Battle of Marley ii

Book Two

Volume 5

Ch. 72 Battle of Marley



"Ghk* shit" I slowly pull myself up to the surface

"Agh!" I gasp

"What the hell is happening?!" I hear soldiers coming up

"I don't know! The buildings just collapsed!" Another shouts

"Haha" I chuckle, sitting back against a pile of rubble

She knocked me into Liberio

And from the looks of it, Marleyans had been evacuated into the city

"Out, you Eldian trash!" I hear a soldier shout as he kicked the eldians out of their homes

"H-hey are you okay?" A Marleyan soldier asks "are you from the academy?" she crouches down to examine my wounds



I looked just about her age

Plus my physique made it look like I've spent my entire life in boot camp

She sets her hands on my chest, trying to get a good look at my injuries

God, her cold touch was soothing

"Th-this doesn't look good" she reaches into her bag

Her hands were trembling


I wouldn't blame her

Imagine being stuck in the middle of the greatest threat your nation has ever faced

"What is it?"

"W-well for starters you have eight broken, a-and is sat about twelve fractured ribs in total

"Your abdominal muscles are ruptured"she sets a hand on my neck

"Besides all that, I can't figure out what these odd holes in your neck a-" she stops before she could finish, probably realizing they lead into my windpipe

"W-wait" she sits back "a-are you?" She slowly began crawling back

"Yeah" I give her a friendly little smile as she finally realized who I am "ugh* can I ask you something?" I groan as I force myself back onto my feet

"A-about what?" She stops crawling away for a second

"Do you hate me?"

She shakes her head "n-no, I do not" she lies

"Don't lie, believe me I will always know when you're lying" I stop infront of her

"Ghk*" she grits her teeth

I let my dick drag down her chest as I crouched down in front of her before it slid in between her thighs

Before she crawled further back I lean closer to her, so much that my nose just barely grazed hers

"Do you hate me?" I ask again, making sure she looked me dead in the eye

"Y-yes I do" she says in a shaken tone

"Why is that?"

"M-my mom" she tears up "my dad.. everyone.. they're all gone because of you"

"Correct" I smile

"Now.." I set my thumb on her chin before turning her head to the two children down the street

It was a boy who with a broken wrist carrying his younger sister who was knocked unconscious

"What are those?"


"Mhmm. Do you hate them?"

She shakes her head "no.."

"Correct, again. You have not a single reason to hate someone who has done absolutely nothing to you. Except those children right there are Eldian.. just like me"

"Five hundred years ago this nation enslaved humans for the color of their skin" I grab her hair making sure she looked me in the eye "you hear? The color of your skin decided whether or not you were even classified as humans or not." I point at the children "those kids right there are automatically titled as garbage before they learn their names, before they learn to walk, before they're even born!" I growl

She groans but fights the urge to let out a cry

"There are things we can not change, no matter what those children over there do, they will forever be monsters to you because of the blood they were BORN with" I shake her head

Just the mere thought of how unfair it's been from the beginning disgusts me

"It's ridiculous to blame someone for something that went down thousands of years ago" I shove her head back

She began crawling away

"My kingdom will only know equality, I will make sure to it that you obey so or die." I follow closely behind

She stops, suddenly reaching into her waist band for a handgun but I slap it aside with my tail before she could train it on me

I grab her shirt, pull her up to her feet before I shove my hand into her chest

Her eyes widen as her mouth filled with blood

I snip off the arteries connected to her heart with my fingers

She stood there motionless as I pulled her heart out of her chest

Her knees buckle and her head rolls onto my chest

I held onto her lifeless body for a few seconds before I set her down

"I'll turn into the devil himself if that's what it takes"

I raise her heart over my head, letting her blood pour into my mouth before biting down

I close my eyes taking a deep breath as I felt my body brimming with energy after I consumed the rest

I'm not at 100 but this should been enough

The ground began trembling so much that the people evacuating couldn't even walk

The War Hammer was close

I open my eyes

"Alright," I open my arms as my body was engulfed with a beautiful purple aura

The strength of the accumulating aura rose me off the ground up until my head was above the buildings in which I could see the War Hammer charging towards me

The aura itself began hardening into a twenty meter Titan

Last time I tried this I was probably around five times larger but my body couldn't handle it

Who the hell knows how I was able to even summon this strength before, but now it's completely different

After training for the past 13 years I know I should be able to handle at least this small portion of its power

I'm not sure if I should even call it a Titan

I know for a fact it's not that

"Kgh*" the War Hammer stops

In this state I felt weightless despite being armed to the teeth

I open my arms "I'll give you one last chance to bow down before your almighty God."

