have you accomplished with these foolish wars?"

Nobody answers knowing, they've done nothing for the good of their people

"You've sent millions to their deaths, killed the innocent women and children of your enemies for the sake of coming out on top"

"Don't you dare compare those victims to you island scum, they're noble sacrifices that'll lead us to the outside world! You're people deserve to rot in hell for what you did to us!" a Marleyan shouts

"We want peace. I don't remember doing a damn thing to you! My people don't deserve to be treated like shit, for something WE didn't do!" I growl

"If peace is truly what you want, why resort to declaring war against on what is now the United Nations?" Magath asks

I sigh

"That is a question we should all ask ourselves, don't you think? Some fight to protect their people, others fight for their freedom, for greed, pride, honor and others, like the leaders of your nation, for power. The fact of the matter is that we all know there will never truly be peace without resorting to war"

I raise my head

"War is the only solution to the evil plaguing this world," I finish with a long grin across my face

"But now let me ask you something Magath. Is it our fault we were 'cursed' into this bloodline?

"No, why would it be?" He answers

"Right… because of it, in this world My people will forever be discriminated." I open my arms "but now you see, this blood coursing through my veins is a blessing, this power is mine, I am a God to you basic humans. With this power I will free My people and birth a nation in which equality will be known to everyone, you will follow My word or die."

No one dares utter a word

"Everything was written in stone the moment you banished me onto that island, now you'll pay for all the innocent blood you shed on that day" I remove my cloak finally revealing the tail and endless scars across my body I was so well known for

Everyone began panicking, frantically running out the exits after their biggest fears were confirmed



My purple flame like aura engulfs the poor souls that were trying to escape

A sudden explosion erupts right under the stage on which Zeke and Will stood

"GRUAHHHHH!!" Eren roars in response to his King as I too took on the form of a God

-to be continued