"Kghh*" she grinds her teeth

I draw my blade made of my own aura "do it now, before it is too late" I smile widely

"Gahd dammit, what the hell is this?!" She uses her hardening to create two katanas similar to the one I wield

"This is.. Susanoo"

"Th-the soul of the dead prince?" She scoffs

I launch at her

She stumbles after I knock her blades aside

"Kghk*" she struggles before her eyes meet my own "w-wait those eyes.." her eyes widen before I slam my foot on her chest, knocking her back

I extend my arm pointing my blade at her chest

"Kghk* this can't be!" She pulls her blades back before lounging at me

She slaps my blade aside with one of her katanas and she does a 360 right after as she got closer

I bring my blade back to block both of hers as she was still busy twirling around

She finally smashed her blades onto mine forcing me on the defensive as everything in a 20 meter radius is turned to dust and everything inside another 30 meters is blown away

I knock one of her blades aside before I drag my blade across her chest

"Ghgkk" she steps back after my blade slashed through her armor

In this state it was as if I was using 70% of the colossal

I slit her throat

"Agh!" she gasps as she stumbles back

I step forward getting my left foot behind her right before I manage to knock her other blade into the air

I bring my knee up to her chin and her teeth shatter as she's sent through the air

After she lands on her back I manage to blitz right above her

Her eyes widen as she brings her hands forth

I pierce my sword through both of her palms before shoving it through her chest

"Ghrrah!" She roars painfully

The ground trembles for a second before her hardening digs into my shoulders

I cover my main body making sure I'd be safe as her little attack sent me 30 meters into the sky

I quickly sprout wings out of my back and with a single stroke I get myself at 150 meters above the ground

I raise an arm over my head creating a pillar about 10 meters in radius and 60 meters in length before launching it right at the war hammer

After she managed to free herself from my blade in her chest she raises her hands, catching the pillar

I raise my other arm once more, creating a sphere 50 meters in radius before dropping it onto the pillar, smashing her into the ground

My hardening has improved in this state as well

But when it comes down to it, the War Hammer makes it seem like child's play

I watch as both the boulder and pilar explode suddenly

"Tch*" I grit my teeth seeing her standing in a crater that was 300 meters around

"Fine" I smile "if this" I raise my arms to the sky"is what you truly want" I summon all the strength of the Colossal into the wings on my back and launch myself even higher up into the sky

I hate that I have to rush this fight

It was just about to get interesting

But..I know for a fact my body will give up any second now

My muscles were cramping up

Look at me, how ridiculous

My body is too weak

I'm too weak

I've only been in this form for a few minutes and my body is already giving up

I was about 500 meters up in the sky when I finally began slowing down from that single stroke of my wings

I create a boulder as large as I could make it behind me, giving myself something I could push myself off of

"Alright" I smile widely

This is it..

I push myself off the boulder with the full power of the colossal

With a single stroke of my wings I slice through the air

So fast that the air itself obliterates my Susanoo forcing me to fly at her in my human state

My skin began peeling off the faster I went

It all hurt like hell but it only lasted a moment

Despite being hundreds of meters away I reached her in an instant

I hardened my entire body and watched that stupid look on her face, before I slam my fist onto her chest with every drop of strength from the seven titans I have consumed

She had no time to react or even say a prayer

Her Titan body was obliterated from the sheer power

In a split second the ground shakes and the crater multiples by six-fold blasting away people and houses as if they were made of paper

"Kghk*" I grunt, seeing the skin of my arm had peeled off

I couldn't stop shaking

I grab my arm trying to control myself before it explodes

"AGH!" I fall back as it explodes the instant it grew back again

It kept growing back then exploding again and again over and over

All I could do is make sure the rest of my body didn't do the same

My muscles felt like they were getting twisted around

"Agk*" I gasp trying to catch my breath

It's a miracle I'm even alive

"Haha" I chuckle

I finally won

That's all that matters

I close my eyes ready for my arm to explode again but it just falls to my side

"Sh-shit" I huff, forcing myself up

I limp over to what was left of the War Hammer

She was hiding inside a crystal she hardened

But even that was no match for my brute strength

The crystal she was in was smashed open and her naked body was sizzling all over

I grab her ankle before dragging her out

Her head smacks the ground before I twist my ankle and I fall back on my ass

"Ghk" I grunt, forcing myself back to my feet

Before I could do a thing I feel her fist slam into my jaw

"Agk*" I stumble back jerking my tail side to side as I try finding my balance "heh, you bitch" I smile seeing she was barely able to even stand

"S-stay back.. y-you filthy, f-filthy monkey" she huffs

-to be continued